
20 Affirmations for Healing to Help Put Things in Perspective

Whether you need to heal physically or emotionally, affirmations for healing can help.

Research shows that using affirmations for healing can help release negative energy. When negative energy is released, positive energy takes its place, helping you with the healing process.

By removing negative energy, you will notice reduced stress levels and more positivity, which can help with healing. Many illnesses and diseases can be exacerbated by stress, so reducing stress will help.

Scientists explain that positive affirmations for healing can change your brain’s structure for the better. Affirmations improve the general functionality of your brain, which can help you heal physically and emotionally.

Twenty Affirmations for Healing and a Healthier Perspective

Every day, state these affirmations for healing, and you will notice an improvement in your life. As you read them, make a note of the ones you relate to the most.

affirmations for healing1. I can feel myself healing and know that I am healing more each day.

By telling yourself that you can feel yourself healing, you will begin to feel better. The healing process seems to speed up once you notice it, and you can convince yourself that you already do. Say this affirmation each day, and you will begin to overcome.

2. I let go of negative thoughts because they interfere with my healing.

Negative thoughts will only disrupt your healing process. Focus on positivity, instead, and you will notice an improvement in your life. Whether it is your physical or emotional health that has taken a hit, letting go of negativity will open you up to healing.

3. I am allowed to heal no matter what is hurting me.

You might feel like you will be betraying someone if you heal, especially if you have lost someone you love. This isn’t the case, though, because you are allowed to heal no matter what has happened. You deserve to find joy and happiness again, even if you are hurting.

Use this affirmation to remind yourself that you can heal. It doesn’t change the way you felt before, and it can’t take away your memories, either.

4. I am living in the moment and keeping my heart and mind open.

By living in the moment, you will allow yourself moments of happiness. These times will help you heal as you spend time enjoying life and experiencing new things. Living in the moment will take your mind off your problems and help you be joyful as you heal, too.

Anytime you find that your mind is wandering, refocus your thoughts. Say this affirmation to help you bring your attention back to the present. Remember to keep your heart and mind open as you do this.

5. I accept what this situation is teaching me.

As you go through tough times, it can be hard to accept what is happening. Each situation is teaching you something, though, and that reminder can help you heal. If you know that you are learning and growing, you will feel at least a little better.

6. I will pay attention to what my body and mind need.

By recognizing your needs, you will be more likely to address them. You must take care of yourself if you want to heal, so make sure you pay attention to your body and mind. If your needs are met, you will find that healing becomes possible.

7. I forgive myself and those who have hurt me.

Forgiveness is powerful, and it can help with healing. You can’t heal if you still haven’t forgiven those who have hurt you.

Sometimes your actions are what causes your pain, so personal forgiveness is essential. You can’t beat yourself up forever, or you will never heal. Use this affirmation if you struggle with forgiveness so that you can fully heal and move forward.

8. I admit and accept my part in what has happened.

If you want to heal, you must admit to your mistakes. Own up to what you did, and stop thinking or trying to convince yourself that someone else was at fault. Once you have admitted it to yourself, accept it because you can’t change the past.

If you can admit and accept your responsibility, you can work towards healing. You know when you contributed to a problem, so repeat this affirmation if you are struggling with admitting it.

9. I will change the behaviors that cause my problems.

If you have certain habits that cause your ailments, use this affirmation to help you change. You can do things that improve your health and well-being, and positive affirmations can help you begin. Before you know it, you will have changed those negative habits and behaviors into positive ones.

When you find yourself wanting to do the negative behavior, repeat this affirmation. You could also start your day with it so that you are less likely to think about doing it, too.

10. I am letting go of my pain.

By telling yourself that you are letting go of what’s hurting you, healing will become easier. Your mind will begin to release the thoughts of your pain, and you will feel better.

positive affirmations11. I treat myself with respect and compassion because they help me heal.

Both self-respect and compassion are necessary for the healing process. You must treat yourself kindly and show sympathy as you go through hard times. Things may not be perfect, but you will get through them if you remember to treat yourself well.

12. I trust that things will work out for the best.

By trusting that things will work out, you will begin to heal. Know that everything you go through is leading you to where you were meant to be in life. This knowledge will help you accept things and recover from them as you move forward.

13. I can express myself because I am safe.

By feeling comfortable and safe enough to express yourself, healing will become easier. As you talk about things, you can put your situation in perspective and process it better.

If you struggle with expressing your thoughts and feelings, try this affirmation. Remind yourself that you are safe to express yourself and that doing so will help you.

14. I will be open to giving and receiving love.

Sometimes, your pain might cause you to close yourself off from love. You might not want to give or receive love, and you don’t open your heart or mind to the idea.

If this is a problem for you, use this affirmation each day to help you open yourself up again. By being open to giving and receiving love, you can move forward in the healing process.

15. I accept who I am and love myself.

Self-acceptance is essential for healing and putting things in perspective. If you accept and love yourself, you will begin to see the truth and why things happen. As long as you can accept yourself, things will work out, and you will heal.

16. I am stronger and wiser because I am going through this.

Each situation you go through in life helps you become stronger and grow. You learn from everything, even when things don’t go the way you wanted them to. If you use this affirmation each day, you will heal as you see you are building strength and wisdom.

17. I know my thoughts will become clearer every day.

As you work toward healing, your thoughts may not always be clear. You may struggle with making decisions or being able to understand why or how things happened. This can become overwhelming and hinder the healing process, but know that it won’t last forever.

Each day, you will begin to think more clearly, and understanding will follow. Remind yourself of this so that you can feel the effects of more exact thoughts.

18. I deserve loving, healthy, and positive relationships.

Negative relationships can cause pain and a decreased sense of well-being. If you are being hurt by those closest to you, put an end to it. Remind yourself often that you deserve loving and positive relationships.

By using this affirmation, you will encourage yourself to spend time with different people. Plus, it may help you with cutting out the toxic people in your life.

19. I know I will bounce back more powerful than before.

When you feel like things aren’t going right and you struggle to heal, repeat this affirmation. It will remind you that healing will come, and the pain or hardship won’t last forever. This can give you hope for the future as it makes you feel better.

20. I will never give up on healing.

Healing takes time, and there is no set timeframe. Everyone heals at a different pace, but you can’t let that stop you from trying. Repeat this affirmation often and, before you know it, you will be well on your way to healing.

affirmation for healingFinal Thoughts on Affirmations for Healing to Help Put Things in Perspective

These affirmations for healing can help you heal physically and mentally. Find the ones that resonate with you the most and memorize them to repeat when needed.

Once you find the best affirmations for healing that work for you, decide how you want to use them. You can use the same one each day, or you can rotate through them. Another option is to use different affirmations throughout the day as your feelings or thoughts change.

You never know what you are going to be struggling with as you heal. It’s best to have multiple options to help you, and these affirmations for healing can help out things in perspective.