
11 People Who Beat Addiction And Changed Their Life Completely

Addiction can affect anyone at any point in their life, regardless of their income, race, gender, or social status. It can start quite innocently at first, with a few drinks here and there. However, stressful life events coupled with mental illnesses can transform a casual habit into a full blown addiction. Other factors such as genetics and environment can affect one’s probability of becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol. Addiction affects millions of people worldwide, and not all of them overcome it, unfortunately. However, we want to show you some people who completely transformed their lives by beating their addiction, and the before and after photos prove just how drastically their lives have changed.

Here are 12 people who overcame their addiction and started a more positive life:

1. Wow! This doesn’t even look like the same person in the after pic, but congrats to this guy for beating his addiction!

Been a long road to recovery, in more ways than one. But! 4 years clean from meth.
byu/GeneratedUser inpics

2. This woman overcame so much, including addiction. What a strong, brave soul she is for beating her demons.

This is me in Dec 1995. This is me in Dec 2017. I overcame addiction, homelessness, and a history of incarceration. Been sober 20 years next month.
byu/traceyh415 inpics

3. One year sober for this guy, and boy does it show!

One year sober!
byu/TheDude0007 inpics

4. “Today I am three years sober. This is Day 1 after being assaulted and last week. It’s a huge relief to know I don’t have to drink anymore.”

View post on

5. This man beat his addiction and is one year sober in the after pic. Way to go!

© Meatteo / reddit

6. “January 6, 2016 I put down the vodka bottle and January 11 I checked myself into rehab. 8 1/2 months sober now and 35 pounds lighter. I feel like myself again.”

© brittsuzanne / reddit

7. Down 26 pounds after one month free of alcohol and drugs, and you can already see the difference in her face!

F/23/5’2” [165lbs > 139lbs = 26 lbs] One month sober from alcohol and drugs
byu/Gloomy_Shroomy inprogresspics

8. This man lost 70 pounds in one year and has been addiction free for three months!

M/26/5’8” [260>190=70lbs] 12 Months – 3 Months Drugs and Alcohol free!!
by inprogresspics

9. “In October 2016, I had dropped down to 158 lbs due to drug and alcohol addiction. 4 months later I entered a rehab facility and gained roughly 30 lbs within 1-2 months.”

M/19/6’1 [158>191=33 gained]t


10. A lot can change in three years if you put your mind to it. Congrats to this young man!

The left was me in 2009,with a daily habit of almost any drug you can think of. The right is me last year, with over 3 years of complete abstinence from everything. Don’t do drugs.
byu/therealtedpro inpics

11 I . This woman has been completely reborn by choosing to give up an unhealthy lifestyle!

Here is what 826 days sober looks like. Left is me June 11th 2014, on the right is me today. Recovery is possible!
byu/DisregardThisOrDont inpics

We hope these photos inspired you to live a healthier lifestyle and give up whatever unhealthy habits you may have, whether it’s drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, etc. Everyone deserves to live a life free of addictions, and while it isn’t easy to change destructive habits, it can be done with the right support and mindset. If you or someone you know struggles with an addiction, make sure to seek out support, engage in positive thinking, and try to replace the bad habit or impulse with something constructive, such as exercise or meditation. Remember: you are not alone and there is always someone out there willing to help you.

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