
Our Thought-Leaders, Experts & Visionaries

Uplift The Planet One Word At A Time

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Together, With Words, Videos & So Much
More… We Have Uplifted The Planet

As Proud As We Are of Those Stats Above…
We Take Greater Pride in THIS 👇👇

As Proud As We Are of Those Stats Above…
We Take Greater Pride in THIS 👇👇

Because the Power of Positivity is NOT only about featuring the best, brightest, and most inspiring minds the world has to offer… but also finding new, unearthed talent.

Some of our most popular and powerful posts have come from newly discovered gems passionate about sharing their voice and providing their unique takes, tales, and talents. We’re proud of the family we’ve built and we are excited about unearthing new, undiscovered geniuses today, tomorrow, and long into the future.

Could that be you?

Are you a unique mind who has something positive to share?

Will you become our latest and greatest uplifting voice?

If so, we invite you to apply to write for the Power of Positivity…

But before you do, let’s introduce you to some of the family
you’re about to join.


Apply to become a Thought Leader


APPLY to become a Thought Leader today and share some of your current work that exists online with us to shine light on your expertise.


If approved, our Editor will be in contact with you to begin creating your profile, bio, and first featured article.


Your article will be live and based on popularity will be distributed among one or more of our social media channels. Your content could be discovered by thousands, if not millions of users who love personal development.


EARN MONEY 💰 by taking the content and topics you are most passionate about and creating a “Mini Course” for our community, which will be hosted within our Power of Positivity App.

What You Deliver

  • Three unique articles on the enriching topic of your choice and expertise. You are welcome to contribute monthly if desired.

  • Use our Contributor Tool Kit to share with your community and increase your credibility.

  • BONUS: Create a Mini Course for our community to earn money and engage new fans about your work and other offerings.

What We Deliver

  • Visibility to thousands of users who are searching for personal development voices. We’ll share direct links to follow you and 

    1 CTA on your profile.

  • 50% Revenue Share For Courses

  • Coming soon: Access to our closed community of our Thought Leaders you can connect with and support!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Power of Positivity?

Founded by Kristen Butler, Power of Positivity® celebrates the lifestyle of positive thinking and attitude and has become a global hub of expansive ideas with 50MM social media followers. This website publishes content on an array of topics like: Positivity, Inspiration, Relationships, Quotes, Health, Wellness, Affirmations, Mental Health, Good News, Spirituality, Yoga, Weight loss, Mindfulness, Gratitude, Happiness, Peace, Love, Healthy Living, Family, Entertainment and more.

What is the role of a Thought Leader?

A Thought Leader is a person with an expertise, skill set and passion in a specific area of expertise. Thought leaders contribute to the Power of Positivity website and app to help expand and achieve their goals.

What are the article submission guidelines?


  • 3000 word count minimum. Original, previously unpublished work.
  • Positive, engaging, educational voice.
  • Research, data, facts, and quotes from.
  • Academic Sources and Peer reviewed journals.
  • More specific details emailed to you upon acceptance.

How do I earn money?

We have a new and exciting opportunity for experts in their field to not only make e residual income but also gain access to a new fan page to expand their reach through Mini Course creation offered on our new “Power of Positivity App” available on desktop, iPhone, and Android. Please inquire for more details. Currently, we do not offer an opportunity to make money from the article content you publish on our website, only expanded reach.

apply to write for the power of positivity

We Are Always Looking For New, Talented Writers To Share Their Voice 
We Get A Lot of Requests Each Day So Cannot Promise Publication 
But We Can Promise The Opportunity To Explore Your Ideas

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