
Anxiety Relief Techniques : 8 Easy Ways To Beat Anxiety

A recent poll found that more than 70 percent of adults feel the sting of stress and anxiety daily. The feeling of impending doom, nervousness, and sheer panic can be life-altering. While some deal with fear from stress, others feel irrational anger, restlessness and have difficulties concentrating in their jobs.

Some level of anxiety is good because it allows the body to react to dangerous situations. However, too much cortisol being pumped through the system can cause health problems. When stress interferes with your everyday life, you must act. Constant worry and angst can cause long-term damage.

Here are some simple ways to combat anxiety.

1. Reduce Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is a stimulant that speeds up the heart and makes the body feel jittery. The last thing you need is to experience heart palpitations and be jumpy when you are already out of sorts. Caffeine is addictive, and research has found that it follows the same pathways as cocaine in the brain. In moderation, caffeine can be okay. However, monitoring your intake can help with anxiety.

2. Chew Gum

If you are one of those people who loves to chew gum, it can help with your anxiety levels. Scientists have proven that chewing gum increases blood flow to the head. The constant motion is also known to work out tension and causes brain waves to relax. Research shows that people who chew gum have a lower stress level than those who don’t.

3. Laugh Often

Laughter really is the best medicine. When you laugh, you are bringing much-needed oxygen into your body, which goes straight to your brain. An excellent laughing spell can improve your mood, release muscle tension and help your immune system. The best thing laughter does is stimulate your stress responses. Best of all, you always feel better when you have a smile on your face.

4. Consider Herbal Supplements

While your doctor may be quick to offer medications that are full of side-effects, you may want to try herbal remedies before you go that route. Herbs like kava-kava, valerian root, green tea, ashwagandha, lemon balm, and lavender can help with stress. Many of these holistic treatments alter the GABA receptors and bring quick relief. Check with your doctor if you currently take any medications as herbs may interact with them.

5. Exercise Regularly

One of the best things you can do when you feel stressed is to exercise. Did you know that moving your body can naturally raise your serotonin levels in your brain? There is plenty of research that shows how regular exercise can combat stress, fatigue, and anxiety. As your workout heats up, it releases endorphins to make you feel good throughout your body. These endorphins can help you sleep better, and it promotes a better state of mental well-being.


6. Use Aromatherapy

Much has been learned about aromatherapy the past couple of decades. Just lighting a candle or putting some essential oils on your pressure points can bring relief from anxiety. Some of the most valuable scents for mental health issues are neroli, rose, bergamot, chamomile, vetiver, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, orange, and frankincense. Not only will these aromas help with your angst, they can improve your mood and help you sleep better too.

7. Engage with Family and Friends

One of the things that anxiety and panic causes is people to isolate themselves. Sitting behind four walls with nothing to do can make mental matters worse. Even though it may be uncomfortable, push yourself to go out with family and friends. Entertain people at your home or go to a movie. Whatever you do, interact with others to keep yourself mentally healthy.

8. Sign Up for Yoga

Many people have learned that Eastern medicine and techniques have a significant impact on our health, and Yoga is no exception. The primary purpose of this exercise is to unite both mind and body. By increasing body and breath awareness, you can learn to control your breathing and release tension in your muscles, two common problems of constant unease. Doing these simple exercises can help to lower cortisol levels, reduce blood pressure, and increase the GABA transmitter in your brain responsible for your moods.

Suffering from anxiety is no easy feat. You must learn to be present in the moment. When derealization and heart palpitations send your nerves on edge, look around and notice of things you can see and touch. By incorporating a few of these techniques into your everyday life, you can soon learn how to combat your anxiety and lower your risk for further health problems.

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