
21 Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think

In life, people often look at our circumstances from a “glass half-empty” perspective, seeing signs of everything that isn’t there rather than what IS there. We judge ourselves and become our own worst enemies, expecting perfection and nothing less.

We compare our lives to others and decide that ours is somehow less appealing or gratifying. However, you are probably doing much better than you think, and here’s why.

21 Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think

1 – You have a place to lay your head at night.

If you have a roof over your head, you are doing better than much of the world already. Unfortunately, many people don’t have a home to call their own, or a home to go to at all. Consider yourself blessed if you have a shelter of some sort and a place to rest your head every night.

2 – You have a job.

This is one of the signs you might take for granted. While most people have jobs, there are still many people in the world who can’t find a way to bring in money. If you have a job, even if it doesn’t pay what you want at the moment, at least you have some money to support yourself and your family.

3 – You have water to drink and food to eat.

If you have access to drinkable water and a grocery store, you are very well off. Water and food sustain our lives, so make sure to practice gratitude the next time to sit down for a meal or drink a cold glass of water.

4 – You are healthy.

Even if you have a cold or flu, you probably still recover fairly quickly. If you don’t have a life-threatening illness and have a reasonably strong immune system, you’re doing pretty good.

5 – You have the freedom to do what you want in life.

If you wanted to leave the country today, you could. You would just need a passport and a plane ticket, but that’s it. Of course, you have the choice to do what you want with your life. However, some countries in the world don’t give their citizens this privilege. You can literally follow whatever path your heart desires.

6 – You can see.

If you’re reading this article, you’re pretty blessed. You can wake up each morning to a beautiful sunrise and watch the animals outside your window wake up with you. This is one of my favorite signs of abundance!

7 – You’re alive.

This one’s pretty self-explanatory, but if you’re a breathing being on this planet, you get to experience this life in all its glory, and that’s definitely something to rejoice.

8 – You have a family.

Whether things go wrong or right in your life, the family will always be there for you.

9 -You have at least one good friend.

If you have even one person to talk to and share good times with, you’re lucky. Good friends can get you through hard times and make the good times even better.

10 – You have some form of transportation.

Even if you don’t have a car, you probably know someone who can bring you where you need to go, or you have access to a bus or taxi. Most people take this for granted, but not everybody has reliable transportation in the world. If you do, remind yourself how lucky you are next time you drive somewhere or get on the bus.

11 – You know how to read and write.

Reading often takes us to new lands and expands our imaginations; reading is a fun way to get away without even leaving your room. Also, writing helps many people get their goals organized or let out bottled up emotions, which can greatly help your well-being. You can drinkable water

12 -You have clothes to wear.

I know I have too many clothes to choose from, and I often take that for granted. If you have at least some jeans, a few shirts, and some pajamas, you’re doing pretty good.

13 – You know what you’re passionate about.

A lot of people struggle to find their life purpose or ultimate dreams. If you know what yours is already, you are among only a handful of people who do.

14 – You have enough money to support your basic needs. I

f you have enough money to afford food, water, clothing, and a home, you have all the wealth you could ever need.

15 – You feel relatively safe and protected.

If you live in a country that protects your right to safety, you’re doing better than you think.

16 – You have a pet or know someone who does.

Pets can be therapeutic and great companions for humans. If you have a pet to come home to or have a friend or family member with a pet, you are blessed to have the company of a furry friend in your life!

17 – You have a phone.

Today, phones play a huge part in people’s lives. If you have one, you can likely surf the web, stay connected with friends, check emails, and the list goes on. While phones can be distracting and there’s a lot of negativity surrounding them, they also allow you to get help in case of an emergency, and give you directions when you’re driving. I’d say they are a pretty relevant invention.

18 – You can listen to music.

Music heals the mind, body, and soul and gives us a way to bond with one another. It can also help us through tough times in life – music is everywhere if you just listen J

19 – You have traveled places.

A lot of people actually never leave their country or even their city, so if you have traveled, you have seen more of the world than most people.

20 – You can move your body.

If you can get up, walk around, and exercise, you’re doing pretty well in life.

21 – You have a park or nature trail nearby.

Most people have access to a park or nature trail near their home. Nature is healing in many ways and can give you a “reset” if you’re feeling stressed. Make sure to thank the Earth next time you feel the sun on your face or wander into the forest for a while!

Now that you’ve read this list, you’ll surely remember that even if you’re feeling the lack, you’ll see the signs of mass abundance all around you every day.

What other signs do you see that help remind you that you’re doing better than you think?  Share in the discussion below or join us on Facebook!


28 responses to “21 Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think”

  1. Its not always about things. If you have a positive view on life and you like yourself. If you can appreciate others, value yourself and your life.

  2. [ Smiles ] If we jotted down the things that we have in our gratitude journal, we would surely see those signs.

    Fabulous article!

  3. Yes thank you for the reminder. I AM BLESSED

  4. Really grateful for reminding me how blesses I am.

  5. Thanks to remind me how lucky I am!! May God continues to bless us!!

  6. That's more of what Allah has blessed most of us with rather then what we'v been doing.The purpose of existence is to be thankful in return and live those blessings in a way taught by Him.That's the sole way a heart finds rest.Else its just a life consuming vicious cycle where you run around in circles all your life.

  7. I am looking at life through new eyes.

  8. Peter Lamb Avatar
    Peter Lamb

    Truef Naphtali People are perfectly moral without inspiring fear in children, especially of homophobic, misogynistic, genocidal tyrannical despots like Yahweh. Atheists are far less likely to be immoral as a result of irrational ideology than followers of irrational ideology.

    0.07% of the prison population of the US is atheist. Far LESS than the expected equivalent number in society. Morality does not stem from religious belief. It predates it. And people are far more moral without irrational belief based ideologies and children should not be having their basic human rights denied via indoctrination or abused with fear of gods or infernal regions. If you need that kind of behaviour in order to know not to kill, steal or lie, then the problem lies with you, not the lack of irrational belief.

  9. Truef Naphtali Avatar
    Truef Naphtali

    Peter Lamb To fear God means to keep His Commandments. Do not lie, steal, judge, murder etc. How is it possibly a horrific and abusive thing to inspire in children? If everyone on this planet FEARED God and kept His Commandments, the world would be a much better place to live in, but instead it is filled with liars, thieves, murders etc.

  10. Peter Lamb Avatar
    Peter Lamb

    Why would you wish to fear a god? That's a horrific and abusive thing to inspire in children.

  11. I am blessed with everything in liife.i am thankfull to God!

  12. YES I am very much blessed to have everything in myself like house,work as my passion, children that are intelligent, smart , God fearing persons. I have many pets , and musics that gives me alive in everyday life. I can go anywhere i want. I have the freedom to choose the choice and to change my life.I have few friends to lend their ear and talk to me. I can commute in a bus and in jeepney . I have my own tricycle to travel to go in my farm. I have clothes to wear, Passport , money to support my basic needs, many phones that needs in my business . I am safe and i need to be safe always, I read many book and magazine and i learned how to write anything that i want to write. To express all the feelings in my heart .I always move my body in my works to go to market everyday. I always walking if it is not raining. Everything in our place are perfectly to have a beautiful life that everyone needs. To earn and save for the future of their children . Our Province of ALBAY and our CITY OF LEGAZPI CITY are one of the first class CITY in BICOL REGION, We have all REGIONAL OFFICES. And many amusement centers, Bus terminals, supermarket, Airport , a beautiful places to visit like our Legazpi Boulevard , Cagsawa Ruins , And our BEAUTIFUL AMAZING MAYON VOLCANO, Yes it is beautiful , But Just look at it very well? For I see with my 2 eyes, It is very dangerous things that could soil erosion and flash floods that the people and myself will erase in the map of the Philippines. YES we are in danger . But we have take an action to make it safe for all of us, To start planting many tress in the surrounding with the help of the Government agencies as well us. And all the people to share their strength to make it true. At same time , We can plant more in vegetable for the needs of people staying near that areas. But WHO I AM TO PLANNING THIS? I am simple person that only in my dreams can possible to make it through of WHATS IN MY MIND? YES, I AM AS CRAZY TO THINK THIS , That it could it be in the real things to be make of helping hand of one another. AS i see to all of them , From our local government, Barangay official and many people they does't care about that. WHAT I CAN DO FOR THIS SITUATION . I can never make a magic to plant it all around. WHO WILL HELP US? GOD'S LOVE gives me to dream and strength to write this. What can i do for this? Thank You

  13. you have a website which can help you in your life positively like 🙂

  14. Very graceful to god 4 this wonderful life SHUKRAN

  15. Thank You God for all the gifts n blessings.Big n Small

  16. Bless I am I say it every day

  17. Gerald Mckinnon Avatar
    Gerald Mckinnon

    Thank you for this clarification of my blessed life,,,I have so many good people around me at all times,,,and for that I grateful, ,,Thank you

  18. Marion Heller Avatar
    Marion Heller

    I am too very blessed. I have all these things and more. Good reminder.

  19. I'm very blessed to have all these things! Thanks for reminding us just how blessed we really are. Perfectly said!


  21. Christopher Damaso Avatar
    Christopher Damaso

    Reminders are needed, thank you

  22. Carol Browning Avatar
    Carol Browning

    Thanks for the reminders. My health and vision aren't what I'd like them to be, but I do have much to be grateful for, especially the community I live in!

  23. Wonderful! Yes, Yes, I have much to be thankful for!! Thank you for all my blessing Jesus Daily

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