
7 Things You Need to Do For Yourself

Life is a precious commodity. It’s a privilege to be breathing and experiencing this amazing journey. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow and someday are tall-tail myths. Start your list and follow through on these things you must do for yourself.

Enjoy every second of taking chances and leaving your comfort zone. Make the space to create your list today and start checking things off.

Here are seven things you must do for yourself in life

Add these to-do list items to your bucket list.

1. Travel far and wide, or just outside of your zip code.

Traveling does something to our spirit. It expands our awareness to all that is available in life. The journey is truly the gift and the destination is a bonus. Each adventure is a new link to learning something about yourself through other cultures or even in your own backyard.

Take a train across Canada and then a cruise to Alaska to go whale watching. Go on a spiritual retreat in India, visit the Taj Mahal, and then the Hogenakkal Falls in the South. Book a safari in Africa and visit Victoria Falls. While on that side of the world, hop over to Egypt and take a camel ride to the Pyramids of Giza. Take a trek in South America to explore Machu Picchu in Peru, and take a jungle night walk in the forest with a shaman.

overcome a fear2. Do what scares you.

Ride a motorcycle, go zip-lining, parachute, climb a mountain, go surfing, go skiing, or purchase road legal quad bikes for sale UK and ride around the country. If you want to learn how to surf, you may take beginner lessons and visit a surf shop to purchase the necessary equipment. Overcoming your fears is one way to live life on the edge. Get in front of an audience in Open-Mic night at any local cafe or bar. Join a meet-up group and explore an area near where you live. Take a cruise alone. Go to a homeless shelter and help for a day. Take flowers to a stranger in a hospital. Leave a sweet note on a neighbor’s door. To get over fears, you must tackle them head-on…you cannot go around them.

3. Learn something new.

Pick up an instrument. Finish that novel on your computer with the help of a writing group. Take classes and learn a new hobby. Take a cooking class at a local school, an art lesson, or learn martial arts. Learning to do new things is a lot safer than reaching for the substance to fulfill you. Your brain will thank you for it. Play a video game if you’ve never tried it before. Take a meditation class or an online motivational course.

4. Learn a new language.

Physiological studies have shown that when you learn a new language, it is a great asset to cognitive processing. You become smarter and sharper in your thinking. Scientists have found that bilingual young adults and children perform better on tasks dictated by the brain’s executive control system. This system is “the basis for your ability to think in complex ways, control attention, and do everything we think of as uniquely human thought,” said Ellen Bialystok, a psychologist at York University in Toronto, Canada. Other studies have shown that there is a decrease in Alzheimer’s when you take on other languages. Language is a connection to the world. It’s also useful for those trips you will be making to Europe, India, and other parts of this great world.

5. Focus on your health.

Make healthy choices now. Don’t put them off. Start jogging or hiking. Join a gym. Your health is a priority over anything else. Give up smoking, drugs, and alcohol. Drink more water. Add more vegetables to your diet while reducing the intake of red meats and other processed foods. You don’t have to be drastic, but small, moderate, changes in your diet can change your life. When you feel good you also do good.

6. Fall in love unconditionally.

Keep your heart open and available. You’ve been hurt, it’s gonna be okay! Now it’s time to take your love life into account. You are only responsible for yourself and the way you love. Love yourself first. When others see how you love your life they begin to love you with the same respect. We are constantly waiting on another person to love us unconditionally but it starts with the self. Fall in love every day with your gifts. Find a mind-body-spiritual connection to Oneness through you. You are here to love recklessly and in full abandonment.

“Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love…but don’t put your life on hold waiting for love.” ~ Mandy HaleThe Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

You have the innate power to live life to the fullest. No one else can do this for you. Make all those small changes one day at a time. Your soul will thank you for doing these things.

things weigh down quote7. Make Love (without having sex)

If you want to feel the most powerful energy in the Universe, make love. It’s one of the most unforgettable experiences anyone can ever encounter.  Simply put, making love is creating energy, sourced directly from the divine.  Usually, this is a collective effort between two people. But contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to get in-between the sheets to “do it”.  There are many ways to create this divine energy, and you can find an outlet for it in many different facets of life.