paleo diet

7 Things To Know Before You Start A Paleo Diet

Whether you want to eat healthily or lose weight, the paleo diet will be instrumental if consumed properly. Of course, if you’re consuming paleo diet for weight loss it will be essential to include exercises in your routine. But people do not usually have the full picture before starting on this diet.

Pros and Cons of Consuming a Paleo Diet

You could be considering “going paleo” as the means to achieve weight loss. However, you’ll find other benefits along the way. On the other hand, you’ll find some challenges as well.

Here are a few pros and cons, as outlined by the care team at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.


Here are three primary reasons people choose this lifestyle.

1 – It’s a naturally anti-inflammatory diet

Paleo dieters rely on healthy whole foods for nutrition. And, foods like berries, fruits, healthy sources of fats, and nuts have natural anti-inflammatory properties.

2 – You’ll satisfy your hunger

Because of your intake of those healthy fats, nuts, and seeds, you will feel satiated sooner–and the fullness in feeling will stick with you for longer. This can promote weight loss in many.

3 – Cleaner food sources

Your new lifestyle helps you wean off of foods that contain unhealthy preservatives, chemicals, and additives.


Here are three cons associated with the Paleo Diet.

1 – Paleo can be costly

The foods you purchase–fresh and organic–can be cost-prohibitive. On the flip side, you’ll be saving money on pre-packaged convenience foods. Thus, most people feel they are just trading one expense for another.

2 – It challenges vegans and vegetarians

Those who enjoy a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle will find this program challenging. That’s specifically because it excludes legumes and beans. Of course, those are primary protein sources for those who abstain from eating meat products.

3 – You’ll miss grains

If you love whole grains, this isn’t the program for you. Because it excludes grains, you miss out on the feeling of fullness that they offer as well as the energy they give you.

Paleo Diet Foods List

Here are some of the foods you should stock up on before you transition to this way of eating. Having the ingredients on hand in your pantry or fridge will increase your chances of a smooth transition period.

Keep in mind that you must select foods that are unprocessed, whole foods, free of preservatives, additives, or chemicals.

  • Root vegetables: These include potatoes, turnips, sweet potatoes, and yams.
  • Eggs: Choose your favorite free-range eggs–chicken, duck, or quail. They are all fair game!
  • Wild-caught seafood: Opt for fish (especially fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel), shellfish, and mollusks.
  • Organic meats: Meat options can include beef, poultry birds, pork, venison, lamb, and wild game meats.
  • Veggies: Seek out organic, no preservative vegetables. Include your favorites like asparagus, kale and collard greens, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers.
  • Seeds and nuts: Fenugreek seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, and pecans are fantastic choices. Remember, though, that peanuts are a legume and off the menu.
  • Fruits: Organic fruits of your choice. You may enjoy all berries, melons, oranges, apples, bananas, pears, pineapple, and other favorites.
  • Healthy fat sources: You can choose healthy fat options like coconut oil, extra-vigin olive oil, and avocado.

Here are seven things to know before starting a paleo diet:

1. You Will Want To Transition Slowly

Any diet that eradicates common foods is hard to get right into. Coffee, peanut butter, and bread are typical to most people and abruptly removing them from the diet might give you insane cravings. Concentrate on making a few changes at a time to provide your body adjustment time. Start eradicating foods that are not so difficult to give up. After successfully removing them from the diet, move to the ones that are more difficult. For instance, you can start by eliminating quinoa, wheat, and oats and then proceed to corn and rice later on after successful eradication.

2. You Will Not Always Lose Weight

Since the diet puts emphasis on carbohydrates in the form of vegetables and fruits, healthy fats, and lean proteins, you will possibly gain weight in the beginning. Healthy fats which are components of paleo contain a significant amount of calories which lead to weight gain. For example, a full avocado has 264 calories. Hence, consider this and the rest of your diet when consuming paleo diet for weight loss. According to research, weight-loss is closely related to behaviours and eating habits in the long-term as opposed to sticking to a particular diet. That is why many people who try paleo give up after a few weeks.

3. You Might Fall Deficient of Some Nutrients

The paleo has many fiber and proteins, but it lacks vitamin D and calcium due to the removal of dairy products. This can result in a weak immune system and bones in the long-run. It is, therefore, essential to consume a lot of paleo-approved sources of calcium such as dark leafy greens, broccoli, and almonds. Additionally, the body requires sufficient amounts of vitamin D for it to absorb calcium properly. Therefore, if you are on a paleo diet, consume mushrooms and fatty fish which are paleo-approved sources. If you are devoid of these options together with sufficient sunlight, see a doctor for a test and some supplements.

4. You Will Get Repetitive Meals

Most people who consume paleo diet use few combining ingredients or recipes. Most of the times, you will be eating a plate of proteins and vegetables. Failure to challenge yourself with food varieties and cooking techniques will make your diet very dull. Boredom is the reason most people give up on a diet.

5. Don’t Be Alarmed About Consuming Too Much Protein

Protein helps your muscles grow and keeps your hunger in check. In paleo, you will be mostly consuming fish and lean meat which is nothing you should be worried about. As long as your kidney functions are okay, it is hard to overeat protein.
In fact, recent research proves that you can eat a lot of proteins and experience little or no side effects. If you don’t exercise caution, you might neglect significant macronutrients such as carbs and fat. To make sure you eat a balanced diet, fuel up with vegetables or fruits and foods that have healthy fats such as nuts.

6. It’s Time-Consuming

Many people start a paleo diet knowing that they will spend more on grocery due to a lot of vegetables, organic fruits, and antibiotic-free and grass-fed meats. But what people do not know is that paleo consumes a lot of your time.
This lifestyle does not suit those who are addicted to take out. Some restaurants which advertise organic foods might not use paleo-friendly oils such as olive oil. Therefore, you will have to take a lot of time in food preparation, particularly dinner.

7. You Will Eat a Lot of Sweet Potatoes

Many people believe carbs to be an enemy of the body. But the human body needs carbs to produce energy. The problem is not the carbs, it’s the sources of the carbs. Since you need the energy, you cannot avoid carbs but it is essential to get them from the right sources. The carbs you should be taking contain fiber which helps in digestion of food, keeping you full, and regulating your insulin.
Ice cream is a carb that lacks in fiber but an unpeeled apple is a carb full of soluble fiber.
Avoid processed carbohydrates because most of them are lacking in fiber. These include cakes, cookies, soda, and more. So focus on vegetables and fruits as they are healthy carbs. Sweet potatoes are one of the most delicious healthy carbs.

Final Words on the Paleo Diet

If you are about to start on paleo, then make sure you transition slowly and note that you will not always lose weight, you might fall deficient of some nutrients, you will consume a lot of proteins, it consumes a lot of time, the meals are repetitive, and you will eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

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