show love

15 Ways People Show Love to Their Partner That Will Melt Your Heart

While some traditional romantics enjoy being wined and dined, there are so many ways to show someone you care about them that don’t involve dinner and fancy chocolates. We searched across the Twittersphere for statements that prove that many people find love in simple positive interactions and little moments shared with their significant other. She asked “What’s one thing your partner does that’s not necessarily romantic but makes you love them a bit more?” and people sent in plenty of unusual responses!

Love can be expressed in thousands of ways, so we hope you enjoy these responses from people who found love in unlikely places.

Here are 15 ways people show love to their partner that will melt your heart:

1. When you love someone, you take care of them no matter what it takes.

2. Couples who eat together, stay together.

3. A good partner should have your back no matter what.

4. When positive thinking doesn’t work, a good old-fashioned meme can make any day better.

5. Being called beautiful every day of your life? What could be better than that?

6. Because everyone loves puppies!

7. Guinea pigs and Disney movies can brighten up anyone’s day and offer a great way to show love.

8. When your partner understand that you need some self-care time once in a while, you might just fall in love all over again.

9. Who doesn’t love a surprise, especially an unexpected adventure with someone they love?

10. Playing video games with the kids is a surefire way to win over your SO.

11. That IS love.

12. Even the little, mundane, everyday gestures can make a positive impact on your relationship.

13. That’s one lucky girl right there.

14. Everyone knows cold feet are the worst, so that is definitely love.

15. Another definite sign of true love…when your boyfriend encourages your love of adopting stray pets.

As you can see, people express feelings in many different ways. Some people prefer a more romantic approach while others connect through humor or simply being there for their partner. Love cannot be put into a box and labeled because there isn’t just one definition of it. Everyone feels it differently, so naturally, people will show it in various ways as well.

Relationships should make you feel loved, safe, and happy, so if your partner makes you feel this way, make sure you show your appreciation! Relationships are hard work, but as you can see in the examples above, the little things matter the most.

Which of these unusual ways to show adoration was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

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