
11 Powerful Mantras to Create Love & Happiness

Everyone on this Earth deserves love and happiness, but many people look for these things in the wrong places. Believe it or not, both of these represent states of being that anyone can achieve by focusing their thoughts and intentions on love and happiness, and then following through with action.

Many of us feel disconnected and frazzled in our daily lives, often looking for something more that can’t be found in a job, a salary, material items, or other relationships. In fact, we often overlook one of the most powerful sources for love and happiness – ourselves!

You can unlock more of your “superpowers” by utilizing the following mantras to reconnect you with your spirit. These can also help you remember that you can shift any negative or heavy thoughts into transformative, positive ones.

Use these 11 powerful mantras to create love & happiness in your life:

1. “I love myself, no matter what.”

I use this affirmation daily to help me remember that even when I make mistakes or have negative thoughts, I will love myself through it all. If you allow love to move through you, you will be able to express that love more easily to others.

Simply put, we all actually ARE love, so saying this mantra aloud each day will remind you of your true state of being and bring you peace in times of both triumph and adversity.

2. “I am an infinite being, capable of extraordinary things.”

Most of us go through life, limiting ourselves and not fully owning our potential. When you say these words to yourself, you become aware of your own power and will have a lot more confidence throughout the day to accomplish goals. Remember, you were created for a specific purpose, and the Universe is waiting for you to realize that and unleash your true power as a human being.

3.“I am in complete control of determining my emotions.”

When you let people or circumstances control your feelings, you deny yourself the ability to control your own emotions. You give away your power and allow other people’s opinions to destroy your state of mind. If you decide each day to become your own master and take charge of your feelings, you will immediately feel happier knowing that nothing outside of you can ever take away your bliss.

4. “I AM.”

How many times have you or others put a label on who you are? Probably more times than you can count. Labels only serve as ways to categorize people, because we were all taught from an early age to describe people based on characteristics.

However, you automatically negate your individuality when you do that to yourself. You place yourself in a box, bound to the implications of that label. For example, let’s say you feel depressed, so you tell your mom “I AM depressed.” Of course, you will feel that way since you have placed that label on yourself. However, by acknowledging that you exist, you can simply say “I am.”

This takes an enormous weight off your shoulders once you give up the need to subscribe to a label that someone else created.

5. “I accept abundant love, happiness, and positive energy into my life.”

By saying this, it will automatically lift your energy levels and get you in a positive mindset to start the day. Everyone deserves abundant joy and love in their lives, but not everyone believes it.

You must believe that you are deserving of positivity, love, and abundance in order to receive it. The Universe responds to your energy every second, so make sure you put what you would like to receive into the world.

6. “I am not a drop in the ocean. I am the entire ocean in one drop.”

Rumi originally said this, and the meaning behind it still holds true. Essentially, it’s saying that you are not just a part of this universe, but you ARE the universe. You are not just a part of the ocean, you ARE the ocean. You are both a part and a whole at the same time.

Thus, you have a significant role to play in this existence, and the whole Universe would be altered if not for your presence here on Earth. If you believe that, it will greatly help you along your path in life. You must believe you matter to believe you’re worthy of both love and happiness.

7. “I love myself exactly the way I am.”

Regardless of where you’re at in life and where you want to go, love yourself anyway. Be kind to yourself anyway. Even if you want to lose thirty pounds, or make more money, or change careers, or live elsewhere, realize how far you’ve come and be thankful for what your journey has taught you so far. Take away the conditions surrounding the love you give to yourself and instead practice unconditional love.

Loving yourself no matter the circumstances takes courage and practice, but if you give yourself permission to love the entirety of who you are, you will also attract that energy back. Plus, it will give you a greater sense of self-worth.

8. “I will stay true to who I am at all times.”

It’s easy to cave into peer pressure and go with the status quo to avoid making waves. However, this will only stifle your true spirit and make you feel disconnected with yourself. Be brave and stand up for what you believe and what you feel in your heart to be true.

Not only will you increase your self-respect, but others will actually respect you more for standing up for yourself, even if you’re standing alone.

9. “I am thankful.”

I call this the “attitude of gratitude.” It’s so important to remind ourselves often of all our blessings in life because we can easily take them for granted and focus on everything we don’t have instead. If you want to feel happy, be mindful of all your blessings, and remember all those things you have that many don’t: food, water, shelter, clothing, safety, etc.

Get in the habit of expressing your thanks to the Universe, and you will soon find you have even more to be thankful for.

10. “Every day is a new beginning.”

If you feel like you have taken the wrong turn in life, remember each sunrise gives you a chance to take the right turn. Each day you wake up holds endless opportunities for you to make your life the one you want to live.

You can create the reality you want out of any circumstances, and if you can read this right now, you have the same chance as anyone else at manifesting the world that you want to see.

11. “I will observe myself, free of judgment.”

We can either be our own best friends or our own worst enemy. It all depends on our outlook on ourselves. If you look at yourself as incompetent, anxious, negative, unworthy, untalented, your reality probably won’t be that enjoyable. You will see everything as you see yourself: dark, dreary, and hopeless.

However, acknowledge the fact that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Realize that mistakes and imperfections come as part of the package deal, you will experience a much more positive reality and learn love.

Learn to look at yourself without having to comment. You don’t always have to have something to say about yourself – you can sit back, observe, and allow the Universe to flow through you.



Final Thoughts on Using Positive Affirmations of Love

Use these positive affirmations in your daily life. The sooner you embrace them, the sooner you will reap the greatest reward–love.


7 responses to “11 Powerful Mantras to Create Love & Happiness”

  1. Dawnna Ray Avatar
    Dawnna Ray


  2. Of course I love my self.I accept i feel that i am weird . to think many thing that i see with my 2 eyes. Yes as days pass i am really control my emotion toward many thing that i feel in my heart. I AM , I always use to emphasis that i speak only for me. For this new year and my new life, I accept abundant, Love, Happiness and all the positive energy that it is in my life today. LOVE AND HAPPINESS that i feel in my heart. It will be coming as soon as possible. Sometimes I feel sad for my body, When i see in the mirror. I am in control to eat more. I need to diet not only in words also in deeds.I always love myself to make in short time to be healthy . I am always true to myself and to others . YES I am always thankful to my co worker to do the best in our self, and to all my customers, friends ,relatives , my children ,sisters, brother and to my father to understand me all the times. Everyday is my new day to begin again. I always observe in my community that they understand what is the truth . Now i am free in everything to make my new beginning of my new life.

  3. 11Power mantras are really 11 very effective affirmations.Thanks.

  4. 11Power mantras are really 11 very effective affirmations.Thanks.

  5. Naomi Anderson Avatar
    Naomi Anderson

    thank u x

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