benefits of castor oil

15 Fulvic Acid Benefits For Your Hair And Skin

Fulvic acid benefits seem endless. It might be the missing link in your wellness and beauty regimens. Imagine a naturally occurring substance that can pull double duty to reverse and prevent aging inside and outside your body. Early research and historic uses might lend more than a bit of weight to this essential mineral missing from most people’s diets and beauty products.

What is Fulvic Acid?

This naturally occurring chemical compound is vital to a plant’s life cycle and nutritional development. Humus (not to be confused with your favorite chickpea spread) is the organic building block of nutrient-rich soil. Fulvic acid is a type of humus. You will find it in rocks, minerals, peat moss, and other natural places. It also takes many centuries of plant life breaking down before it becomes potent enough for supplement form.

fulvic acid benefits

Sources of Fulvic Acid

The most common form of fulvic acid is shilajit, which sounds far less tasty and contains other forms of humus. It sees extensive use in ayurvedic medicine for numerous conditions.

Food is another source, but it’s not enough anymore. Mass farming, lack of crop rotation, and extensive use of pesticides, herbicides, and other synthetic chemicals destroy the delicate soil balance, and little to no hummus remains in conventional produce.

Many people turn to organically grown fruits and vegetables because they retain more fulvic acid and humus than their conventional counterparts. Still, the amounts are small and more difficult to regulate than a supplement. You also can’t apply food topically and receive the same results as a liquid supplement.

Fulvic Acid Benefits :

  • Can assist the optimal absorption of essential nutrients and minerals
  • Can reduce hair loss
  • May promote healthy gut
  • Can improve your immune system
  • Can enhance your natural beauty
  • Has cellular-level anti-aging properties
  • Contains anti-oxidant properties to combat free radicals
  • Has anti-fungal properties
  • Has anti-microbial properties

Unlike other supplements, it works with your body at the cellular level to revert damaged cells, and promote healthy cell growth, and through digestion or topical absorption, it increases the bioavailability of nutrients you apply or consume. This means you will extract more of the vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat and any other supplement you’re taking.

It also mimics your skin’s natural pH, which makes it an essential additive to any skin and hair care regimen. Our skin is naturally acidic. Many other beauty products contain large quantity of alkaline ingredients. An alkaline environment aids in bacteria growth and leaves the skin unprotected.

You can reap fulvic acid benefits for hair and your overall wellness. This is especially true for women who experience hair loss, have severely damaged hair, or have scalp conditions.

It still has surprising benefits beyond your cells, hair, and skin. It’s promising in medical conditions like eczema and many non-related ones like gut health and immune system. Evidence suggests it might assist with slowing or reversing cognitive diseases too.

The more scientists study fulvic acid, the more we learn about its potential benefits. However, as previously stated, ayurvedic medicine has used it effectively and safely and continues to do so today.

How to Take Fulvic Acid

  • Powder
  • Liquid

Dosing for internal fulvic acid benefits will vary, but research supports 300-500mg per day as safe. It’s best to consult your naturopath or doctor before you begin taking it. If you’re using the liquid internally, you should consider masking the earthy flavor in a smoothie or other beverage.

Side Effects of Fulvic Acid and Concerns

Study participants have reported no serious side effects. However, as with any natural product, you can still have an allergic reaction. If applying topically, you should perform a patch test on the inside of your forearm.

Pregnant and nursing women and people with autoimmune disorders should consult their doctors before trying fulvic acid. For people with autoimmune disorders, you might see your symptoms worsen due to its ability to block histamines, so use only under the direction of a trained professional.

Supplements, regardless of form, aren’t created equal. Look for purified forms of fulvic acid. Natural products can contain dangerous metals, environmental toxins, fungus, bacteria, and other harmful substances. Purifying it removes those without stripping away the healing and beneficial properties.

15 Fulvic Acid Benefits for Your Hair and Skin


1. Histamine Blocker

Historically, people would take it to treat skin conditions like eczema because it can act like a histamine blocker. Medical studies support this; many participants saw their eczema symptoms improved as much as with traditional medication.

2. Naturally Boost Your Body’s Collagen

Your body needs collagen to ensure proper growth and health of your skin, hair, nails, and joints. However, your body produces less collagen as you age. This can lead to sagging skin, which then causes fine lines, brittle nails, and thinning or balding hair.

Instead, you should consider the fulvic acid benefits for hair and skin. It can naturally enhance your body’s ability to produce it while improving your hair, nail, and skin’s existing collagen. This makes it an essential part of preventative routines too.

3.Fight Fungus

Due to its antifungal properties, you can use fulvic acid to heal and fight off various fungus. Add some to a soothing footbath for athlete’s foot or toenail fungus or you can apply it directly to your skin or nails.

4. Enhance Your Favorite Beauty Products

Did you know that you could add fulvic acid to nearly any existing product? Your favorite mineral foundation can now have a powerful, healthful boost. Your mascara can work harder and smarter to protect your eyelashes. If you’re creative, you can use it to formulate your natural skin and beauty products.

The best part? Fulvic acid benefits any complexion type and skin tone. This is because it naturally balances your skin’s pH.

5. Combat Environmental Skin and Hair Damage

Antioxidants are the barrier between the environment and you. While using fulvic acid won’t create an impenetrable barrier, it could be the next greatest boost to give your skin and body a fighting chance. Remember, free radicals do more than destroy your skin and hair; they can directly affect your cells in disastrous ways.

6. Inflammatory Acne Breakouts

Your skincare routine shouldn’t work against you. Unfortunately, most acne and beauty products introduce your skin to alkaline ingredients, which then need to be counteracted with other ingredients your skin doesn’t need. Whether you have acne-prone skin or experience a few hormonal breakouts, you might be able to reduce and heal the inflammation with fulvic acid.

7. Stop or Reverse Wrinkles

For women, we fear those telltale early signs of crow’s feet and fine lines. We know it’s only the beginning, and aging can be hard to embrace. Like with collagen creams, most beauty creams with anti-aging benefits promise change but seldom deliver on their promises. Yet we shell out hundreds of dollars on products that contain questionable ingredients each year.

You might be able to reduce wrinkles while halting the formation of new ones with fulvic acid.

8. All-purpose Rash Remedy

  • Diaper rash
  • Poison ivy and oak
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Bug bites
  • Bee stings

A simple swipe of fulvic acid and itchiness might subside while redness and swelling lessen.

9. Prevent Hair Loss

During menopause, women can experience alarming hair loss. This is primarily due to your hormonal imbalance, so it can affect women before menopause any time where their hormone levels drastically shift. This includes if you have hormone-based conditions and post-partum.

10. Repair Dry Skin

No matter where you have dry skin, the moisture-boosting properties can enhance your existing lotions, oils, and creams. Because fulvic acid aids the absorption of other nutrients, it allows your skin to absorb and retain more from your favorite products. Some people will even use the liquid form in place of lotions and creams.

11. Natural Keratin Treatment

Keratin is a major protein found in your hair. Stress, environment, styling products, and hormonal changes can weaken it. This can lead to breakage, thinning, dull, lifeless, and stunted hair growth.

The most common treatments often involve keratin that a stylist applies and seals with a flat iron. However, salon treatments do have side effects and can actually further damage your hair and health ( hello, formaldehyde ). Dermatologists also don’t recommend it if you have skin conditions like psoriasis.

Luckily, fulvic acid benefits for hair include boosting your hair’s natural keratin while it repairs your scalp and locks.

12. Remove Toxins

Fulvic acid benefits for hair are greater than just reversing hair loss. When you apply to your scalp or skin, you draw out toxins that prevent your body from absorbing essential nutrients.

13. Protects Skin From Solar Radiation

Fulvic acid can protect your skin from damaging UV radiation. This lowers your risk of sunburn. If you have sunburn, you can also use it to treat your damaged skin.

14. Astringent

Say goodbye to harsh cleansers with questionable ingredients. Even natural products can have some unpronounceable additives. You can safely mix a few drops with water for an instant toner that zaps bacteria, fungus, and other harmful organisms attempting to move into your pores.

15. Thickens Hair

Some people have excellent genes that lead to a thick, beautiful head of hair no matter what they eat or use. Many more aren’t so lucky. The fulvic acid benefits for hair go beyond keratin and scalp. It allows the vitamins required for luxurious locks to absorb and can heal dandruff. You hair can’t grow or thrive without the proper building blocks, and you’re unlikely to achieve optimal nutrition without a fulvic acid boost to your scalp and locks.

fulvic acid benefits for skin

Final Thoughts on Knowing the Fulvic Acid Benefits

Fulvic acid benefits appear to bridge a gap in our bodies. Could its lack be why we see increases in topical rashes, faster aging, and dull, lifeless hair? Science can’t explain that yet, but it might be a clue.

Because it’s safe to use by most people and has promising early research, you should consider trying it for healthier skin, nails, and hair. Plus, even though it wasn’t covered in the article, the supplement has other healthful benefits, like preventing Alzheimer’s and cognitive degenerative diseases, that would make it worth using.