vitamin d

7 Signs You’re In Danger Of Low Vitamin D

Are you in danger of low Vitamin D? Many people lack this essential nutrient but don’t know it.

Vitamin deficiencies are becoming more and more common for people of all ages. Young children and young adults might be the ones to suffer the most as their growing bodies demand a lot of vitamins and nutrients to grow and develop properly. Instead of changing habits or diet choices, many people quickly take vitamin supplements with the hope that it will solve the issues associated with their vitamin deficiency.

Your body needs a good dose of Vitamin D for your system to absorb the calcium needed to help your bones be strong and healthy. You get this vitamin naturally by allowing the sun’s ultraviolet rays to hit your skin. While spending time in the sunshine is important for many reasons, you can also get this crucial vitamin by eating specific foods such as eggs or mushrooms.

Many times, people suffer from a number of symptoms before knowing that the root cause is a Vitamin D deficiency. Here are seven signs and the dangers of having low vitamin D.

Signs And Dangers Of Low Vitamin D

low vitamin d

1. Gum Disease

When was the last time you went to the dentist? If it was over a year ago, then it is time for you to call and schedule a basic cleaning so your dentist can examine the health of your gums. If you experience redness or bleeding after brushing and flossing regularly, you might risk having a Vitamin D deficiency. Your dentist and doctors can help you resolve this issue, but it is luckily an easy adjustment to add more of this vitamin to your diet or spend more time soaking up the sunshine.

2. Feeling Tired All Day Long

Do you wake up from your night’s sleep not feeling rested? Perhaps after an afternoon nap, you feel you haven’t slept in days? Feeling tired throughout the day is a good indication of a deficiency and one that needs to be addressed by your doctor quickly.

If you fail to handle this, a danger of low vitamin D that your body could experience is sleeping disorders or problems sleeping through the night.

3. Feeling Depressed Or Moody

Everyone has those days where we feel down on our luck and would rather stay in bed than face the daily responsibilities we have. While this might be normal to happen occasionally, if you are experiencing this daily, then it is time to be checked out by a health professional. When you spend enough time in the sun, your brain releases a hormone known as serotonin, which helps you feel good.

Without sunshine or vitamin D, this hormone is not present, resulting in depression or mood swings.

danger of low vitamin d

4. Pain In Your Muscles Or Joints

If you are experiencing chronic pain in your muscles and joints, it could be a direct reflection of your body’s lack of vitamin D. A danger of low vitamin D that people have experienced is a very high pain sensitivity, making the common aches and pains of life can be magnified greatly if you don’t have the proper amount in your system.

5. Constantly Feeling Fatigued

Feeling fatigued is when your body has no energy to carry on as it usually should and can. When you feel fatigued, it is normal for anxiety and an overall feeling of lethargy to take over your body. The more time you spend in the sun soaking up the Vitamin D you need, the better off you will be emotionally and physically.

6. Getting Sick Often

People with a vitamin deficiency will often break out with the flu or other respiratory problems. Vitamin D has a crucial role in keeping inflammation of the cells in the immune system at bay, so a lack of this vitamin will only lead to increased issues.

7. Sweat In Strange Places

This is one of the symptoms that you might not have considered to be a sign of Vitamin D deficiency, but if you are experiencing a sweaty head, you might need to talk with your healthcare provider as you are potentially in danger of low vitamin D. This can happen in adults, but it is an obvious symptom in infants.

Final Thoughts on the Dangers of Low Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiencies can be very serious if not handled or treated immediately. Your doctor can determine a Vitamin D deficiency treatment. The danger of low Vitamin D includes, but is not limited to:

  • Kidney issues: Your kidneys might not be properly absorbing the nutrients.
  • Obesity: If you are overweight, your body cannot absorb the vitamin because the fat absorbs it as it is a fat-soluble vitamin.
  • Celiac disease: People who suffer from diseases such as Celiac or Chrone’s have difficulty functioning their intestines properly and absorbing the needed vitamins.

The sooner you can diagnose and get vitamin D deficiency treatment, the better off you will feel emotionally and physically. The danger of low Vitamin D is not a matter of life or death. However, being aware and on top of your health will help you to live the best life you can without any unnecessary aches, pains, or a sweaty head to deal with!