
5 Signs You Have a Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is a mineral that supports muscle and nerve function and energy levels. If your magnesium levels drop too low, you’re at risk for heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis. It’s easy to overlook the early symptoms of low magnesium. But it’s worth paying attention if you notice any of these five signs because they could indicate a magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body. It activates approximately 600 enzymes and affects your body’s calcium levels. Without it, your body couldn’t maintain cellular functions that combine DNA and RNA, and maintain your antioxidant levels in your cells. Additionally, it helps your body metabolize energy. Magnesium is in your bones, teeth, and cells.

Five signs you might have a magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency is difficult to diagnose because many of these types of deficiency symptoms mimic other health problems. Here are the most common signs of a magnesium deficiency.

magnesium deficiency

1 – Magnesium deficiency may cause a loss of your appetite

Loss of appetite is often the first symptom of low magnesium. Along with your lack of hunger, you may lose weight without trying. Food doesn’t appeal to you. Low appetite also causes you not to eat enough magnesium-rich foods. Here are twenty foods high in magnesium that, when added to your daily diet, can help your magnesium levels go up.

Pumpkin seeds Almonds
Cashews Peanuts
Shredded wheat Black beans
Edamame Peanut butter
Baked potato Brown rice
Kidney beans Oatmeal
Salmon Banana
Halibut Milk
Avocado Raisins
Chicken breast Broccoli

So if you recently lost your appetite, load up on some of these foods. You might see if your appetite improves and you feel better.

2 – Muscle spasms may come with a magnesium deficiency

If you work out, you may feel occasional muscle aches and spasms. But if the muscle cramps continue, it could signal you’re low in magnesium. This mineral helps your muscles relax and contract properly. As you age, this cramping is common. Some people have tried magnesium supplements to eliminate muscle cramps and twitches. Magnesium deficiency also causes low calcium, contributing to muscle spasms and cramps.

3 – Irregular heartbeat and high blood pressure

Irregular heartbeat and high blood pressure are two common signs of low magnesium. Low magnesium causes you to be at risk for developing heart disease. This mineral is critical for your heart’s rhythm because it helps move the electrolytes, calcium, and potassium to your cells. Electrolytes help the function of your nerves and muscle contractions for a normal heartbeat. Magnesium offsets calcium in your heart muscle so it can relax instead of contracting too much.

4 – Nausea and vomiting

If you’re nauseous, you may assume you have a stomach bug. If your nausea persists, it could signify that you’re low in magnesium. Keep an eye on how long your sickness lasts, especially if you have vomiting with it. Vomiting can lead to dehydration. This adds to your loss of magnesium since vomiting throws off your electrolytes. Be sure to contact your healthcare provider if your symptoms last more than a week. They can do blood tests to identify low magnesium or other conditions.

5 – Magnesium deficiency can cause fatigue

Fatigue hits everyone once in a while. If you’ve had a busy season of life, you may not pay much attention to your fatigue. It’s easy to assume you’ll feel better once life slows down. But if your fatigue continues for several weeks, it could signify a magnesium deficiency. Don’t ignore fatigue. It’s a sign of low magnesium and also other health problems. Be sure to tell your healthcare provider about what you’re observing, so they can run blood tests to see what’s happening.

What are some other symptoms of a magnesium deficiency?

Although these five symptoms are often the first ones you may notice, you may have different symptoms. Never ignore these symptoms or talk yourself out of getting medical help. These symptoms will progress and can lead to more severe health problems. Other symptoms of low magnesium include these:

  • Seizures
  • changes in personality
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Osteoporosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Tremors
  • Poor coordination

What causes magnesium deficiency?

Low magnesium can be a severe condition. It can be a result of several things, such as the following:

  • Poor diet: If you’re not eating whole grains and other natural foods high in magnesium, you can develop a deficiency.
  • Alcoholism: Drinking too much alcohol depletes your body of magnesium.
  • Diarrhea: If you’re prone to diarrhea, watch for signs of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is one mineral that affects your electrolytes that keep your body hydrated. There are unique waters that contain magnesium that can help boost your electrolytes and increase the magnesium in your body.
  • Certain medication: Some medications reduce this mineral from your body. For example, diuretics undermine your magnesium levels.

magnesium deficiency

Who is most at risk for magnesium deficiency?

Specific individuals are at risk for magnesium deficiency. This is usually because they don’t consume enough magnesium-rich foods, have a medical condition, or take medication that prevents magnesium absorption.

  • People with digestive illnesses-Digestive diseases like Chrohn’s disease, irritable bowel disease, and celiac disease can lead to low magnesium.
  • People with Type 2 diabetes-Individuals who are insulin resistant or have type 2 diabetes have low magnesium due to increased urinary excretion. They also have more glucose in their kidneys because of increased urine.
  • Older adults-Once you reach a certain age, you’re more prone to magnesium deficiency. This is because older adults eat fewer magnesium-rich foods. Plus, older adults often take medication that interferes with magnesium absorption.

How much magnesium do you need per day?

Depending upon your age, gender, whether you’re pregnant or nursing, the daily requirements for magnesium change. Here is a list of magnesium requirements.

Age Male Female Pregnancy Lactation
birth to 6 months 30mg 30mg
7 to 12 months 75mg 75mg
1-3 years 80mg 80mg
4-8 years 130mg 130mg
9-13 years 240mg 240mg
14-18 years 410mg 360mg 400mg 360mg
19-30 years 400mg 310mg 350mg 310mg
31-50 years 420mg 320mg 360mg 320mg
51+years 420mg 320mg

What is the best treatment for low magnesium?

If your health care provider determines you’re low in magnesium, they may prescribe oral magnesium supplements. You’ll get an intravenous magnesium infusion for quick absorption when you’re extremely low in this mineral. You may also need an intravenous potassium infusion since low magnesium and potassium go hand in hand. Low magnesium is common for individuals staying in the hospital.


Magnesium supplements include magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, magnesium threonate, magnesium threonine, or magnesium malate.

You may have side effects such as diarrhea from taking oral magnesium supplements. Magnesium oil rubbed into your skin helps you avoid these side effects. In fact,  studies found that when you apply magnesium to the skin, it is absorbed through your sweat glands. Ask your doctor if it’s possible to get a prescription for topical magnesium rather than oral supplements to avoid side effects.

Also, be sure to discuss these supplements with a pharmacist or doctor before you start taking them.

Over-the-counter magnesium drugs

Over-the-counter medications such as Epsom salts can boost your magnesium levels. Be careful to follow the guidelines on the package since taking too much can lead to complications.

Another over-the-counter drug to discuss with your doctor is Phillips Milk of Magnesia. It’s a magnesium-based laxative that provides 500 mg magnesium per tablespoon. This is a high dose of magnesium, but your body won’t absorb all the minerals because it’s a laxative. Also, other over-the-counter medications for heartburn or upset stomach have some magnesium.

So be aware of getting too high of a dose of magnesium from these medications. They can cause side effects such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, or nausea.

magnesium deficiency

Final thoughts on overcoming a magnesium deficiency

Low magnesium is difficult to diagnose because many symptoms mimic other health problems. Because this deficiency isn’t easy to spot, it’s important to note these five signs. So if you’re experiencing fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle spasms, irregular heartbeat, or nausea, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider. Resist the urge to explain away your symptoms and assume everything is okay. No one else will watch over your health, so be proactive in discovering why you have these symptoms.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved


5 responses to “5 Signs You Have a Magnesium Deficiency”

  1. Sarah Zalli Avatar
    Sarah Zalli

    Glad to see you writing about this important mineral nutrient! I do suffer from this deficiency, so have done a bit of research on it, please I would caution you to correct one element, it IS possible to overdose on magnesium and can be very dangerous, while it would be nearly impossible from food sources alone, Mineral supplements can offer higher than safe doses, please, caution your readers of this! Thanks!

  2. Abhilasha Singh Avatar
    Abhilasha Singh

    Can you suggest more foods which have Magnesium? I have a few symptoms like blood-clot, mild depression, fatigue, cramps etc. and I think my intake of yoghurt, nuts, chocolate etc, is pretty okay. Still are there better food like herbs etc. that can increase the amount?

  3. I see you specify all types of cancer in this article but not which type of diabetes. Which are you referring to? Type 1, type 2,gestational? It is very important to clarify as they are very different diseases with different causes and treatments.

  4. Karen Gordon Avatar
    Karen Gordon

    Actually, epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) help you to detox so they do not actually help you to absorb magnesium. For absorption, you want magnesium chloride, which is also what is found in magnesium oil.

  5. Kimberly B. Avatar
    Kimberly B.

    I was having symptoms of muscle tremors, muscle weakness, suddenly even falling, trouble digesting foods, dizziness! I went to my physician and he recommended magnesium supplements. I tried magnesium gluconate capsules, but it did not help. So, i tried at a last ditch effort, Magnesium Oxide, 400mg & that seems to do the trick. Thank Goodness! I must take them daily, else the symptoms come back.
    I read the article & it suggested magnesium oil. Hmm, now that is something i’d like to try. The Mag-Ox tabs that i use, are difficult to find locally, so an alternative option is always great as a back up plan. Where can i get magnesium oil at?