
4 Messages From The Heart You Should Never Ignore

Your heart is connected to something larger than your body. You may call it God, universe, spirit, gut, intuition, higher self, or something other than these names. Your heart will let you know when something is not right. It will also speak to you through messages, inklings, and signs when it is definitely on the right path. There is a battle constantly going on between the rational mind and the sensitive heart – and it’s important to tune into what’s going on between the two for your own well-being mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Here are 4 heart-centered messages you should never ignore:


1. Honor your feelings.

Ask yourself questions and then wait for the first answer that pops into your head. This is a sign of your heart speaking to you. Watch and observe carefully for physical signs and synchronicity around you. When things are meant to be there is no pressure or blockage. There is a flow of joy coming through you with a “knowing” that is impossible to explain. This “knowing” is your heart singing a song of certainty. We have been taught in our society that you follow your heart up to a point and then let the mind take over. The issue with this concept is that the mind will analyze and overthink what the heart has already set out for you to be true. This is second-guessing yourself.

Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” ~ Rumi

2. Follow your authentic truth.

Following your heart provides you with purpose. Your authentic truth is your imprint in this world. Each one of us has a unique individual authenticity. When we pursue our dreams and aspirations the world opens up more in our favor. We get to create from a place of power. Following your heart means pursuing your highest calling. We cannot do or follow passion halfway in our lives. You must be all in.

Passion is your truth. You must trust your heart and your mind will make the distinction of what is right for you. When you come from a place of purpose and truth there are little mistakes. We must dare to be ourselves. Once you start living from your truth you will find that there is no need to pretend or care about impressing anyone else.

“Truth resides within each of us. I’ve come to believe that authentic truth is not so much learned or taught as remembered in the deepest recesses of the soul (self), the ultimate essence of the Spirit of which we all partake.” ~ Carlton D. Pearson, God Is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu…: God Dwells with Us, in Us, Around Us, as Us

3. Open your mind to endless possibilities.

Do not be afraid of confusion. This is the place that the heart and mind will battle over what’s right. Allow yourself the gift of imagination and go to the impossible. Life is full of unlimited possibilities and the heart will always entertain these because it brings out the child-like qualities in us. As children, we do not ask for logic.

Children act on their heart’s desire. It is said that the perpetual enemy of the heart is the rational mind. Somewhere after the age of six, we begin to lose that sense of wonder that anything is possible. When in doubt of what you need to do follow the inkling that still believes in the impossible without questioning the improbable.

Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the wont’s. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”~ Shel Silverstein


4. Be courageous.

Listening to your heart also means finding the courage to go against many obstacles and naysayers around you. Your heart knows what’s best for you. This vulnerability sometimes comes with a price of judgment and criticism. Not everyone will understand your decisions. But, having the willingness to follow what your heart dictates serves as a freedom to pursue whatever you want on your terms.

Don’t allow fear to dictate your path. Courage is one of the most valuable traits in humanity. When you listen to your yearnings and intuition you will be taken to places that force you to grow and expand in consciousness.

There are so many ways to be brave in this world. Sometimes bravery involves laying down your life for something bigger than yourself, or for someone else. Sometimes it involves giving up everything you have ever known, or everyone you have ever loved, for the sake of something greater. But sometimes it doesn’t.

Sometimes it is nothing more than gritting your teeth through pain, and the work of every day, the slow walk toward a better life. That is the sort of bravery I must have now.”~ Veronica Roth


4 responses to “4 Messages From The Heart You Should Never Ignore”

  1. love the article – follow your heart, let your head create possibilities and let your gut put it into action.

  2. Bill Gasiamis Avatar
    Bill Gasiamis

    Love your article. There would be so much more happiness if more people just honoured their feelings. It’s what we teach in our multiple brain integration techniques courses and when people honour their feelings life becomes better for them The book mbraining explains in more detail what the multiple brains do..

  3. Dr Suzanne Henwood Avatar
    Dr Suzanne Henwood

    Great article. Thank You. As an mBIT. ( multiple Brain Integration Technique) Master Trainer I love helping people to communicate within themselves and connecting deeper to their core. We find so many people are out of alignment, with their head saying one thing and their heart and/ or gut saying something else.
    I have a free eBook on my website if anyone is interested (mBraining4Success.com), along with training dates if people want to find out more….

  4. Great article about the power of the heart and its intelligence! Neuroscience has shown that the heart actually contains a complex, functional and adaptive neural network, or what is technically a ‘brain’. There’s also one in the gut. And amazing positivity occurs when we align our head, heart and gut brains. There’s a simple and powerful technique for doing that and tapping into our deep intuitive wisdom. It’s called ‘mBraining’ (for multiple brain-ing). Google it. You’ll be amazed! <3

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