
5 Signs You Have Toxins Trapped In Your Body

We accumulate toxins in our bodies simply by being alive; did you know that? Well, it’s true. Of course, some people’s “extracurricular activities” cause toxins to build up much quicker in their bodies than others; consumption of alcohol, nicotine, and heavily-processed foods are the source of the many toxins we build up in our bodies.

Toxins effectively inhibit our body’s normal functionality. This is because toxins are stressors; they can even cause disease. More commonly, though, toxins result in us feeling sluggish and dull.

We’re going to discuss five signs of a heavy concentration of toxins in the body. In addition, we’ll provide a couple of effective methods in eradicating these harmful chemicals. Ready to be toxin-free? Then read on!

5 Signs You Might Have Toxins Trapped in Your Body

When I say “toxins,” I’m not just referring to pesticides or hazardous waste. A toxin is anything that damages the body. Toxins can be from food (wheat, legumes, etc.), the air, water, mold, clothing, or for some even your cell phone.Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof Coffee

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1. Digestive problems

When toxins build up in our system, it’s very difficult for the digestive system to function normally. The digestive tract is less efficient, which results in the ineffective removal of waste. It’s worth mentioning that digestive problems have a systemic effect, leading to fatigue and impairment of the immune system.

2. Skin issues

Acne, rashes, and skin inflammation can outward indicate toxic overload. This is particularly true with acne, a dermatologic condition that often reflects a heavy concentration of toxins. Other skin conditions that may indicate the presence of toxins: swollen eyes, psoriasis, and eczema.

3. Bad breath

While brushing and flossing are essential for eliminating bad breath, reducing toxin buildup is just as important. Interestingly, digestive problems (see #1) can cause bad breath, as can abnormal functioning of the liver – specifically, the liver’s inability to rid toxins from the body. As such, bad breath can indicate a problem in other body areas.

4. Unanticipated weight gain

It is possible to gain unexpected weight when there is a heavy presence of toxins. A hormonal imbalance may be the culprit if you’re exercising regularly and eating healthy but still struggling with inexplicable weight gain (or weight fluctuation). As it turns out, proper functioning of the hormonal system can be adversely impacted by buildup of toxins, especially in foods and personal care products. A diet that stimulates the body to cleanse toxic buildup may be in order (see below).

5. Lethargic episodes

If you’re getting seven-plus hours of sleep and still finding it difficult to get through the day, toxins are a potential source. For example, ever worked a full day after an unanticipated evening of drinking? Hey, most of us have been there. How energetic were you the following day? Exactly. This is because the body is in overdrive, attempting to rid the toxins from the night before. The same thing applies here on a lesser scale. Our toxin levels must remain low for us to maintain energy equilibrium.


How to Cleanse Toxins From Your Body

Now that we’ve discussed five different indicators of toxin buildup let’s discuss ways to detox them.

  • #1 Ensure proper digestion: A healthy digestive system is paramount to a healthy body. Digestive problems make the elimination of harmful toxins extremely difficult, even impossible. To help ensure the proper functioning of this vital system, supplement your diet with ghee. Many cultures use this type of healthy butter in their cuisines, medical treatments, and even religious ceremonies. Several ghee products are available for purchase online or in natural health stores. Ghee is also a terrific product for optimizing metabolic function, cleansing the digestive tract, and strengthening the immune system.
  • #2 Cleanse the liver: Of all organs, the liver is arguably the most important in eliminating toxins from the body; this includes alcohol and other chemicals. The liver is also essential for properly metabolizing over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs. Additionally, a healthy liver helps prevent blood clots and other adverse internal reactions. There are several foods that one can incorporate to cleanse this organ. Here are ten foods: apples, avocados, beets, carrots, grapefruit, green tea, leafy green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, olive oil, and walnuts.
  • #3 Get (and remain) active: This one may not be as obvious, but it is important for us to stay active. This can be accomplished in several ways, including through weight training, speed walking, yoga, jogging, mountain biking, etc. Find an enjoyable activity and stick with it! Physical activity is important for properly functioning the lymphatic system, an essential mechanism in eliminating toxins.
  • #4 Drink water: It is also important to hydrate appropriately. Adequate hydration helps to ensure a healthy digestive and urinary tract while helping the liver to function normally.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved


One response to “5 Signs You Have Toxins Trapped In Your Body”

  1. Pamela Avatar

    That’s pretty interesting. I can relate to the poor digestion. Sometimes I jsut feel like my body is not processing foods the way it is suppose to. I have found that drinking 6 glasses of water a day has really helped me. These are great tips