
15 Affirmations to Read When You Don’t Feel Good Enough

When you feel like you aren’t good enough, you’ll often experience shame and inadequacy. Even when you try your hardest, you feel like you aren’t living up to your ability. It leads to constant negative self-talk, lowering your feeling of self-worth.

Sometimes you won’t feel good enough if you are deficient in some area of life and can’t improve. You might feel like you can’t improve because you don’t have the necessary tools to build competency. It can make you feel like you’re doomed to failure and like you should give up.

Feeling like you’re not enough can hinder your self-esteem, holding you back from reaching your dreams. These negative thoughts don’t serve you, and they won’t help you overcome the situation.

People often feel negativity regarding job changes, the news, financial troubles, and other things. These experiences can significantly impact your mental health, and you’ll find it overwhelming to think about taking action. The first step to feeling better about yourself is identifying and challenging negative thinking.

Affirmations to Increase Self-Worth When You Don’t Feel Good Enough

When you don’t feel like you’re good enough, you must shift your mindset. These affirmations can make all the difference and improve your overall well-being. You’ll remember your worthiness, turning to positive thinking more often.


1. I am brave and strong as I overcome obstacles.

When you remind yourself of your bravery and strength, you’ll feel ready to tackle anything. When you feel deficient, you must remind yourself that you’re capable of anything. Repeat this affirmation each morning, and you’ll remember to value yourself.

2. I speak up because my voice and opinion are enough.

If you don’t feel worthy, you might not have the confidence to speak up. This affirmation can help give you the courage to speak your mind and offer your ideas. Your voice and opinion are valuable, so remind yourself each morning.

3. I choose to live my life the way I want to.

No one can tell you how to live because this is your life. If you did what everyone else wanted you to do, you’ll never feel fulfilled. You’ll wind up feeling unworthy when everyone else makes decisions for you.

This affirmation can help you overcome the feeling that you have no say in your life. At any moment, you can make a change in the right direction. Repeat this phrase each morning so that it’ll stick with you throughout the day.

4. I know that people leave my life, and that’s okay.

You might wonder what you did wrong when someone leaves your life. However, it has nothing to do with you and is about who they are. There will always be people who come in and out of your life, and accepting it is key to feeling good enough.

People don’t leave because you lack anything. Many factors contribute to losing touch with someone. It’s a part of life that you must embrace and accept.

Don’t beat yourself up wondering what you could have done differently. If you find yourself in that situation, this self-worth affirmation is for you.

5. I am making progress toward my goals each day.

Each day you work, you make progress toward your goals. You might not see the progress each day, but trust that it’s there. Using this affirmation will help you remember that you’re good at what you do, and you’ll reach your goals.

Let go of self-doubt because you have what it takes to do anything you set your mind on. Use this affirmation as you get ready each morning to start on the right path. Then, use it before bed as a reminder of all that you accomplished.

6. I am doing my best, and it is enough.

You can’t beat yourself up if you’re trying your best. If you commit to your tasks and do everything you can, it’s more than enough.

No one is perfect, and you can’t expect perfection of yourself. Learn to accept your shortcomings because you gave it your all.

7. I am shifting my perspective to focus on gratitude.

If your negative thinking feels overwhelming, try using this affirmation. Repeat it until you feel better, and come back to the phrase anytime your mindset reverts to negativity.

When you focus on gratitude, you’ll think of all the great things in your life. Thinking of all you have to be thankful for will help you recognize your worth.

8. I trust myself to make the right decisions for my life.

If you doubt your decisions, you’ll also question how valuable you are. It makes you feel like you can’t make good choices, which is highly untrue.

Use this phrase to reaffirm that you can and will make the right decisions. When you feel confident about what you do, you’ll realize that you are worthy and valuable.

9. I am embracing my journey because it was made for me.

Your life journey won’t be perfect, and you don’t want it to be. The journey is special to your life, even when things don’t go the way you’d hoped. Embrace each stage and avoid comparing it to others because this path was made for you.

10. I am open to trying new things, even when they scare me.

Trying new things that scare you a little can be beneficial to discovering your worth. When you take on new experiences, it shows you what you can do. Plus, it builds courage and bravery, allowing you to see how capable you are.

self-worth affirmations

11. I am loved and cared for by the important people in my life.

You have plenty as long as you have another person who loves and cares about you. When you feel like you aren’t enough, use this affirmation and visualize the people who mean the most to you. Think about those who want to see you happy doing what’s best for you because those are your people.

You’re worthy of the people who love you, meaning you are valuable and cherished. Never forget your self-worth because you mean so much to others.

12. I see more than enough beauty in the world around me.

There’s always good around you, even if you need a reminder to look for it. Use this affirmation each morning, and you’ll spend the day looking for beautiful things.

The flowers on the side of the road during your morning drive can cheer you up, as can the sun, blue sky, or anything else. Daily occurrences can be beautiful if you take the time to notice them.

13. I am always worthy of happiness and love.

You deserve happiness and love, so don’t settle for anything less. Remember how great you are because you can follow a fulfilling life path. Use this affirmation to shift from negative thinking and embrace what you’re worthy of.

14. I am making the time for what matters most in my life.

Taking the time for things that make you happy can make all the difference. It’ll make you happy, helping you recognize your worth. You’ll feel good about who you are and what your life is like.

If you don’t feel good enough, it’s time to reprioritize. Change your schedule around and spend more time doing what you love.

15. I listen to my personal needs and wants.

Listening to yourself can help you acknowledge your worth. You must take care of yourself, including listening to your needs and wants. Don’t put yourself last, or you’ll never feel like you’re valuable or worthy.

Using this affirmation each day will help you remember to pay attention to your body. You’ll start to notice things about yourself that you didn’t before, allowing for increased self-care.

Other Ways to Stop Think You’re Not Enough and Increase Your Self-Worth

These affirmations to read when you don’t feel good enough can make a positive difference in your life. You’ll recognize your self-worth and understand that you’re valuable. The phrases will also help you prioritize yourself, taking care of your needs and wants.

Positive affirmations aren’t the only way to stop feeling like you’re not enough. Some of the other ways you can improve your sense of self-worth include:

  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Set your pace, and don’t try to keep up with anyone else
  • Give to others when you can
  • Focus on positive self-talk
  • Don’t be afraid to speak up
  • Practice self-acceptance
  • Be honest with yourself
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Avoid rumination
  • Reward yourself for success and achievement
  • Let go of negative influences
  • Take smalls steps toward your goals
  • Try a new routine
  • Forgive yourself for past mistakes
  • Keep moving forward


Final Thoughts on Affirmations to Read When You Don’t Feel Good Enough

Everyone sometimes feels like they aren’t good enough, and you must let go of that feeling. Use these positive affirmations as a reminder that you are worthy. Repeat the phrases until you feel better, and use them throughout the day.

You’ll no longer feel like you aren’t enough when you remember your self-worth. You are valuable, and it’s important to remember that always.