
10 Ways To Make Life Exciting Again

How do we go about getting excited about life again? It seems like it should be an easy question to answer, but the reality is it can be a challenge.

Before we can tackle getting excited again, we must understand where our energy is drained. Everything not in alignment with our highest truth drains our energy, makes us irritable, and wears us down. I bet if you thought about it, you could start a pretty significant list of stuff that annoys you and yet needs to get done. This is the stuff that sucks the excitement out of our lives. Getting excited about life is about how you approach “the stuff.”

Here are ten ways to make life exciting again:


1. Claim your joy.

When life seems a little boring, realize it’s because of us, not because of a task, our job, or the lack of nightlife. We have the ability to create joy and excitement in everything we do, and it starts with our thoughts about the situation. It is not so much about trying to fix the situation or ourselves as it is about learning new things, finding the good, and focusing our energies on activities that have personal meaning.

2. Free your mind of the negative things in your life.

We need to take the time to look after our emotional well-being by putting time aside every week for a yoga class or a little meditation. The relaxing breathing strategies will help eliminate stress and reduce anxiety. We will feel better and will look at things differently.

3. Make little, positive life changes.

When we make small changes to our daily routine, it brings back excitement. Take a new exercise class, read a book, or doodle – these can get you out of a rut and ignite your creative self. You will soon realize that starting and doing something new can give you the confidence to continue creating.

4. Reframe negative thinking.

Negative thinking is common, but how we handle the thoughts will either drain our excitement for life or build on it. We can’t stay amid negativity and hope to be our best selves. Understanding our negative thoughts and reframing them into thoughts that better serve us keeps us from getting stuck.

5. Practice optimism.

An optimist is more excited about everything, not just life! If you’re not an optimistic individual, don’t worry – optimism may be learned. And it’s not whether the glass is half full or half empty, it’s knowing you can fill it up.

Teach yourself to see another side, even with the small setbacks, little adversities, frustrations, disappointments, and letdowns in daily experiences. Look for the lessons and trust things will work out. When you do, it’s easy to get excited about the possibility.

6. Eliminate wasted time from your life.

When we look at our day, we’ll probably notice a lot of time wasted on non-value-added activities like Candy Crush, Facebook, or mindless television. Wasted time is energy draining; as mentioned earlier, it’s hard to get excited when your energy is drained. When you know deep that you need to do something, you will find the time and the energy. But beware because time fillers have a way of creeping in.

7. Stop caring what other people think.

One of the major reasons we don’t follow through with our desires is that we care a lot about what other people think about us. As a result, we get discouraged and don’t pursue things that might fill us with joy. We should focus on finding the courage to do things that make us happy regardless of what others think. We owe ourselves to be who we are, not what others want us to be.

8. Do not let fear control you.

Life is unpredictable, and we can embrace our fears or let them hold us back. Fear is at the heart of many of the feelings we have that make us uneasy. If we aren’t feeling apprehensive or scared, we aren’t trying hard enough. And it’s hard to get excited when we’re just doing what we need to get by.

9. Spoil yourself.

Everyone should be finding ways to bring a little indulgence into their life. Go out with friends, massage in the middle of the day, see a movie all by yourself, or curl up on the sofa and read a book. When we spoil ourselves it breaks up our daily routine and adds an element of excitement and pleasure.

10. Say yes to interesting life events more regularly…

And NO when you need to. Understand where you are – if something feels right, then do it. And when something feels wrong, don’t. When we stop answering the way someone else expects us to, we claim our power and are true to ourselves. It’s living in our truth that brings excitement back to our life.

Final Thoughts on Living a More Fulfilling Life

The adage tells you how you’ve only one life–and that is more than just a saying. It’s the truth! Enjoy every moment by making these changes that will help you find the drive to make the most of your time in this amazing Universe.