happy people

7 Habits Happy People Have (But Never Talk About)

Sometimes, happy people are glaringly obvious. They have “pep in their step,” are often smiling, rarely complain, and won’t say a bad thing about anyone.

What’s that extra special element that they have that most people don’t?

Certainly, it appears there are some obvious things like genetics, upbringing, birthrights, money, fame (although both can be a downfall for many), a good job, a beautiful family, etc. But, none of these guarantee happiness.

Most happily contented people have very unobvious reasons that create happiness in their life.

Here is a list of 7 things that make most happy people, well, happy. 🙂


7 Habits Happy People Have (But Never Talk About)

1. These folks don’t need acceptance.

In our culture, it’s often about your “inner circle.” It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.


Wrong. For many with a joyful spirit, they are simply themselves, and through their infectious, radiant energy they attract other positive people.

Happy people don’t need to fit in with the crowd or change so that others will like them. They live and are guided by who they truly are and don’t need others to accept them.

2. Happy people embrace the temporary.

Happy people enjoy the ride and accept the bumps in the road that come along with it. They do so because they know that life is short and that things always work out. Besides, they are too busy excitedly awaiting the next good thing to come along anyway.

Jobs, relationships, and circumstances all come and go. In the meantime, these people seek out their next adventure, learn and make the most of it.

3. Happy people refuse to be denied their dreams.

Happy people are not only gregarious, loving people, but they are also passionate about their dreams and tough-minded. They take hits in stride. They don’t settle for excuses or problems, they create solutions. Their dreams are far too important!

They deeply care about their hopes, dreams, and goals. Ask a happy person what they want out of life. Most times, they will have an immediate answer. Joy-filled people are driven, passionate and creative individuals with a positive end goal in mind that is usually for the betterment of not only themselves but for humanity and a better future.

One tip though. . . Don’t get in the way of that dream. They may take their smiling face off for a minute or two.

Well, maybe not. But, they surely won’t let you stand in their way.

4. Happy people embrace equality.

There are folks among us who have a pedestal and tend to look down on and criticize others. They look for other’s faults like theirs a reward for it, as Zig Ziglar once said.

But, truly joyful people are completely different. They treat other people as equals, regardless of differences.

Look at some of the revolutionaries that have lived amongst us. The Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa… the list goes on. Do you notice a characteristic that is common among them all? They were ALL for equality. They were also optimistic and loving people who went to any level to help others.

We are all one, and happy people know it.

5. Happy people put themselves first.

Putting yourself first is important. Our society needs to re-evaluate the misconstrued belief about this. We aren’t referring to being selfish, greedy and “Numero Uno”.

We are talking about healthy self-care. Joyful people love and take care of themselves because that is the only way that they can show up for other people.

It’s true!

By constantly sacrificing your own needs, you cannot true and fully take care of others. Happy people know this and have to put themselves first once in a while to show their best selves and be of service to others.

6. Happy people don’t worry about money.

Many of the happiest people in the world are just average people with modest means. They take pleasures in the small, free things like the weather, their family and friends, good food, a good book, the ability to walk, clean water, and the list goes on…

Happy people understand that money is just a form of energy and there is always enough provided at all times. Money creates more freedom, but happy know that they truly don’t need money to be happy – it’s just an added bonus.

No matter how much they have, there is never lack – there is always enough. Happy people don’t talk about money problems, even if they have less than everyone else.

Most happy people don’t lust money. Lusting is greed. They may welcome more, but they don’t allow the worry for more to consume their life so much that they can’t enjoy where they are right now.

7. Happy people make small differences every day.

One of the greatest things about happy people is that they often do little things every day that make themselves and other people better and happier. They see humanity as something that needs to be improved, and they perform whatever deeds necessary to do so.

Happy people have daily habits that are positive and they strive to live every day this way, because they understand that overall small differences make a BIG difference. Joyful people truly enjoy making a difference. J

Ever notice when you are particularly giddy, you are more likely to leave a bigger tip, smile, or make someones day?

This is perhaps the best thing about these people: they make these small differences every day, all day.

happy people
They smile at the stranger looking down, they leave the tip for the waitress struggling to make ends meet, and they embrace and support the friend that is hurting.

The insightfulness of joyful people is truly something to behold, and it can be summarized easily: Happy people are consistently positive in all ways! 


45 responses to “7 Habits Happy People Have (But Never Talk About)”

  1. So me! I do not let my problems interfere with the way I treat others. I know things will get better soon.. This too shall pass! Xoxo

  2. Dazzlingly Va Avatar
    Dazzlingly Va

    My thoughts exactly 🙂 x

  3. This is life changing quotient for every ones.

  4. Wowww absolutely True! Omg love Go Happy people !!! Woooo Hooooo I'm so excited & I just can't hide it <3 <3 <3 Need more happies 🙂

  5. Rabia Faisal Avatar
    Rabia Faisal

    Beautiful loved reading this

  6. I LOVE IT making me realize I am an overall happy person going through some tough moments, but these too will pass with a positive mind and patience

  7. Lillian Lindberg Avatar
    Lillian Lindberg

    I LOVE this and strive to live by it. Thank you SO much for this, it reiterates what I've learned in my life! 🙂

  8. I'm here reading this beautiful article on happy people, feeling inspired, feeling as if I should read it again and again in times when life is difficult or when i'm feeling down or depressed. It's disheartening to look at the comments and see those that are so quick to point out and pick apart the article. Finding fault in the "incorrect use of a word"?? Incidentally, if that makes you "unhappy" then lookout your in for a miserable existence, or "Mother Theresa's depression" ( and for the record i've had struggles with depression my whole life and its difficult but that doesn't mean im un-happy!).
    To those of you that sought out the positive and felt like I did "inspired" and yes "happy" we are kindred spirits and YOU ROCK!

  9. Chumma Lee Avatar
    Chumma Lee

    Best reminder of the day….. Yes it's all in the mind….. how you perceive is how it manifests into your life…. So be careful of what you think of others… It could be YOU….. 🙂

  10. Maybe it's a sign that you need to be more tolerant. Just because someone doesn't have your IQ or level of education doesn't mean they can't write something profound. You understood the word through the context, that's all you really need.

  11. In habit number 4, you used the word theirs instead of there's. Now you know why I'm not happy. I'm critical. 🙂

  12. Love to embrace happiness and share it with others as I go along. Let's keep the positive attitude and make the world a better place-heaven on earth.

  13. it makes me happy to read artcles in here
    may b one day i will b far more happier than i am today with guides from these articles

  14. Here's my truth. I am grateful because I'm happy and I am happy because I'm grateful. Call me what you will, but I am happy.

  15. This Is like superb I get motivated a lot and I try to be happy the whole day

  16. Mother Theresa was far from happy and suffered from depression. While happiness is a wonderful state we all crave we must also a knowledge the divine purpose of the "dark night of the soul".

  17. An alternate title to this article could be 'How narcissists use lists to brag about being happy while claiming to never talk about it.'

  18. I read it I liked it and I'm going to share it

  19. Very good post. Thanks for sharing

  20. Liliana Inostroza Avatar
    Liliana Inostroza


  21. Lynn Abeln Meyer Avatar
    Lynn Abeln Meyer

    Love it but the incorrect use of the word "theirs" made me unhappy

  22. I read this and shared it with one stated. Thank you God, I'm grateful to be a happy person. Thanks for the reminders to us happy ones. It's nice to see things written you can share with many at one time. Liked your reference to Mr Ziglar(1 of my heros) !!!

  23. It helps to keep things in perspective. Since there is so much to be concerned with these days !

  24. Its lovely and inspiring

  25. Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno Avatar
    Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno

    PS. It is yet another 'coincidence' = natural miracle that this morning I got up to happily write about experiences which led me to reclaim my Integral Self, yet first found an email about your post, Kristen, so that in this comment I have summed up the core message about my best contribution to the world, which is what I am writing a book about. Thanks again very much Kristen! Bless you!

  26. Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno Avatar
    Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno

    Oh, thanks for posting this and making me Truly Happy to share my own experience of being Truly Happy by identifying with and rejoycing in my Integral Being (rather than identifying primarily with any particular role). As an Integral, Authentic Being I experience my energy, feeling, intuition, dreams, understanding, will, body, Soul and Spirit as dynamically and harmoniously aligned. Then I feel humble because I accept to be guided by my intuition and the Spirit from the Great Unknow as my best friend. I feel looked after lovingly by the Universal Intelligence, so do not need to ponder on anything. I look very well after my own Self, with an an Inherent Knowing that what is appropriate for my highest wellbeing by the same tocken brings about the highest wellbeing of all concerned, which is confirmed by the feedback I get privately and profesionally (as an Integral Natural Healer and Therapist). Everything feels easy, safe and joyful as it evolves smoothly within me and out there. by manifesting promptly (by so called 'coincidences' which I consider natural healing miracles orchestrated by the Divine, and available all the time to all of us provided we opt to notice). Then new, most appropriate connections with people, situations and information keep springing up and lead to smooth yet deeply helaing, lasting outcomes for me and all concerned. That way my and other people's True Happiness becomes an ever increasing fertile ground for ongoing harmonising at all levels, in all aspects of our lives. I am convinced that is how we are designed to be.

  27. Jenna Ross Avatar
    Jenna Ross

    I really love this one despite the grammatical issues. Truth nugget.

  28. Tracy Phoenix Idris Wilson Avatar
    Tracy Phoenix Idris Wilson

    I will pick up done of these habits, with a smile:)

  29. Hazel Soco Avatar
    Hazel Soco

    we love this…..we are happy…

  30. thank you for sharing this happy habits!

  31. It's such a great post…….. greatly motivated.

  32. Claire  Don Avatar
    Claire Don

    That's the summary of me 🙂

  33. Nancy Rauch Avatar
    Nancy Rauch

    Really…..good info !

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