
5 Foods That Starve Fat Cells

In his TED Talk, Dr. William Li passionately discusses angiogenesis and its role in cancer development and cancer recession. For reference, angiogenesis is simply the development of new blood vessels in the body. Dr. Li believes manipulating this physiological function may end cancer and promote health.

As he explains:

Angiogenesis: the physiological process through which new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessels.

“Anti-angiogenic therapy is the method of cutting off blood supply to the cancer. This can be done because tumor vessels, unlike healthy vessels, are abnormal and poorly constructed, and because of that, they’re highly vulnerable to treatments that target them.”

Deficient and Excessive Angiogenesis

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For the sake of this article, it is important to explain the scientific rationale linking the consumption of certain foods and “starving off” fat cells. Simply put, imbalances in the production and maintenance of blood vessels can manifest into several diseases and conditions. Angiogenetic imbalances arise from either insufficient or excessive angiogenesis.

Insufficient angiogenesis is when the body possesses too few blood vessels and is linked to several diseases and medical conditions, such as erectile dysfunction, heart disease, inability to heal wounds, neuropathy, and stroke.

Excessive angiogenesis – an excessive production of blood vessels – has also been linked to several diseases and conditions. Arthritis, blindness, cancer, endometriosis, and multiple sclerosis have all been associated with excessive production of blood vessels.

Obesity = Excessive Angiogenesis

Obesity – the mass accumulation of fat cells – is a byproduct of excessive angiogenesis. As such, measures can be taken to counteract the effects. “Like tumor cells, fat cells grow when blood vessels grow,” says Dr. Li.

Dr. Joseph Mercola, a world-renown osteopathic physician, and surgeon, concurs: “…obesity is also largely dependent on angiogenesis.” Dr. Mercola goes on to explain that fat cells, like cancerous cells, can potentially be eliminated through diet.

What does this mean? Simply that we can starve off fat cells through proper dietary habits. To accomplish this, we must eat foods that inhibit abnormal angiogenesis (i.e. anti-angiogenetic foods).

Here are the five foods that will effectively target the blood supplies of fat cells:

“By indirectly targeting fat cells, through their dependence on blood supply, we can actually starve them to death.” – Dr. Mitchell Gaynor

1. Curry

Curcumin is the ingredient that gives curry its yellowish hue, but this is far from its only property. Curcumin is a potent polyphenol, and increasing scientific research continues to reiterate its cancer-fighting properties. Recently, supplemental research has attributed these properties to the compound’s anti-angiogenetic properties.

In one 2009 study, scientists at Tufts University concluded: “The curcumin suppression of angiogenesis…with its effect on lipid (fat) metabolism…may contribute to lower body fat and body weight gain. Our findings suggest that dietary curcumin, present in turmeric, may have a potential benefit in preventing obesity.”

2. Garlic

Ajoene is a sulfuric compound found in garlic, which gives the food its fat-reduction properties. At the genetic level, ajoene activates hydrogen peroxide, initiating a process resulting in fat cell death (i.e. apoptosis). In conjunction with its anti-angiogenetic properties, garlic is considered one of the most potent fat-burning foods in existence.

Aside from its fat-burning properties, garlic is one of the most nutrient-dense foods out there and is linked to no less than eleven proven health benefits.

3. Almonds

In his TED talk, Dr. Li presents a PowerPoint slide ranking 27 pharmaceutical drugs and dietary factors by their anti-angiogenesis properties. In the first spot is Vitamin E. “Vitamin E outperforms the greatest drugs on earth…(they) blow away any man-made attempt to kill tumors,” said Li.

As almonds contain the highest levels of vitamin E (7.3 mg per 1 ounce serving), they are probably the most potent fat-burning food in existence. Additionally, almonds contain high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Spinach

We should include some leafy greens on this list for their fat-burning properties and cumulative health benefits. Using this barometer, spinach far outperforms any other vegetable – and 99 percent of other foods and food types.

starve fat cell - spinach

Reforming to Vitamin E, spinach contains the second-highest level of any food (6.9 mg per serving.) Of course, they’re exceptionally nutrient-dense; rich in antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins.

5. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, particularly oranges and tangerines, are among the strongest fat-burning foods out there.

In an article titled “Citrus Fruits shown to be Antiangiogenic and Reduce Risk for some Cancers,” the author cites several studies naming the anti-angiogenetic properties of citrus fruits. Citrus has an abundance of two flavonoids – nobiletin and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – proven anti-angiogenic.

The article also cites a link between citrus fruit consumption and reduced instances of certain cancers, “including lung cancer and colorectal cancer, among people who consume large amounts of citrus on a regular basis.”

Other Tips to Help Starve Fat Cells and Reshape Your Body

As you eat well to begin transforming your body, keep these additional tips in mind.

1. High-intensity intermittent exercise

High-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) has been found an effective way to melt fat cells. This exercise involves repeated brief sprinting at a high intensity followed afterward with a low-intensity exercise or rest. How long you sprint or rest can vary.

2. Fast-paced walking

Fast walking helps you get in shape. Keeping a fast pace as you walk revs up your metabolism to burn fat cells. Try brisk walking for at least thirty minutes daily. You can break up the time, walking for fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes in the evening. Try running interspersed during your walk to kick up your metabolism even more.

3. Biking

Whether you ride a standard or stationary bike, cycling is a great way to melt fat cells. It increases your heart rate and burns calories. Biking helps you lose weight in your waist and thighs. Be consistent. Bike at least three days a week to melt away belly fat.

Positive Energy in life

4. Weight training

Weight training is a great way to burn fat cells. Aim for three days a week of weight training mixed with cardio experiences the other days. The best weight training exercises include:

  • Lunges
  • Dumbells
  • Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Push-ups
  • Chin-ups

5. Running

Running or jogging is an exercise many athletes use to build strength, and stamina and keep their weight down. It’s relatively inexpensive, requiring good shoes and comfortable clothing. Aim to run or jog for twenty to thirty minutes at least thrice weekly. You can use a treadmill if you have it, but many runners enjoy being outside. If you’re running outdoors, try running on a given surface like grass to avoid injuries in your joints or feet.

6. Jumping rope

Jumping rope is an overlooked fat-burning exercise. It was fun as a kid, but you can use this high-intensity exercise to get into shape. All you need is a good jump rope and some supportive shoes. Skip, jump or run for short periods for two minutes. Change the routine and add high-intensity parts to rev up your metabolism and melt fat cells.

7. Battle ropes

Battle ropes are popular high-intensity workouts. They challenge your entire body as you slam, swing, and shake the thick ropes. Most athletes add squats, jumps, and lunges to their battle rope routine. This exercise ramps up your heart rate and burns fat.

8. Don’t sit around

You can melt fat cells by simply not sitting too much. Prolonged sitting diminishes your body’s ability to burn fat. Your blood pressure goes up, your blood sugar increases and your metabolism slows down. Try to stand at work, at home, or at school. If you live close enough, walk to the store or school. Avoid long periods of television watching. Or if you’re watching a show, do some sit-ups, jog, or lunges while you watch.

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Final Thoughts on Starving Fat Cells

Exercise boosts your metabolism, melting fat cells. Thus, you will look and feel your best. Try any of these exercises to speed up burning fat and getting into shape.