
10 Reasons Animal Lovers Make The Best Relationship Partners

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone with a pet at home? Maybe you noticed it, and maybe you didn’t, but there’s something extra special about those who love their furry friends that also choose to love us. With an animal lover for a partner, you are sure to feel the full emotion and devotion of a loyal heart that’s wagging in time with the tail of their furry pal. Here’s why…

10 Reasons Animal Lovers Make The Best Relationship Partners

animal lovers

1. Animal lovers make the best relationship partners because they anticipate your needs

As much as we wish they would, our beloved pets cannot speak their wishes to us. Animal lovers make better partners because they learn to read subtle cues and provide what is needed for the ones they love. As one researcher put it, ‘Neither infants nor animals have words to express their needs, and so it is left to the caregiver to anticipate and provide for those needs.’

2. Animal lovers make the best relationship partners because they are comfortable with gross stuff

Well, any animal lover has had to clean up after Felix or Fido enough times to know that sometimes, it can be grossly loving a pet. Pet owners everywhere have had their share of messy love, from hairballs to broken baggies.

But, the good news for you is that if your partner is an animal lover, they will be comfortable with how you smell two days after you should have had a shower. Your animal-loving partner will also have no problems with bodily fluids; yours or their own.

3. Animal lovers make the best relationship partners because they can find fun in the messiness

Chocolate syrup, whipped cream, or coconut oil…having an animal lover for a partner is better because they are laid back enough to find fun in getting messy. Cleaning up is part of the fun, too, just don’t shake the water off them.

4. Animal lovers make the best relationship partners because they know what it means to love unconditionally

Animals love giving love to us, and they give it freely. Animal lovers make better partners because they have received the unconditional love of a pet, and they try to give the same love to both animals and the important people in their lives.

All the physical activity involved with owning a dog will also keep your animal-loving partner more physically fit. That translates to more stamina, which means longer fun sessions in bed.

5. Animal lovers make better relationship partners because they believe in love at first sight

Most pet parents will tell you that their animal chose THEM, not the other way around. Many also feel that they were destined to be with their animal. Many others believe that a current pet is the reincarnation of a childhood pet.

Animal lovers feel about their pets like Hollywood depicts star-crossed lovers. These two were destined for each other. It’s hard to be upset about their passion when your partner is so romantic about their puppy or kitty love.

6. Animal lovers make better relationship partners because they are better caregivers

People who care for animals form a relationship bond with the animal. Animals need people for basic care such as food, water, bedding, and veterinary care. In return for being such excellent caregivers, animal lovers receive companionship and affection and give those to their pets and humans.

7. Animal lovers make better relationship partners because they make better parents

Raising animals is much like raising kids. Even as adult animals, dogs can understand enough basic language, gestures and body language to know almost as much as a human toddler.

Our beloved pets sometimes test our energy, patience, and emotions, just like children and teenagers. If your partner can handle a pet with kindness and compassion, you know that your animal lover will also be a good parent.

When you have an animal, your family will also be more active with outdoor activities. A study found that families with kids and dogs engaged in more outdoor fun and had more social interactions than pet-free households.

8. Animal lovers make better relationship partners because they can handle a commitment

getting married

A relationship with a cat or dog can last up to fifteen years. Some domestic birds, turtles, and lizards live even longer than that. If your partner is an animal person, you know that they can go the distance despite training frustrations, health problems, financial setbacks, heartbreak, and loss.

9. Animal lovers make better relationship partners because they are positive people

Animals are excellent stress-reduction companions. The act of petting an animal has the physiological effect of reducing both heart rate and blood pressure. Animal lovers make better partners because they are less stressed out.

Dogs are so easy to make happy with a treat, and they are happy because of their lolling tongues, wagging tails, and exuberant spirits. Your animal-loving partner is probably just as easy-going, positive, and joyful with how they show you they are happy to be with you.

10. Animal lovers make better relationship partners because they know how to be loyal

Just like our animals would never leave us in our worst moments, neither would an animal-loving partner desert you. At the end of the life of a beloved pet, an animal lover is right there deciding to ease suffering with the veterinarian.

Animal lovers have such tender, loving, caring hearts, and they give love selflessly to their life partners, including the furry, feathered, or scaly ones.