
5 Reasons You Keep Having The Same Problems

Have you ever had the experience of encountering the same problems repeatedly? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone.

The Law of Attraction governs our lives; our thoughts and feelings build our reality, including our problems! Now the Law of Attraction doesn’t just work by dropping things into your lap because you think about them or ask for them. The Law of Attraction only works if you take action, too.

At times, we have a negative focus that is so strong that it leads to attracting the same problems over and over again. And because we don’t take action to make it stop, it keeps reappearing.

Here are five reasons why you keep having the same problems:

law of attraction

1. You act out of fear.

If taking action is an essential part of the Law of Attraction, then acting out of fear attracts more fear.  Recognizing that a bit of fear is normal when we try new things might help us to move through the fear into new territory. The bottom line is that having SOME fear doesn’t stop us from moving forward in life. It’s letting that fear stop us from pursuing solutions that is harmful.

We should try to take action with confidence and optimism. Believing the action will succeed with the proper mood and attitude is half the battle. This works simply because our moods and actions come together in unison.

Changing our moods will alter our behaviors, and changing our behaviors may also alter our moods. This will help change how we view the issue and how the problems manifest themselves in our reality.

2. You worry obsessively about the problem.

While we believe worrying is a helpful tool for working through a problem, nothing can be farther from the truth. When we focus completely on our problems, we create more energy around them.

Though many people know that negative thinking results in problems, altering our thoughts is still easier said than done. Our thinking moves at a fast pace and just happens without any planning or effort, so thought control could be a little tough sometimes – especially when we are in the middle of the challenge.

It’s very important to remember that even though we can change our conscious thinking, we will always have some unwanted and unintended thoughts.  Allow them to happen, because they often signal when something is wrong. A few negative thoughts will not ruin our life, but dwelling on them can.

3. You consistently complain or talk about the problems.

Much like worrying, the more our problems are the topic of conversation, the more energy from the Universe they receive.

For many of us, complaining is the biggest reason we encounter the same problems. We talk about them too much and stay focused on the problem, not the solution.

In theory, choosing to stop complaining sounds easy, but it is often a habit that needs a little thought to break. The best way to stop it is to find someone who can call us out when we complain. I think we will be surprised at much complaining has infiltrated our day.

4. You have become best friends with misery.

You know what they say, “misery loves company.” Well, it might be accurate, but it doesn’t help if you want to stop having the same problems. The Universe will act not only on what you think and what you say, but it responds based on your intentions.

Sometimes though, we are confused and aren’t clear about what we want, so unintentionally, we are creating more problems to go along with our existing ones. This happens when we overlook the signals sent, and the Universe can only respond by sending louder signals or more misery.

The best thing we can do is try to quiet the world around us through meditation and mindfulness. These tools will help us understand the challenges and show us the direction to take when we reach the fork in the road.

full potential

5. You are too hard on yourself.

We are sometimes our worst critics. We can be unforgiving and unkind to ourselves when we find ourselves in similar situations over and over again. Besides that, we keep making the same mistakes and keep thinking the same thoughts.

Let’s take it easy on ourselves. We must learn to forgive ourselves for the mistakes we made yesterday and begin to look at our problems differently today. Our goal is not perfection; it should just be to do our best and learn a little along the way.

Taking small actions is the way to slow the momentum while avoiding getting overwhelmed when things seem spiraling out of control. In the end, just putting your awareness behind a recurring problem is a big win because you will then learn why you keep encountering this problem and what you can do about it.