
10 Health Tips Your Butt Wants You To Know

Call it what you will: bum, buttocks, derriere, glutes, tushy. Our butts aren’t often a topic of discussion very often. But (no pun), our bottoms actually say quite a bit about our health.

There are three muscles main muscles “at work”: the gluteus medius, which is attached to the hip’s side; the gluteus minimus; and the gluteus maximus. In case you were wondering, the minimus is the smallest muscle of the group; while the maximus is the largest. Actually, the gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the human body, and makes up the shape of the rear end.

We’re here to get to the bottom (ok, pun intended) about what our rears say about our health. We’ll discuss some interesting factoids based on research; while giving you some good information on how to keep your butt healthy.

Here are 10 health tips your butt wants you to know:

1. It is vital to strength and posture

Many movements involving our legs, thighs, hips and toes utilize our butt muscles. Without sufficient “butt power,” we couldn’t climb stairs, crouch, get up, stand tall or walk. When our glutes lack the necessary strength to execute these basic movements, other parts of the body must compensate. When this happens, extra and unnecessary stress it put onto areas of the body, which can cause poor posture or muscle imbalance.

2. Shape matters…a lot

More specifically, people who store fat in their waist – as opposed to the hips or butt – may have a higher risk for developing cancer. In a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers discovered that “people with…central (abdominal) obesity had the highest risk for death overall from cardiovascular disease compared with people without central obesity, regardless of the BMI.”

3. Laxatives can be bad

When we’re, ahem, “stuffed up,” it’s so tempting to go to the market and buy some chalky-tasting liquid to help. As it turns out, laxatives do carry a risk of dependence; specifically, functionality of the colon can diminish after ceasing use of laxatives. Instead, try hydrating more; add some fiber to your diet; or just get up and exercise.

4. Sugar alcohols are terrible

How many of us sweet-lovers were excited when sugar-free cookies, cakes, sodas, etc. hit the shelves? *Raises hand* However, most products advertising “SUGAR-FREE” on the label are made up of sugar alcohols – mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, and others – that are un-absorbable by the body. When these indigestible sugars reach the colon, bacteria within the digestive tract must dissolve them, leading to potentially-severe gas problems; watery bowels, diarrhea…etc.

5. Poop shape can indicate health problems

We didn’t want to go here. Really…we didn’t.

But poop that is ultra-thin may obstruct the colon or rectum, requiring the stool to “thin out” to exit. Sporadic cases probably indicates a bout with constipation. However, monitor the duration of these bowel movements. If they continue to occur over the period of a month, call a doctor.

6. Texting on the pot isn’t good

No, we don’t mean “that” pot…we mean the toilet bowl. Aside from the fact that it’s disgusting…

The problem is all about posture. When we’re tapping away on the phone, pressure is placed onto the lower part of the rectum. If this happens often, veins located around the anus can swell, multiply, and produce hemorrhoids.

7. A gentle wipe is all that’s needed

This can be tough when we’re a little (or a lot) itchy “down there.” But, as with all skin, the skin around the butt can get irritated. When we are being a little too strong with the TP, small tears can surface on the skin. The result: an itchy butt.

Also, stay away from scented or flushable wipes, as they often contain chemicals that can irritate the skin.

8. Frequent gas passing is (usually) not bad

Yes, we’re discussing farts. Foods that are high in fiber – beans, fruits, grains, veggies – are fermented by bacteria within the colon, forming gas. Someone that eats a diet high in fiber may pass gas over a dozen times a day – and that’s completely normal.

Related article: How To Flush Toxins From Your Fat Cells

9. Colonoscopies are important

Strangely, the idea of getting a colonoscopy remains a bit “funny.” Well, we’re here to say that they’re not. These examinations are crucial for detecting colorectal cancer – a fatal disease.

According to the American Cancer Society, everyone that reaches the age of 50 should undergo the procedure. Depending upon test results and risk categorization, the medical professional will then detail a screening plan with the patient.

10. Butt surgery is one of the most common

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), someone’s butt is being “sculpted” every half hour. Butt augmentation is among such procedures – fat is sucked from other parts of the body and implanted into the rear end. Butt lifts, butt implants…and…anal bleaching?

One may argue whether this last one belongs on the list, but come on! Even the ASPS states: “buttock augmentation surgery is right for someone who does not like the shape of their buttock or is looking to balance their body.”

Is this really a good reason to go under the knife?

American Cancer Society recommendations for colorectal cancer early detection. (2016, January 27). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from http://www.cancer.org/cancer/colonandrectumcancer/moreinformation/colonandrectumcancerearlydetection/colorectal-cancer-early-detection-acs-recommendations
Sahakyan, K., Somers, V., Rodriguez-Escudero, J., Hodge, D., Carter, R., Sochor, O., . . . Lopez-Jimenez, F. (2015, November 10). Normal-Weight Central Obesity and Mortality. Annals of Internal Medicine, 163(11). doi:10.7326/p15-9040
What is buttock augmentation? | Buttock Augmentation. (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/buttock-augmentation