
7 Ways to Find Your Flow and Flourish

Contrary to what you hear on the mainstream news these days, life isn’t meant to be a constant tooth-and-nail fight to the finish. Humans came here to thrive, not struggle. If we tap into the right energy, we will get swept up by the natural flow of the universal and discover that life seems so simple once we stop resisting.

If you feel unhappy or confused about life, consider the following strategies for learning how to “find your flow” and tap into your own personal superpowers!

7 Ways to Find Your Flow and Flourish:

1. Visualize what you want your life to look like.

Before anything begins to manifest in the physical realm, you must first envision what your dream life would consist of. The idea that the reality we see every day begins as vibrational energy held at the same frequency for an extended period of time before it exists physically has been coined “The Law of Attraction.” This elusive concept seems foreign to many people, but it becomes easier to understand if you break it down in laymen’s terms.

Basically, what you repeatedly think becomes what you repeatedly do, and all of this determines what reality you see every day. To live a life you really want, you must align your thoughts and actions with the reality you seek. The energy you put out into the world comes back to you, so make sure you pay attention to your thoughts; you’re subconsciously creating your reality at this very moment with your mind!

2. Buy a vision board and write down your goals.

Ask yourself these five questions:

  • What do I want to do with my life?
  • Can I identify my unique talents?
  • What makes me happy?
  • How can I get from where I am now to where I want to be?
  • How much money do I need to live how I want to?

vision board

Write down your answers to these questions, and keep the board somewhere clearly visible to you. In particular, pay attention to your answer to #4. Your response to this will determine the answers to all of the other questions because where you want to be likely includes more money, happiness, and a fulfilling career already.

Now, you just need to create actionable goals with a clear timeline, work on your goals every day, and see your life vision transform into manifestation!

3. Follow the lead of the Universe

In the book “Into the Wind” by Jake Ducey, he travels the world with $8,000 and no plan other than to follow the flow, help others, and find himself. He accomplished all three of these things, but he allowed himself to be carried by the powerful jet stream of the universe and didn’t ever doubt where it was taking him or what plans it had for him in the future. He surrendered to the natural order of the world and tested the power of the human spirit in the process. You can do exactly what he did in your own special way, but you must believe that you came here for a purpose.

follow the flow

The source-of-all, Spirit, God, or whatever you prefer to call it, can co-create your reality if you choose to open yourself up to infinite possibilities.

4. Limit your technology use.

Phones and computers offer great resources for learning new concepts, but spending time without it will help your creativity flourish. Technology tends to stifle inner growth because it becomes addicting after a while, and takes away our power to think and create independently. Think about it – how many times do you check emails, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter each day? Probably more than you can count, if you’re like most people.

limit your technology use

Instead of mindlessly scrolling through the social networks, use that time to cultivate your passions and work on yourself. Your life will become much more meaningful and gratifying to you once you dig deep and use your passions to create a life you truly love.

5. Get your creative juices flowing.

If you want to become an active creator in your life, rather than just a spectator, you will have to use your imagination to get things started. It might seem a little strange at first to use your creative energy, because our world runs on mostly left-brained, linear thinking. However, find an activity you enjoy that makes you come alive with boundless inventive energy, such as yoga, writing, painting, dancing, rock-climbing, or anything else you can think of. Just immerse yourself in some sort of activity that requires more doing rather than thinking. Too much thinking encourages stagnation, whereas doing inspires new ideas through movement.

find your flow

6. Give your mind and body adequate rest.

Working on your life requires a lot of energy, especially in the beginning, so make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night so you can recharge your batteries. Finding your flow has just as much to do with proper self-care as it does with setting intentions and taking action.

For example, you could tune up your car and install the highest-powered engine in the world, but if you run your car into the ground, the engine does no good. Your body and mind need some R&R if you want them to run optimally and help you in your quest to become your best self.

7. Try things you thought you couldn’t do.

Take a speaking class, go skydiving, talk to strangers, attempt to stand on your head, or try eating totally raw foods for a week. Do things you previously thought were impossible, and make them possible. You will grow your confidence exponentially by getting uncomfortable often, and it will help you evolve creatively as well. You will begin to see the full spectrum of your potential, and develop the “yes” mentality about life that the universe has wanted you to have all along!