
11 Warning Signs You’re in Bad Company

Do you find yourself in bad company? It’s more harmful than you might think.

Other people have a significant impact on our lives. The people we spend time with can change our mood, how we spend our time, and change our perspective on the world – even ourselves. This is why it’s essential to invest in relationships that are beneficial to you, with people who support you as you are and even help you to become better.

Sometimes this means being critical about who you spend time with and who you invest your emotions in.

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if a relationship has become toxic. Once we’re invested in a relationship, whether it’s with a friend, significant other, or family member, we’re reluctant to pull away. Our feelings, particularly when we think we need someone, cloud our judgment. Even if the effects are obvious to others, you may not fully realize the negative impact someone is having on you. Even worse, you may blame yourself and rationalize the other person’s behavior.

You’ll always be better on your own than with someone who only brings negativity to your life. If you often find yourself unhappy, not confident, and stressed around a particular person, you need to ask yourself if that person is truly good company. Look out for the 11 following warning signs that you’re in bad company. Ending relationships that produce these signs can help you to be your best self and live a happier life.

11 Signs You’re In Bad Company:

1. You don’t feel like yourself

A toxic relationship can be draining in many ways, and one of the most damaging is when it drains you of your authentic self. If someone wants you to be someone else, then they don’t truly care for you as the person you are. If you constantly feel pressure to change things about yourself or suppress your natural interests to please someone, they are not a healthy person to be around.

2. They are overwhelmingly negative

There’s nothing wrong with some complaints or sarcastic jokes, but be wary of friends who never take a break from being negative. Are they constantly insulting others (or you)? Do you feel like you have to be negative too in order to get along with them? Negative people are often projecting their problems onto the world around them. If this is a close friend, you may choose to help that person work through their problems and regain a more balanced perspective.

Make sure you never let someone else’s negativity alter your perspective, though. If you need to, give yourself some space from this person.

3. They don’t make time for you

A good relationship requires regular interaction and some effort from both sides. A friend or romantic partner who doesn’t make time for you isn’t providing either of those. If someone can only fit you into their schedule when it’s convenient for them, they’re not making you a priority. You shouldn’t need to make an effort or sacrifice time for someone who will no effort for you.

4. It’s all about them

When you have conversations with this person, are they balanced? Do they listen to your feelings and opinions? If a person only wants to talk about themselves and has no empathy for your feelings, they’re not really in a relationship with you; they just want a sounding board. You’re probably not getting anything out of this kind of relationship.

5. They’re unsupportive

A good friend or partner will support you in your goals and be happy for you when you succeed. If they don’t seem to care about your achievements or, even worse, if they downplay things that are important to you, you’re probably in bad company.

A good friend will share in your excitement and pride, and they’ll encourage you to keep doing great things.

6. They’re always envious of you

There’s a difference between praising good things you have or that you’ve done and acting envious. If a friend acts jealous without actually seeming happy for you, they can make you feel guilty instead of happy about positive things and experiences. This is a toxic behavior that will add negativity to your life.

7. They’re possessive of you

In a good relationship, whether it’s with a friend, family member, or significant other, the other person will want you to lead a full and rich life in which you try new experiences and broaden your horizons. When someone else becomes possessive of you and your time, they’re not doing that. In fact, possessiveness is one of the top signs of a toxic relationship.

If they don’t want you spending time with other people and are constantly suspicious of other relationships, there’s a strong chance that you should be ending that relationship.

8. They lie to you

Trust is an important element of a healthy relationship. If someone repeatedly lies to you, they’re violating your trust and disrespecting your relationship. They may also be covering up something about themselves. There’s no need for you to continue giving your trust to someone who has repeatedly violated it.

9. They manipulate you

Some people are very perceptive and know how to manipulate you to do what they want. They may only be kind to you when they need something, they may make you feel guilty so that you help them, or they may even emotionally blackmail you. If you notice that you’re doing things you don’t actually want to do for someone else, this is a toxic relationship.

10. They’re a bad influence

Someone who pushes you to try new things and grow as a person can be a great friend. However, that shouldn’t be confused with someone who pushes you to make choices that you aren’t comfortable with. After you’ve done something at the urging of a friend, ask yourself: “Am I glad I did that?” “Did I feel comfortable?” “Was that something that fit my morals and beliefs?” If you find yourself answering “no” to those questions, then your friend is likely a bad influence.

You should never let someone pressure you or guilt-trip you into making bad choices or doing things that aren’t comfortable for you. If your friend can’t respect your right to make your own choices, then they’re bad company.

11. You feel exhausted around them

A toxic relationship can take a lot out of you. You may feel constantly on edge around that person, and you may feel relieved when they leave. This is because in a toxic relationship, you often have to make a constant effort to please that person, and you likely feel like you can’t relax and be yourself. If this is the case, you need to listen to your feelings and recognize that being around this person isn’t good for you.


9 responses to “11 Warning Signs You’re in Bad Company”

  1. Geeske Avatar

    Can’t believe that I ever allowed someone like that in my life… someone who had all the 11 signs…

  2. Me too it is a very good article

  3. the same problem in which m suffering thnks nw i will change my friends

  4. Power of Positivity maybe an article on how to avoid/deal with the aftermath of narcissists? thanks.

  5. Fab article, I always knew something wasn't right and this has helped me see quite a lot. I'm stuck between a rock and a very hard place. Need to act sooner rather than later.

  6. Thanks for reading, Scarlett! <3

    If there's anything we can do or an article you'd like to read about, just let us know. 🙂

  7. Wow! Good article, I had to learn these things the hard way, through experience but this article sums it up nicely and I really need to be reminded once in awhile so I don't fall back into unhealthy relationships, thank you so much!

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