neck pain

10 Exercises That Relieve Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common problem that many people experience each day. The number of neck and back issues has increased dramatically since people always look down at their phones or other electronic devices. If you’re on a computer for hours, the tension and stress caused by an unhealthy posture can cause tension headaches and even migraines. The good news is that you don’t have to live with that chronic neck pain. You can do simple exercises to help increase your range of motion, ease the sore muscles, and bring relief.

Relieve Neck Pain with These Simple Exercises

Here are ten of the best neck exercises out there. Many of them can be done at home or the office.

neck pain exercises

1. Chin Tuck to Relieve Neck Pain

Tight shoulders and neck pain are commonplace when you work at your desk all day. Thankfully, exercises like the chin tuck can help to alleviate the strain. Your neck will become elongated as you stretch the muscles. It’s helpful to put your fingertips on your chin to push your neck into place. Here’s how:

1. Stand up straight with your hands at your side.

2. Stretch your neck as tall as you can get it.

3. Place four fingers on your chin and push your chin backward.

4. The chin will tuck into your neck and stretch the weak muscles.

5. Strive to hold the pose for three to five seconds.

2. Isometric Neck Pain Exercises

For this exercise, you can sit or stand. The key is to be comfortable to get the best benefit from this maneuver. Here’s how:

1. Get in your comfortable position of standing or sitting. Take your left hand and place it on the left temple.

2. Move your head and push against your left hand. There should be a struggle as the head wants to move, but your hand is holding it back. Hold this stance for 3-5 seconds.

3. Release the pressure, and then do it again.

4. Now move to the right side and do the same maneuver. Once you’ve done the rep for the right, move to the front and then the back.

*The key is to keep your head in a neutral position to ensure your neck tension and stress are worked out of the muscles.

3. Neck Rotation

If you’re dealing with neck pain, you need instant relief. If you’re feeling discomfort or having headaches due to neck alignment issues, you can do the neck rotation anywhere. It can help with swelling and inflammation caused by a slipped disc. Here’s how:

1. Start by standing with your back against the wall.

2. Stretch your hands to the side slightly bent.

3. Now, turn and look over your right shoulder, only moving your neck. Hold it for a few seconds.

4. Come back to the middle, switch and look to the left. Hold this position for a few seconds.

5. Strive for five reps on each side.

4. Shoulder Roll

Shoulder rolls will increase your flexibility in your neck and shoulder area, but it also helps with chronic pain issues. Here’s how:

1. Start in a sitting position on a comfortable mat.

2. Lift your shoulders upwards towards your ears.

3. Next, move the shoulders down toward the back.

4. Roll them up and down for about five to seven reps, and switch sides.

5. Levator Scap Stretch

Do you have text neck syndrome? According to the National Library of Medicine, text neck is becoming a concerning problem among children and adults. Its musculoskeletal pain is caused by constantly looking downward, putting stress on the cervical spine. This exercise can help release this pain. Here’s how:

1. Turn your head to a 45-degree angle.

2. Now, look down towards your armpit.

3. Strive to hold this stance for thirty seconds.

4. Repeat on this side three to five times, and switch to the other side.

*If you want to increase the pressure to get more from this stretch, use your hand to hold onto your head and slightly pull on your head as you look down. If you have intense neck pain, only try to do the simple version until you get rid of the tension and stress in the area.

6. Upper Trapezius Stretch Can Ease Neck Pain

This stretch can bring relief if you’re prone to knots in your neck. Working the upper shoulder and neck can work out those kinks and eliminate headaches. Here’s how:

1. Sit up nicely and straight in a comfortable chair.

2. Turn your head sideways so that your right ear comes down and touches the right shoulder. Make sure your head stays straight and your back doesn’t move. Hold for thirty seconds.

3. Now, switch and do the left side.

7. Anterior Neck Stretch

Do you have range of motion issues? You must freely turn your head to drive and do many other activities. Stress on the neck muscles can limit your motion as the tension is painful. You can help this with a neck stretch. Here’s how:

1. Find a comfortable position, either sitting or standing.

2. Turn your head to the right and look towards the ceiling. If you’re doing this stance correctly, you will feel the tension in the front of your neck. Put your hand on your head to intensify the stretch and push slightly backward. Hold for ten seconds.

3. Switch and do the other side.

4. Strive to do three reps on each side.

8. Prone Cobra to Reduce Neck Pain

Neck pain caused by slipped discs and tension is commonplace. Exercises like the cobra help remove the area’s stress by correcting postural imperfections. According to John Hopkins Medicine, many folks develop kyphosis, a rounded curvature at the top of the spine.

There are three kinds of this curvature, and Postural Kyphosis is the most commonly observed. You can correct this by doing maneuvers like the prone cobra. Here’s how:

1. Using a mat or a comfortable spot, lie on your stomach with your arms down.

2. Gently lift your head and chest off the ground while bringing your arms outward. If you’re doing this correctly, your thumbs will be pointing toward the ceiling.

3. Now, squeeze the shoulder blades together and position them as close to the waist as possible.

4. Keep your spine aligned straight, hold for a few seconds, and relax. Try to strive for three minutes of doing this maneuver to achieve the best results.

*If you notice that your back aches while doing this exercise, you can squeeze your glute muscles to release the tension. However, if you don’t feel any stress, leave your glutes loose.

9. Neck Circles

Sometimes getting rid of the tension and stress in your neck is as easy as doing a simple exercise. Neck circles are simple and quite effective. It tends to release pressure and make sure everything is in its proper place. Here’s how:

1. Stand or sit up tall using good posture.

2. Start with your head in the forward position.

3. Now, you’re going to work clockwise. Put your chin to your chest and hold for a couple of seconds.

4. Next, put your ear to your shoulder and hold.

5. The next step is to move the back of your neck toward the back area.

6. Finally, put the other ear on your shoulder.

7. Do three to five circles going clockwise, then you should switch and go counterclockwise.

10. Swan

Tension and neck pain almost always comes with upper back stress too. The swan is one maneuver that will help with alignment issues and strengthen your posture. It targets the back, neck, and spine. Here’s how:

1. Start on the ground using a yoga mat and lie on your stomach.

2. Bring your upper body up at a slight 45-degree angle and raise your feet off the mat. Stretch your arms out in front of you.

3. Move your feet and upper body towards the ground, but make sure you don’t touch the floor.

4. Rock your head and feet back and forth to strengthen the upper back and midsection.

5. Change it up and use your hands on the ground and use them to push off while you lift your legs up and down.

6. Repeat three to five times.

Final Thoughts on Relieving Neck Pain

Chiropractic care is an excellent way to use manipulations to help the body heal naturally. Many of these exercises for neck pain are used during physical therapy. You can learn to live pain-free by simply incorporating a few stretches into your day. Since working on the computer is an inevitable part of many people’s lives, you must find a way to do it and maintain your cervical health–these exercises might just do the trick.