
10 Things to Remember When You Feel Alone

Many of us still feel so alone occasionally on this planet of more than 7 billion people. As paradoxical as that seems, almost everyone can relate to these feelings and experiences them at some point. Are these feelings unnecessary? Not always; every emotion we feel can unearth a hidden lesson and deeper meaning that we might have missed by not paying attention to our feelings.

However, next time you feel a wave of loneliness overcome you, remember the following advice to help you sift through those emotions.

“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with. – Wayne Dyer

10 Things to Remember When Feeling Alone

happiness quote

1. Feeling alone reflects your relationship with yourself.

How often have you gone out with new or old friends, wondering why you feel so alone in a group of people? It happens to the best of us. But, if you dig into those feelings a little deeper, you might find that you actually feel disconnected from yourself and therefore have trouble relating to others. Spend time nourishing your relationship with yourself, and give yourself the attention you deserve. Many people look for any distraction to avoid themselves, whether it be people, alcohol, drugs, food, or shopping. Learn to enjoy your company, and you will slowly improve your connection to yourself and the world around you.

2. There are always friends or groups with common interests out there.

Connecting with like-minded people can quickly dissolve isolation, so consider joining local groups to make new connections. Do you like hiking? Cooking? Painting? Running? Well, in most big cities, and even smaller ones, you can find many organizations that have weekly or monthly meetups for various interests. Maybe you need to make more new friends you have in common, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and introduce yourself to new experiences.

3. Most people have felt alone at some point.

Almost everyone on this planet experiences loneliness; we are just trying to figure things out together, so you’re not alone. This life is just an experiment; no one has the answers. To reassure yourself, you could even ask someone at the bus stop or at work if they ever feel alone. Most likely, they will answer “yes,” and you might even make a new friend. Don’t mask your feelings; embrace them and never doubt that someone out there can relate to how you feel.

4. By allowing yourself to get lost all alone, you will find yourself.

We all have grown up in a molded society that tells us who to be, what to buy, and what to believe. However, when you detach yourself from all the noise and expectations and create your path, you get to redefine yourself. Or, invent yourself if you never had the chance to. Don’t fear the unknown; take a few steps into new territory and let your curiosity replace any apprehension you may feel.

5. You originate from the same unseen force as everything else.

Every life form on Earth comes from the same place you did, which connects us all automatically. Our separateness is just an illusion, but a mighty one at that. Next time you feel isolated, go outside into nature and look at the flowers blooming, the birds chasing each other playfully through the forest, or even the clouds in the sky. Become still within yourself, and you will soon remember that you are an intrinsic part of everything surrounding you.

6. Learn to go with the flow in life.

Whatever happens, accept it and keep on walking your path. Everything you encounter, good or bad, will guide you on your journey back home and teach you valuable lessons. Oftentimes, we insulate ourselves from life out of fear or because we have the same old memories playing on a loop in our minds. Don’t let the past dictate your present; just let the universe carry you along effortlessly and allow your actions to proceed with your thoughts. The best things happen when we don’t overthink and live.

7. Helping others helps us, too.

If you long for attention and understanding, perhaps someone else craves these things too. Take your mind off your needs for a while, and offer your words or hands to someone else. This will help change your perspective and remind you of all the blessings others may not have. Plus, it will help you form a bond with a stranger, and give you a sense of satisfaction knowing you made someone else’s life a little bit better. When you’re helping someone else, you won’t be alone.

8. All is always well–even when you feel alone.

Sometimes, we all just need to reassure ourselves and be our rock when we feel depressed. Feeling human emotions should never cause anger or embarrassment; give into your feelings, and cry or get angry if you need to. Pick yourself back up, and tell yourself that you will always be there for you. You can’t be lonely if you love your own company; part of that means consoling yourself on bad days. It’s okay to be human.

9. This is an opportunity to evaluate what you can change.

What makes you feel stuck and isolated about your current situation? Can you change it? If so, come up with some solutions instead of dwelling on the problems. If you don’t get enough human interaction daily, consider doing something small, like going to your local coffee shop a few times a week. You can meet amazing people in any given place or time; you have to put yourself in situations that allow connections to happen.

10. You can always love yourself.

Don’t wait until you feel bouncing off-the-walls happy to love yourself. Don’t wait until you have lost thirty pounds, earned more money, get a new job, moved to a new place, made friends, or gone on a date to love yourself. Love starts and ends with you, so start loving yourself today. Love the pain and joy you experience, and remember to love your time alone, too.

10 Ways to Dedicate Alone Time to Self-Care and Reflection

Since you have some alone time, you may lessen the loneliness by using your time wisely. How? Use the opportunity to work on the best project ever–YOU!

1. Practice mindfulness and meditation

Take the time to sit in stillness and quiet your mind through meditation or mindfulness practices. Cultivate present-moment awareness and observe your thoughts without judgment. Mindfulness and meditation promote relaxation, reduce stress, and increase self-awareness.

2. Engage in journaling and writing

Express your thoughts, emotions, and experiences through journaling or writing. Use a journal to explore your inner world, gain clarity, and process your feelings. Writing allows you to reflect on your experiences, find meaning, and enhance self-expression.

3. Explore creative outlets and hobbies

Engage in activities that spark your creativity and bring you joy. Paint, play a musical instrument, write poetry, or engage in any creative pursuit that resonates with you. Creative outlets provide an avenue for self-expression, inspire new perspectives, and foster personal growth.

4. Read inspirational books or listen to podcasts

Immerse yourself in uplifting literature or listen to podcasts that inspire personal growth. Seek out books or podcasts that offer motivational stories, practical advice, or insights on self-improvement. Inspirational content nourishes your mind, expands your knowledge, and fuels positive change.

5. Take nature walks or engage in exercise

Spend time in nature or participate in physical activities to reduce stress and boost well-being. Take leisurely walks in natural settings, go hiking, or engage in exercises you enjoy. Being in nature and engaging in physical movement promote relaxation, improves mood, and enhances overall health.

6. Pamper yourself with self-care rituals

Indulge in activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul. Take luxurious baths, practice skincare routines, engage in relaxation techniques, or do things that bring you joy and relaxation. Self-care rituals rejuvenate your energy, promote self-love, and enhance overall well-being.

7. Disconnect from technology and embrace solitude

Take a break from constant digital stimulation and embrace moments of solitude. Set aside dedicated time to disconnect from technology, be present with yourself, and cultivate a sense of inner calm. Solitude allows for self-reflection, introspection, and reconnecting with your own thoughts and emotions.

8. Set goals and reflect on personal growth

Use your alone time to set meaningful goals and reflect on your growth journey. Assess your achievements, identify areas for improvement, and define actionable steps for your future. Reflecting on personal growth fosters self-awareness, motivates progress, and helps you align your actions with your aspirations.

9. Practice gratitude and positive affirmations

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and reinforce positive self-beliefs. Take time each day to express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Engage in positive affirmations by repeating empowering statements reinforcing self-confidence and a positive mindset. Gratitude and positive affirmations nurture a positive outlook, resilience, and self-compassion.

10. Take a nap during alone time

Give yourself permission to rest and recharge through a nap. Find a comfortable spot, set an alarm if needed, and allow your body and mind to relax. Napping can boost energy levels, improve cognitive function, and enhance well-being. Taking a nap is an act of self-care that replenishes your energy and supports optimal functioning.

Final Thoughts on Alone Time

Loneliness is a common human experience that can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, it’s essential to recognize that being alone is a natural part of life. Instead of viewing it solely as a negative state, embracing alone time can offer tremendous opportunities for self-growth and contribute to a happier life. Self-reflection, self-care, exploring creative outlets, and setting personal goals are just a few ways to make the most of solitude. By acknowledging the potential for personal development and finding ways to utilize alone time effectively, we can transform moments of loneliness into valuable periods of self-discovery and fulfillment. Embracing solitude as an essential part of our journey allows us to cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and live a more content and meaningful life.