
5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

An energy vampire, or psychic vampire, literally feeds off the energies of those around them. They attach to a host and attempt to suck the person dry. When the person supplying the energy comes into the full realization of the situation at hand, they will usually either ignore the person or let them go. Then, the cycle continues, as the energy vampire survives off of other people’s emotions.

Now you know why happy, vibrant people can sometimes attract those with self-serving motives. Energy vampires operate on such a low frequency that they must turn to people with high energy levels to survive.

In today’s society, you have likely encountered people like this numerous times, but you may not have known how to best deal with them in order to shield yourself from their own draining energies. Next time you come across an energy vampire in the flesh, try these tactics to ensure that you maintain a healthy frequency:

5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires


1. Maintain positive energy by trying to uplift the energy vampire’s own vibration.

Not every psychic vampire steals other people’s energy knowingly or maliciously; maybe they just need a little guidance and support along their journey. In a short excerpt from Dr. Judith Orloff’s New York Times Bestseller, “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life,” she says,

“Some are overbearing and obnoxious; others are friendly and charming. For example, you’re at a party talking to a perfectly nice person, but suddenly you’re nauseous or weak. Or how about the co-worker who drones on about how she broke up with her boyfriend for the tenth time? Eventually, she feels better, but you’re spent. The bottom line is that on a subtle energy level these people suck you dry.”

So, for these types of energy vampires, often called “poor me” types, you could easily change the subject or offer a few positive words about her relationship. This type of energy vampire usually doesn’t have underlying intentions, but may just need some assistance in getting back on a path toward uplifting their own energy. We all need help from time to time, so don’t automatically dismiss those who exude negative vibes. They may have just had a bad day, and need someone to talk to. As long as you can reach within and easily access your own positivity, this person’s energy should not affect you psychically.

2. Say a few positive affirmations when in the presence of an energy sucker.

Sometimes when you walk in a room full of people, you instantly feel blanketed by the overwhelming negativity in the room. It can feel suffocating when in the company of so many unconscious people. So just remember to silently cite some of your favorite positive quotes or mantras to keep yourself balanced. You can also imagine yourself being bathed in white light from the Divine. Or picture being shielded in a protective bubble of positive energy to not be brought down by the discomfort of others.

3. Distance yourself from the person.

If they continue with the manipulative or self-pitying behavior without making any indication that they want to take responsibility for their own energy, you will need to contemplate letting the person go. Even if it’s a close friend or family member, you cannot have a healthy relationship with someone who refuses to take control of their life and at least work on becoming a more positive, independent person. Don’t feel guilty for wanting to leave an unhealthy relationship; sometimes, no other options are available, and you can’t carry their burdens on your shoulders forever. Allowing the behavior to continue only enables them to keep functioning as a victim, but cutting ties with them will force them to find the strength within to both uplift themselves and others.

You will be doing them a favor, so try not to feel too much remorse, especially if you’re an empath.

4. Make sure to meditate daily, if even for 10-15 minutes.

One of the best ways to protect yourself from emotional manipulation and being taken advantage of is to go deep within and channel more Source Energy into your body and mind. That way, you have a higher tolerance for dealing with the wide variety of energies you will encounter, and won’t be phased by the clever, devious tactic of energy vampires.

As you tap into more of your own spiritual powers and the universal consciousness grid, you will notice that other people’s behaviors won’t affect you as much.

energy vampire squash positive vibes5. Smile at them.

How will this benefit you? Well, a smile carries with it a high vibration, and when you share it with others, they too feel the effects of your positive energy. Think of how you feel when a stranger smiles at you on the street or in the grocery store; you instantly feel happier, right? Well, it works in the same fashion when you pass the smile on to others; ripples create waves, so make sure to keep the positive energy flowing by giving away your own happiness to others!

This doesn’t mean to let others walk all over you and deplete your energy stores. But just give off good vibes so that others may benefit from them, and even start to use these tools to enrich their own lives.


One response to “5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires”

  1. Kirk is out Avatar
    Kirk is out

    Avoid energy drain. +Protect the throath to root chackras. Which is the main energy system of the body that parasitic entities are after night and day. (Food enters and waste goes out) +Make pouches filled with Crystal salt or round flat orgonite. ORGONITE -craft made with resin, metal shavings and Crystal. ((Learn how to make.) +For throath chackra knot a long sock around the neck with the pouches inside. + On a t-shirt attach pouches running from the neck down, front and back. +on a underpant attach pouches on top of the genitals, perineum and the anus. Wear as needed. +The relief is felt at once. +Kirk is out

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