
10 Important Signs Your Body Is Asking For Help

When we think of intelligence, the human brain comes to mind – and rightfully so. However, it this sells the rest of our body short, in a way. The fact is that our bodies are also brilliant.

One way such intelligence manifests is how the body responds to internal stimuli. Despite of the millions of processes taking place within the body at any given time, we have an inherent ability to ‘feel’ when something is wrong.

The important question to ask, then, is how well do we pay attention to such feelings. The simple answer is that some are very attuned to bodily signals, while others are borderline neglectful.

As a result, one can confidently postulate that human health has become much more complicated, expensive, and intrusive because of our unwillingness or inability to understand the body’s attempt to communicate.

This leads us to the topic of today’s article: signals the body sends that may indicate a need for help; whether this help means medical intervention, dietary changes, or a need to re-evaluate one’s way of life.

Why is this important? Well, for many reasons, but preventing illness or disease may be among the most crucial. We must pay due attention to what, how, and when our body is communicating to us to successfully deter, and hopefully prevent, health conditions that threaten our existence.

“The human body and mind are tremendous forces that are continually amazing scientists and society. Therefore, we have no choice but to keep an open mind as to what the human being can achieve.” – Evelyn Glennie

10 Important Signs Your Body Is Asking For Help

Without further ado, we present 10 signs that your body may be signaling for help. Unsurprisingly, many of these signs revolve around dietary habits, as will be explained below.

asking for help

1. Persistent dry skin

Dry skin is often uncomfortable and annoying. Our largest organ, the skin, will crack, itch, and scale if we are not consuming enough vitamins – particularly, Vitamin E – in our daily meals. Try adding more fish, nuts, and healthy oils to your diet to alleviate some of these symptoms.

2. Brittleness of the hair and/or nails

Like dry skin, brittle hair or nails usually indicate a nutrient or vitamin deficiency. Low calcium and/or vitamin B levels can cause these areas to crack, dry, and scale. The solution is to include one or more of the following: whole-grain bread, whole grains, milk, legumes, or potatoes.

3. Increased desire or consumption of sodium or salty foods can mean your body lacks minerals

Most minerals have a salty composition. So when the body craves salt-laden foods (e.g. potato chips, peanuts, dry meat, etc.), it is often an indication that additional mineral supplementation is needed. Also, craving salty foods may be a sign that there is inflammation or an infection somewhere in the body.

4. Increased desire or consumption of sugary foods

Similar to other cravings on this list, the impulse to eat more sugar generally indicates a lack of proper dieting. This aside, there are plenty of ways to counteract these cravings: drink lots of water, eat fresh and leafy greens, and/or eat more healthily and frequently.

5. Increased desire or consumption of raw foods can meed a problem in your body

Raw foods (e.g. sushi, sashimi, cheese) may indicate some imbalance within the gastrointestinal or digestive system. The reason: raw foods are effective in alleviating uncomfortable conditions such as gastroenteritis or cramping. Supplement these foods with fresh and leafy vegetables, and fruits.

6. Increased desire or consumption of seafood

Here, the problem can be two-fold; either there is a lack of nutrients or minerals (most likely protein) or some iodine deficiency. Seafood – in many forms – is a healthy dietary choice. However, be sure to include fresh cuts of meat or poultry, or some sort of substitute for vegans/vegetarians, to ward off such cravings and balance your diet.

7. Psoriasis can signal a problem with the body

Similar to other manifestations of dry skin, the presence of scaling or psoriasis on the arms or elbows is indicative of insufficient vitamins and/or minerals. Vitamins A and C are common culprits. This in mind, try to include foods such as apricots, carrots, or oranges.

8. Cramping, Poor Sleep or Insomnia

Of all symptoms, these three are often the most troublesome. Magnesium – a known inhibitor of neuronal activity, and potassium – an important nutrient for brain, heart, and muscle health, can alleviate many of these ailments.

Foods such as green and leafy vegetables, almonds, nuts, apricots, plums, bananas, and many others, can help suppress or eliminate such physical and psychological symptoms.

9. Bleeding from the mouth or gums

Bleeding of the mouth or gums often occurs because of a lack of vitamin C. However, ensuring the proper practice of oral care is essential as well. Vitamin C can be found in many sources: fruits (especially oranges), veggies, and garlic.


10. An increased desire for sour foods or beverages

Hormonal changes in the body (e.g. in pregnant women) can result in desiring more sour foods or drinks. Additionally, the ingredients contained in sour foods stimulate the liver and gall bladder – potentially indicating a problem with one or both.

Healthy sour sources include cranberries (or cranberry juice), lemons or limes.

Kapner, M., DDS, Zieve, D., MD, MHA, & Ogilvie, I., PhD (Eds.). (2016, February 22). Bleeding gums: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 04, 2016, from
What does craving sour foods mean? (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from
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