steal partner

7 Signs Someone Is Trying to Steal Your Partner (And How to Stop Them)

Do you have an incredibly attractive, charismatic, and charming partner? If you are, then lucky you!

But being human, you may be worried that someone would try to take your partner from you. After all, if they’re attractive and funny, other people may want to move in on your relationship and try to usurp you as your current partner. If you’re worried, you may want to assess whether you have any reason to be. Is your partner particularly flaky, or do they show signs of wanting to stray?

“If a woman ever steals your man, there’s no better revenge than letting her keep him. Real men can’t be stolen.” – Unknown

If the relationship is long-term, do you feel it’s run its course? Do you suspect your partner wants to move on? Or, if the relationship is newer, you may feel like it’s a little rocky and that anyone could come through and ruin it. Learning how to deal with jealousy and ensure no one takes your partner from you can be tricky. But here are some ways to ensure someone doesn’t steal your partner from you.

Here Are Seven Signs That Someone Is Looking To Steal Your Partner

emotionally intelligent partner

1. Social Media

Do you notice someone constantly liking all his posts on Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat? This might signify that someone is trying to steal him away from you. This may be friendly behavior all on its own. So when someone likes every post your partner makes, it may signify that they hope to make sure your partner pays more attention to them than they are to you.

2. They gossip about you

Everyone likes to gossip. It’s practically human nature! However, someone looking to steal your partner will likely gossip or talk badly about you behind your back. Often they’ll say these things to your partner! They will make sure that they pick on every one of your flaws and repeatedly point them out to your significant other.

3. They’re overly affectionate

Someone who doesn’t respect your relationship will be overly affectionate with your partner in ways that often make you uncomfortable. If this person is touching your partner excessively on the arm or giving them inappropriately long hugs, it’s most likely a sign that they’re seeking to move in and take your partner from you.

4. They’re just like you

There should be nothing stopping your partner from making new friends. In fact, you should encourage it! However, if their new friend seems suspiciously just like you, it may be a sign that they’re trying to move in on your relationship. If they copy your personality traits and endearing mannerisms, it may be a sign that they’re trying to get your partner to start thinking of them the same way they think of you.

5. They laugh at EVERYTHING your partner says

Even if you love your partner and think they’re the funniest person on earth, the only person who should be laughing at everything your partner says is you. If someone is acting like they’re the funniest person in the world, they may be trying to butter them up and flatter them. Indeed, that might show that they’re looking to move in. Author Madison Moore says,

“Laughing leads to touching which is an excuse to create a connection and have some sort of closeness.”

6. Constant texting

Again, your partner should have friends. It’s natural to make them, keep them, and communicate with them. But if someone is constantly texting your partner at all hours of the night, every day, constantly … they’re probably looking at them as more than a friend.

7. They always want to hang out

Someone who is after your partner will want to ensure they see your partner more than you are. If your partner seems always to hang out with one specific person whenever you check in on them, then it’s a definite sign that they’re probably viewing your partner as more than just a friend.

Here are some ways to stop someone from stealing your partner:

loving partner

Stay calm

If your partner has never shown signs of wanting to leave you, then freaking out can be one way to put a strain on a relationship where there wasn’t any before. Freaking out will only ensure that your significant other will start to feel as if you don’t trust them, which can make them feel resentful.

Communicate with your partner

If you start acting nervous and jealous without letting them know why they can get very confused. If you feel like someone is trying to get in between you and your love, the best thing to do is keep the communication between the two of you open.

Assess the relationship

Relationship expert, psychologist and author Dr. Noelle Nelson says,

“If you want to protect your relationship, look first to the quality of your friendship. Stay involved in your man’s life, so he will want to stay involved — with you.”

The same goes for women too.

If the relationship is fairly new, it may be possible that someone else could come in just at the right time and try to form a stronger connection with your partner. However, if the relationship has been going on for quite some time, it may be less likely that your partner notices someone else is interested in them.

Stand up for yourself

You don’t want to cause unnecessary drama by trying to start a fight, but establishing firm boundaries is the way to go. Talk to the other person and let them know their behavior makes you uncomfortable, and you would prefer if they found their relationship – two is enough for yours!

Call their bluff

If you feel secure in your relationship, telling them to “Go ahead and try!” might be enough to get them back off and bother someone else. If your relationship is strong and secure, you won’t have to worry about whether your partner will give them a second thought.

Give your partner attention and affection

If your relationship is dwindling, you may feel your significant other could find happiness elsewhere. So maybe it’s time to put the spark back in the romance. Increasing the attention and affection, you give your partner can be all they need to feel happy and satisfied in the relationship again.


Let them go

This one is a tough pill to swallow. But in the end, someone can’t steal your partner from you, especially if there’s no partner to speak of. Letting them go if that time comes will be less painful for everyone involved, even if it may be extremely upsetting. But if the relationship is meant to last, your partner will put in the same effort as you.

As dating and relationship coach Marina Margulis says, “The best thing you can do in such a situation is walk away with dignity. I’m not saying it doesn’t sting. But resisting it will only make the situation worse. So, walk away and get ready to meet the guy who’s truly right for you.”