law of attraction

10 Reasons Every Person Should Know About the Law of Attraction

So are you wondering about the Law of Attraction?

“Doubt and worry freezes people. Don’t sit wondering if you can do something. Just go and do it. Doubt of any kind can be ended with action.” – Bob Proctor

The first half of this article is for those unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction or who wish to know more. Then, the second half discusses ten reasons people should know about the practice.

About the Law of Attraction

In simple terms, The Law of Attraction (LOA) is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we intend. Besides LOA, you might hear the term manifestation.

In the history books, LOA is thought to have spawned out of the New Thought Movement. Furthermore, this philosophical movement supposes that “Infinite Intelligence (is) everywhere, the spirit is the totality of real things, true human selfhood is divine, divine thought is a force for good, sickness originates in the mind, and “right thinking” has a ‘healing effect.’”

In practical terms, LOA teaches the following:

  • People and thoughts form pure energy. Of course, these can be positive or negative. Undoubtedly, individual ideas are the most potent influences in one’s life. Additionally, those thoughts connect with the Universes’ energy.
  • Our thoughts are classified as either “limiting or self-destructive (‘negative’) thoughts” or “empowered, adaptive (‘positive’) thoughts.”
  • “Like energy attracts like energy,” and a person can work on increasing good energy. This knowledge will improve various aspects of life (e.g., health, financial, interpersonal, and spiritual.)
  • Should a person’s usual disposition be negative, LOA teaches the mind to reframe such thoughts. Because they use cognitive reframing techniques, affirmations, and creative visualization, it’s naturally effective.
  • Our thoughts produce energy, which is either “in tune” or “out of tune” with Universal Law. This Law ultimately determines what a person “receives.” It can be good or bad.

law of attractionRationale

Now, regardless of whether one is an ardent believer or a skeptic of the New Thought movement, there is no denying the presence of experts espousing the scientific rationale behind LOA and similar teachings. For example, think of Buddhist Meditation.

Dr. Srini Pillay, a Psychiatrist, Brain Researcher, and professor at Harvard Medical School, writes about LOA:

“Recent brain imaging studies are rapidly showing that the brain does conform to its function to the ‘Law of Attraction’…Anxious people make other people worried, and fearful people make other people afraid. Similar principles apply to happiness, and expected reward, when our brains will light up, centers that correspond to these emotional states in others (do as well)… ‘contagious actions,’ ‘contagious feelings,’ ‘intention action connections and ‘attention action connections all support the ‘law of attraction,”

Dr. Pillay concludes, “Underlying all of these ideas is the notion of connection – we are connected within and without…The depth of our feelings and actions is a critical variable in ‘attracting’ what we want to our lives.”

Things we should know about LOA

It’s helpful to know that LOA practitioners are similar to those who adhere to religious doctrine or other belief systems. Indeed, they often seek to clarify misconceptions about the practice. Rightfully so. They also strive to inform and perhaps guide someone down their life’s path, which may involve the Law of Attraction!

Here are ten reasons people should know about the Law of Attraction

Remember this advice.

1. Universal knowledge trumps ours

Science estimates that the Universe originated 13.82 billion years ago. In that time, forces beyond human comprehension designed and implemented laws that continue to govern the Cosmos. Furthermore, in their 200,000 years on Earth, modern human beings have only scratched a thin layer of the Universe’s secrets.

In other words, the Universe possesses wisdom beyond human understanding. More importantly, we can communicate with this wisdom.

2. Initial resistance is common

LOA practitioners face the same opposition we all do when introduced to a new way of thinking. Learning and understanding the concept of LOA or being inspired by its teachings and methodology is not the same as true belief. It’s normal and healthy to question things. This is something that the LOA adequately addresses and encourages.

3. Our “inner world” requires evaluation and work

Thus, to change our thoughts – thus, our circumstances – we must evaluate and work on our inner world of thoughts and beliefs. Of course, “work” in this sense means acknowledging any internal turbulence or negative thinking patterns and addressing them.

4. “Divine” timing is everything

LOA teaches that there’s a plan for everyone’s life and that the manifestation of this plan requires patience. Furthermore, the intentions we’ve set for our life may not come to fruition until we acquire specific knowledge that the Universe necessitates.

The word Divine means different things to different people. For some, it’s universal energy; for others, it is fate, karma, or a Creator. You may call this force whatever you wish, but you can’t deny its presence!

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5. The Universe requires our participation

Some religions teach “complete surrender” to a Creator. And others forbid specific acts, calling them “sinful.” However, the LOA teaches no such dogma. Instead, it does compel individuals to make their intentions known to the Universe. Thus, they believe in co-creation. Because of this belief, they form a partnership with the Cosmos’ energy to achieve our aims.

6. Don’t fake your emotions

Law of Attraction encourages the honest expression of emotion to acquire the things which we seek. A founding tenet of LOA is that the Universe sends back the energy it receives. Therefore, it’s good for those to wait until they’re happy or at peace before making their intentions known.

7. LOA isn’t intended to manipulate

A small minority within the LOA community believes that Universal Law can be used to control others. This viewpoint is not only woefully inaccurate. Additionally, it insults those who use LOA’s methods to better themselves and their world.

8. Letting go is a necessary skill

Since what we receive from the Universe depends on the energy we emit, letting go of internal conflict is a skill we must all learn. Many who practice LOA are minimalists and don’t require much to love; thus, they’re less vulnerable to being hurt by external influences. They’ve mastered the skill of letting go.

9. You have a spiritual support system

Many within the LOA community are very spiritual people. This deep sense of spirituality involves believing in immaterial, good forces such as angels or spirit guides. Moreover, these forces can reassure someone of their path and reinforce their faith.

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10. NOT everything that happens in life is your fault

One common misconception people have about LOA is that it teaches people to believe everything wrong in their life is of their own doing. However, what Law of Attraction does explain is transcendence. This is the belief that the Universe helps us learn, grow, and fulfill our destiny. However, practitioners still acknowledge that some things are out of our control and indeed beyond human comprehension.