
10 Reasons to Try Acupuncture for Allergies

Studies show that more than fifty million people in the United States suffer from allergies yearly. If you are one of those millions, you may be looking for solutions that don’t include over-the-counter medications for allergy treatment. Maybe medications don’t seem to work for you, or maybe you just don’t like to take them; whatever your situation is, it may be worth it to try acupuncture for allergies.

Having seasonal allergies can limit your ability to enjoy the outdoors during certain seasons, and it can cause you to miss out on several enjoyable activities. Instead of being cooped up inside your house the whole time when the weather is nice, acupuncture for allergies could lessen the effects and allow you to enjoy the outdoors again without feeling miserable.

The best part about treatment for allergies is that it eases the allergy symptoms without any of the side effects that can be caused by over-the-counter medication. Another perk is that the treatment can improve your overall health and possibly cure the underlying issue causing your allergy.

Allergy Symptoms You May Reduce With Acupuncture

The symptoms that can be reduced with this allergy treatment option include the following:

  • Itchy, watering eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Runny nose
  • Stuffy nose
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Hives
  • Eczema
  • Dizziness
  • Wheezing
  • Rapid breathing
  • Feeling of tightness in your chest

The symptoms may or may not disappear entirely, but the symptoms will be lessened, allowing you to feel so much better.

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What is Acupuncture?

While easing the symptoms of allergies and fixing the underlying cause sounds great, you are probably wondering what this treatment actually is. Sure, you’ve probably heard of it, but it is a complex practice that few understand. With the practice becoming more and more common and well-known, however, more research has been done to help understand the correlation.

This technique is commonly used in Chinese medicine and focuses on stimulating pressure points on the body. Stimulation occurs in the form of thin needles being placed just under your skin in specific places and positions. Only professionals should attempt this treatment, as it requires specialized training.

Now bear with me here; although it involves needles, this practice is safe, well-researched, and only causes minor discomfort when done by a professional. That small discomfort is well worth the allergy relief you will get in return, and you likely won’t even think about it.

Reasons to Try Acupuncture for Allergies

1. The treatment eases sneezing, coughing, and watering eyes almost instantly.

Three of the most annoying and common symptoms of allergies can be relieved through this treatment for allergies. Clearing or minimizing these symptoms can allow you to live a little happier and more comfortably.

2. It can help with the underlying problem.

One of the best things about this type of treatment for allergies is that it does more than alleviate the symptoms. It also helps fix the underlying issue that causes the allergy, which means that it may not be such an issue in the future. This isn’t to say that you will never have an issue again, but you may notice that you can go longer between treatments than you could with other remedies for allergies.

3. It has no adverse side effects.

Unlike over-the-counter allergy medication, this treatment option has no adverse side effects other than occasional slight bruising. Conversely, medication can cause drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, an upset stomach, blurred vision, and a dry mouth. It may be challenging to go about your typical day if you experience those side effects from medication, leaving you with no option but to suffer.

4. It balances your body.

This treatment helps your body regain its average balance by allowing energy to flow properly. Continued treatment can eventually permanently bring your body’s balance back to normal, which may lessen allergy attacks.

5. It offers quick relief from allergy symptoms.

If alleviating the symptoms alone isn’t enough, you will be happy to know that this treatment alleviates those symptoms quickly. Studies show that it offers relief from allergies more quickly than medication, and the effects last longer. This makes the treatment preferable, as it won’t need to be done so often.

6. It improves your breathing quality.

Oftentimes, allergies cause your breathing quality to lessen. Sometimes it becomes such a problem that it is difficult for you to go outside or catch your breath. This symptom can be heavily reduced through treatment.

7. It allows you to feel better overall.

Let’s face it. No one feels good when they are suffering from the symptoms of allergies. While this treatment works well for allergies and makes you feel better, it can also offer an overall feeling of well-being. Stress relief, tension relief, and body balancing, it seems to work for all areas of your body and mind.

8. Relieves pain associated with allergies.

You know all too well the aching feeling that comes along with having allergies. Body aches, headaches, and pressure are common symptoms of allergies, so reducing the pain is a definite benefit.

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9. Reduces pressure from inflamed sinus cavities.

When your allergies are acting up, one of the first signs you may notice is inflamed sinus cavities. This pressure can hurt, cause headaches, and make you miserable. Studies show that patients of this treatment notice a reduction in pressure immediately, even before their session is over.

10. It allows you to enjoy outdoor activities.

Allergies will often keep you cooped up in the house since going outside will only worsen them. With long term relief of allergy symptoms, you will be able to look forward to enjoying activities outside and save being inside for rainy days. You won’t have to worry about being drowsy from over-the-counter allergy medication, which will help you enjoy the day even more.

How to Set Up an Acupuncture Appointment

If you are anything like me, you have no idea where to find an acupuncturist in your town. Before I had ever been to one, I didn’t even think there was an acupuncturist in my city. I quickly found out that I was wrong, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding an acupuncturist in your city.

Chances are, a professional in your area specializes in this treatment option for allergies. A simple internet search should bring up the ones nearest you. Simply search for “acupuncturist near me” (or something similar), read reviews, and check ratings online before calling to make an appointment.

You should be sure that the professional acupuncturist you choose is:

  • licensed
  • using single-use disposable needles
  • experienced with using this technique for allergies
  • providing an experience, you are comfortable with

Find a reliable, trusted acupuncturist and talk to them about the treatment. They’ll be able to answer any of your questions, so you can determine if their style and practice are right for you.

Other Benefits Of Acupuncture

It is essential to point out that acupuncture can be used for many other areas of your life. While you’re getting this treatment for reducing allergy symptoms, you can also discuss the many other benefits of the treatment and see if any of your other ailments can be resolved or lessened. The process is mostly the same for all issues, only with different pressure points being stimulated.

An experienced acupuncturist may be able to offer treatment for:

  • Pain relief
  • Relaxation and reduced stress levels
  • Migraine relief
  • Weightloss
  • Sleeping disorders (such as insomnia)
  • Depression
  • Addiction
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety

acupuncture for allergies

Final Thoughts On Reasons to Try Acupuncture for Allergies

Allergies are a common hindrance in many Americans’ lives, which is why research has been done to see the benefits of acupuncture for allergies. Not only does this treatment reduce the symptoms of allergies, but it does so quickly and can last long-term.

This allergy treatment doesn’t have the unnecessary side effects of over-the-counter medications, giving you a natural alternative for allergy relief. The practice is safe, and effective and can allow you to live a more normal life instead of being controlled by your allergy symptoms.

You should always speak to your doctor about this treatment option and use it in conjunction with anything your doctor says is necessary. It is also important to remember that each acupuncturist is different, so if you don’t mesh with one, try another acupuncturist who uses a different method or technique. The benefits of this treatment for allergies are well worth finding the perfect professional for you.