best self

5 Tips to Be Your Best Self

One of the biggest goals in life is to be your best self.Ā  Our friend Chalene Johnson shares 5 of her favorite ways to do just that!

5 Tips to Be Your Best Self

1. Brag (to yourself).

Start with a nice long list of things you like about yourself. To ā€œbe betterā€ you have to start with gratitude for all the greatness that is already inside of you. Start with all the wonderful things that you are pretty dang proud of! This might sound bragaliciousā€¦but it will honestly help you feel better about yourself and feeling better about who you are will automatically help you to BE BETTER!

achieve your goals

2. Make a list of three character traits you want to work on in the next 30 days.

For example, being on time, doing a better job of recognizing co-workers for their efforts, being more romantic with your partner, etc. (When you put your goals on paper, you have a MUCH greater chance of seeing it come to pass!)

3. Invest in personal or business development.

Studies show that the average person receives a $7 return on every dollar spent on personal development. Keep in mind that statistics take into consideration all the people who invest in personal development and then do nothing with it. Make investing in yourself a habit. By taking good notes and applying what you learn Iā€™m certain you can double, triple or even quadruple your return on investment.

4. Focus on being a student.

Be a better student of the people you meet and the people around you. Learn to love learning. Be curious. Read. Study and apply. Studies show that one of the easiest ways to boost self-esteem is by learning something new. Knowledge makes us stronger. Wisdom makes us kinder!

5. Give genuine praise and compliments.

Give genuine praise and compliments to those who deserve it and especially to those who you think already know how you feel about them. Nothing feels better than making another personā€™s day. Get in the habit of starting each day by sending 5 people a text of sincere appreciation.

Please feel free to share or tag someone who you’d like to publicly acknowledge how much you appreciate them!


Here’s to being your best self!Ā  Add to these tips in the discussion below and always shine ON!


9 responses to “5 Tips to Be Your Best Self”

  1. I will definitely try no 5 because it is toughest thing for me.

  2. be always best and better

  3. shazia sardar Avatar
    shazia sardar

    V informative and helful for inner growth

  4. i appreciate the 5 tips to be your best and thanks! have a nice day..

  5. Abdulahi Lawore Avatar
    Abdulahi Lawore

    Really Nice write-ups, very, very motivational too.
    I wish i could be having them directly in my email!
    Lots of Love.


    1. You can! You’ll see a signup box on the right hand side of our homepage, right under the main banner. Thanks!

  6. i should definitely try number 2..lists and actions will follow…thanks for posting..have a great day to you..!!

  7. I especially loved the 2nd tip…..will definitely follow it !!!…Thank u šŸ™‚

  8. Imagination is better than knowledge. (Albert Einstein)

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