
7 Signs You’re Sacrificing Too Much In Your Relationship

A healthy relationship should consist of two people committed to one another who meet each other halfway on any issues or decisions. If you feel drained in your relationship, or feel that your partner takes more than he or she gives, you are probably making too many compromises to make this relationship work.

Always stay true to yourself and never sacrifice yourself for anyone.

Here are 7 warning signs you’re sacrificing too much in your relationship:

1. Your partner’s happiness seems like a constant chore.

If your partner can’t create happiness within him or herself, he or she will most likely turn to you as their source of happiness. This means that you not only have to keep your happiness levels high for have to worry about maintaining someone else’s mood, too. Now, of course, people should aim to make one another happy, but it becomes a problem when they rely on everything outside themselves for their fulfillment. Furthermore, they don’t know how to cultivate it on their own.

2. You concede too often.

They never want to meet you halfway, and view the relationship as a one-way street. They expect you to bend over backward for them, but they aren’t willing to do that for you. Maybe it wasn’t like that in the beginning, but people can change their demeanor over time – especially if they have had a major promotion at work or gone through some other significant life change.

However, a healthy relationship requires give and take on both sides.

Here is a prime example. If your partner takes a new position at work that requires them to move out of state. But, they don’t consider your feelings first, so this should be a red flag that they don’t value your opinion very much. Or, maybe it’s smaller sacrifices, like always having to forgo your favorite vacation spot in favor of where they want to travel.

If they don’t make an effort to fulfill your desires, too, evaluate if this is a healthy relationship to be in or not.

3. You don’t feel happy on the inside.

You should never compromise your own happiness in order to make a relationship work. By staying in a relationship just because it feels comfortable, not because it feels right, you just prolong your discontentment. Make the courageous and optimal decision to leave any relationship that no longer makes your heart happy. It may hurt in the beginning, but it will pay off in the long run as you meet others who enrich your life.

4. You have to babysit their emotions too often.

Listening to your partner when they encounter tough situations in their life is different than having to boost their mood every single day. If your partner blows the smallest incidences out of proportion and can’t seem to find balance with their emotions, it’s probably time to let them work on themselves on their own without the responsibility of a relationship.

5. They have asked you to change major things about yourself.

Personal growth is terrific, but as we’ve said before, no relationship is worth changing yourself over upon your partner’s request. Even if you truly and deeply love the person, they obviously don’t genuinely love you if they don’t absolutely adore the person you already are.

Maybe you two clicked in the beginning, but people change over time, and maybe you don’t see eye to eye anymore on values or your outlook on life. Vow to step away from any relationship that doesn’t honor your highest self.

6. You don’t support their lifestyle.

Does your partner smoke, drink, do drugs, or just live an unhealthy lifestyle in general? While they can make their own decisions, it will unavoidably cause turbulence in a relationship if you don’t share their views.

Maybe you want to have a quiet night in on the weekends and watch movies, but your partner wants to go party with his or her friends late into the night. Or, let’s say you have adopted a plant-based diet and have started a workout routine, while they still eat fast food and don’t seem to care about their health. You deserve a partner who wants to go in the same direction as you, so don’t settle for anything less.

7. You always show your love and appreciation, but they don’t reciprocate.

While giving should be a selfless act without expectations, it just doesn’t feel good if your partner never shows how much they care about you. Maybe you always make dinner reservations or make them cute homemade gifts, but they don’t seem to care about doing the same for you.

Now, some people just don’t show affection or emotions as much as others, but your partner should still make you feel like you matter to them. If you have continually shown your appreciation for them, but they never make the effort to return the gestures, it might be time to walk away from the relationship.

Are you sacrificing too much in your relationship? Add your valuable experience in the discussion below…


5 responses to “7 Signs You’re Sacrificing Too Much In Your Relationship”

  1. When the song 'I Love You Like A Love Song Baby' makes you want to vomit

  2. I've been married for over 7 years we have 2 beautiful boys one is four and a half the other 2 years younger… Great boys I adore them, and I love my wife as well, but I don't know if I'm in love with her, I have all the tell signs that I'm sacrificing too much, my personality, my family and friends, my habits all must be controlled by my lovely wife, I even get a telling to if my cousin likes a picture on my Facebook, I don't feel comfortable, I don't feel happy, I always feel weight on my shoulders, nothing I do is good enough, I work hard to give my family the 5star life style, but feel controlled and possessed by my wife, I am still attracted to her but sometimes wish that I can just not have her around, for the simple reason that I feel she's a drag in every sense, we have tried counselling, we have been separated, and almost went through a divorce, and must say that when I thought it was over I was relieved, but then we decided to give it a try and I must say that I feel I would have been happier if I went ahead with the divorce.

    Now I'm second guessing myself in every way, I don't know if I'm worried the boys will have to go with her and then I will only visit, it will break my heart, but I don't know how much of this I can endure, frankly at times I truly feel that she is killing me inside and this is effecting my ability to work, to be normal, to everything… I'm lost and I don't know what to do, I was happy when I thought I was out now I don't know how to do it again, of course having said this, my ideal situation would be that she became the person I fell in love with the person when we first got married, but again we have tried everything and I am 10000000000% sure she is incapable of the change that is needed which I understand might not be anyone's mistake other than we might have not gotten married if we saw this in the initial stages…

    Any words either way good or bad is welcomed…

  3. You moved away and he came and set up camp in your new home? That's not cool? Gotta tell him straight: "Hit the road Jack and dontcha come back no more, no more, no more, no more!".

  4. You are not sacrificing, you are just not seeing the red flags that you have all over. A relationship should be a good experience with good and bad situations. He told you he is done he is no longer attached to you in the way a good healthy relationship should be.
    Good luck!

  5. I met my man april last year, we were very happy. We shared expenses despite he lives in the US and i am from the Philippines. I gave him access to my financial resources. At times he sends me money. We wanted to buy and sell this car in October of last year but never realized until now. We are in financial mess, me having to pay all the purchases from the US, him having to try to get back to his health (he fell on ice and hit his head, he said). We are long distance, he once said he wants the relationship done. But I asked him to hold on, because i will wait and hold on til our winter is over. We never talked lately (on the phone only), but I want to hold on. AM I SACRIFICING too much?

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