
7 Secrets To Living A Beautiful Life

I can honestly say that six years ago I could not see myself being able to live a beautiful life. At the lowest point in my life, I had accepted that my days would only consist of “getting by.” Saying that I was in a slump would be putting it lightly. Moreover, from ages 23 to 25 I lazily floated through every hum-drum day without ever hoping for more. A beautiful life did not seem like a possibility for me.

Luckily, as I hurriedly approached the mature age of thirty, my conscience finally kicked in and screamed, “WHAT ARE WE DOING?” When I finally woke up and dusted the fog away, I realized that I was working at a job that I utterly despised, I hadn’t gone anywhere interesting in years, and I didn’t even like myself all that much anymore. A change was way overdue. During this fantastic time of self-discovery, I came up with a few topics that are key to living a beautiful life.

Here are 7 secrets to living a beautiful life:

find yourself

Who Am I?

Figuring out who you indeed are is the first step that will help guide you on your journey. If you can pinpoint who you were, who you are now, and who you want to be in the future, you are not far off from attaining what you desire.

If you happened to have kept a journal at any point in your past, read through it. Connecting with your history may help to determine what got you so far off the beaten path in the first place. If you have never journaled, there is no time like the present! In the first few pages, list everything you like about yourself and everything you want to change. And then dream. What do you want more than anything? Please write it down.

Don’t Take It for Granted

Most anyone who has ever experienced a near-death experience comes out on the other side with new vigor for life. I wonder why we let it get to that point though. Why does it take staring death in the eye to realize we only have one shot at this thing?

Acknowledging that we only have this one ticket to ride is paramount to living a beautiful life. That realization alone should stir up a newfound appreciation for the gift you’ve been given.

Your One Chance

Ask yourself how the job or career you currently have is serving you. The average human will spend about 90,000 hours working throughout their lifetime. Over 80% of the population are not happy at their jobs. If the thought of walking into work Monday morning and punching your time card brings on the feeling of nausea, it’s probably time to start looking for a new gig. Being happy at your place of work is one of the most critical factors to living a beautiful life.

You Deserve a Treat

I think this one is obvious, but so few people do it. If you’re still asking how to live a beautiful life, I have two words for you, treat yourself! It’s so simple, and the world will not crumble if you enjoy a cupcake occasionally or buy a pair of shoes you’ve had your eye on for months. If it’s within your means, give yourself a treat now and then.

Relationship Goals

Taking a hard look at your social circle can be rough, but it’s also a must if you wish to have a beautiful life. Are there toxic people meandering around you, filling your head with negativity? If so, you might want to start weeding out those naysayers and gossips.

Take Time for You

This is also a natural step. What makes you happy? What relaxes you? What makes you laugh? Once you figure out what brings you joy in life, try to make those things habits. Take a candlelit bubble bath, take a yoga class, go to the movies once or twice a week. There’s nothing better than carving out some time you devote only to yourself.

beautiful life

Dust Your Shoulders Off

Try not to sweat the small stuff. It’s easy to worry yourself to death about life’s little hiccups, but it’s also important to realize that the small, nagging, thing that you’re worrying yourself sick over this week, won’t even be a thought in your mind in a few days. Skipping over life’s tiny bumps in the road is essential to a beautiful life.

Remember: Leading a wonderful life is wholly based on your perspective. No one else can dictate what your idea of beauty is. Maybe the question isn’t, how to live a beautiful life, but what is already beautiful in my life?

Hold those things close to you like a talisman of hope. If you are hopeful for a beautiful life, you might find that you are well on your way to living one fully!