Self love quote

24 Positive Affirmations To Help You Build Positive Self Talk and Self Love

Positive affirmations are beginning to trend, and not just in the self help world. Everyday people are using positive thoughts to change their life for the better. That’s because research is emerging with proof that how you live your life is largely determined by our internal self talk throughout the day. For most of us, unless we have rewritten our subconscious with positive affirmations, negative preprogramming (from when we were a child) replays in our minds.

Research has shown that positive affirmations can have many benefits, such as improved reduced stress and improved health. Affirmations can even help you improve in a variety of life settings.  There are many reasons why positive affirmations are important – and if you don’t make a habit of repeating them,  they’re easily lost.  What we repeatedly focus on expands.

It’s time to program new thoughts and habits with the positive affirmations below to help bring you what you DO want!

Here are 24 Positive Affirmations to Help You Build Positive Self-Talk and Self Love


  1. All is always well. 
  2. I am confident and capable.
  3. I attract positive people in my life.
  4. I know who I am and I am enough.
  5. The positive energy around me is continuously expanding.
  6. I choose to be present and mindful right now.
  7. I am grateful for my miraculous life.
  8. I choose to use positive affirmations that serve me.
  9. I fulfill the promises I make to myself and others.
  10. I love sharing my happiness with everyone around me.
  11. I feel energetic and so alive.
  12. I am in control of the way I respond to the behavior of others.
  13. I have the will. I have the way.
  14. I am love, peace, hope, joy, truth and positive, radiant light!
  15. I forgive and release. I am filling my heart and mind with love.
  16. All of my needs are met. I thrive from where I am right now.
  17. I inhale positivity and exhale negativity.
  18. I fuel my body with health and activity.
  19. I am talented, creative and successful.
  20. Like the waves of an ocean, peace washes over me; cleansing and rejuvenating my spirit.
  21. I choose to reach for a better feeling.
  22. I grow stronger every day.
  23. I speak kindly to myself and others. 
  24. My life is unfolding perfectly.

BONUS: I choose to see everyone as an opportunity and search for solutions.



The world is filled with negativity and high expectations, which can make self love a challenge. However, the best way to become your best self and bring more positivity into your life is to make every effort to practice affirmations daily, especially in the mirror.

Make it a habit to intentionally choose to love yourself, compliment yourself – being positive about your body, mind, and soul. This daily routine will change your life.

Truly, one of the best ways to do this is to begin repeating positive affirmations to yourself on a daily, right into your own eyes, in the mirror, when you wake up in the morning. If you’re not used to positive self-talk, this can be challenging. However, it is still possible to make it a daily routine.

How to make positive self-talk a habit:

If affirmations don’t come natural to you, no worries. Put up post-it notes around your house where you’ll see them often, especially on your mirror where you will see them every day.  It’s critical that you constantly remind yourself of your favorite positive affirmations every day, in all situations until they become a habit. Making positive affirmations a natural self talk will allow you to become the best version of yourself. Shine ON!

Have you had success with positive affirmations? Let us know in the comments!


19 responses to “24 Positive Affirmations To Help You Build Positive Self Talk and Self Love”

  1. I wrote all the recommendations and I want to follow it.Thanks power of Positivity

  2. Asif Butt Avatar
    Asif Butt

    Everyone has a form of toxic negativity though it's how we choose to place the meaning upon it all… and the weighted effect we'd like it to superceded our life… its simple say bye bye toxic thoughts that impact your life and say thank but no thanks. Having belief and believing in yourself is one of the most powerful weapons… boom 🙂

  3. Glen Rhys Johnson Ironman Avatar
    Glen Rhys Johnson Ironman

    fabulous, I really wanted to know more on this. awesome, thankyou

  4. Efi Mesitidou Avatar
    Efi Mesitidou

    I am thrilled with your site that overflows positivity! You help be positive.
    I have an important question: Does it matter if we handwrite the affirmations or if we type them? Typing is easier but is handwriting making it stick MUCH BETTER in the subconscious??
    Thank you so much in advance!

    1. Handwrite them. The energy flows directly through your heart, into your arms, hand, fingers, and out into your pen(cil) or crayon (or whatever!)

      Many blessings Efi!

  5. I like your 25 helps a lot.

  6. JoZie Williams Avatar
    JoZie Williams

    That is the best advice I have heard in a long time. Thank you, and I hope more people follow this.

  7. Dustin Robert Cummings Avatar
    Dustin Robert Cummings

    Whenever a negative or defeated thought comes choose to say the exact opposite of it about yourself and rebel against it because it's 99 percent about how you believe about yourself anyways and I've learned if you choose to feel good about yourself and build yourself up it really offends certain people but the truth is these people feel are negatively programmed and feel like crap about themselves and can't stand to see someone feel good about themselves or love themselves so they have to say sharp cutting remarks because misery loves company and they want others to be miserable as they are and some can be helped but be careful some are just determined to pull others into there misery pit with them so the best thing to do is to choose to forgive and let go move on and don't give a hoot what these kinds of people say love them from a distance and build up your positive self talk be confident and humble and not arrogant and prideful because that's a good recipe for a fall.

  8. Margaret Quinsey Avatar
    Margaret Quinsey

    I look forward to your post everyday ! Thank you !!!

  9. Nikola Perovic Avatar
    Nikola Perovic

    "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better" – Émile Coué

  10. Very nice stuff got for here.

  11. positive energy just works for me. thanks for all the affirmations! it works

  12. Great affirmations, thanks for sharing them !!!!

  13. This website and Facebook page are truly wonderful and uplifting. At the moment I have to spend most days on my own but that hopefully will be a thing of the past soon. Sadly a lot of the people around here are extreme depressives so here is to a lighter brighter home where I can have lots of flowers around the house again.

  14. Great article 🙂
    Affirmations is misspelt in this sentence:
    “Affrmations can even help you improve in a variety of life settings.”

    1. Thanks for pointing that out Pete! It’s just the two of us here at PoP, so every once in a while, things slip past us. Shine ON!

  15. Robert Wiese Avatar
    Robert Wiese

    Yes Phil, there are 25. I really believe that, in my work, # 25 is of utmost importance. 25. I choose to see everyone as an opportunity and search for solutions. In my business, lifting up, encouraging, and teaching others; is of utmost importance. The younger generation, it seems to me, have lost something…. I will always strive to help their light burn brighter.

  16. There are 25… and I think number 25 may be a little dodgy anyway. Go with 24.

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