Author: Laurie Buchanan, PhD

  • Half Tortoise Pose: Namaste Thursday [YOGA]

    Half Tortoise Pose: Namaste Thursday [YOGA]

    Today, we will look together at the half tortoise pose. But, a bit of advice before we begin. As with any type of exercise, it’s important to hydrate prior to starting a yoga session, and it’s vital to work within our own range of limits and abilities. The half-tortoise pose is a relaxing posture that…

  • Restorative Yoga: Staff Pose

    Restorative Yoga: Staff Pose

    Restorative yoga is a passive style of yoga where each pose  (asana) is supported by props—bolsters, straps, blankets, blocks, chair, or wall. This support enables the practitioner to comfortably sink into a pose and hold it for  5 to 10 minutes. And that allows them to let go, be present, and completely relax in the…

  • Restorative Yoga — Legs Up the Wall

    Restorative Yoga — Legs Up the Wall

    Restorative yoga is a passive style of yoga where each pose (asana) is supported by props—bolsters, straps, blankets, or blocks. The support enables the practitioner to comfortably sink into a pose and hold it for between 5 and 10 minutes. This is an aid, allowing them to let go, be present, and completely relax in…

  • Restorative Yoga – Supported Child’s Pose

    Restorative Yoga – Supported Child’s Pose

    It’s Namaste Thursday! Dr. Laurie Buchanan was happy to stop by and share one of everyone’s favorite restorative yoga poses, supported child’s pose. Read along and learn through Dr. Buchanan to relax, restore, and rejuvenate! “The most important purpose of Yoga is to bring about a deep transformation of the individual–an awakening of intelligence that…

  • Restorative Yoga: Supported Seated Forward Bend

    Restorative Yoga: Supported Seated Forward Bend

    Restorative yoga is a beautiful style of yoga that’s both powerful and gentle. As mentioned in previous articles, restorative yoga is a term for poses done with the full support of bolsters, straps, blankets, or blocks—allowing the practitioner to comfortably sink into a pose that’s held for between 5 and 10 minutes so they can…

  • Understanding The Rhythms of Life

    Understanding The Rhythms of Life

    The world is vibration—nothing in nature is at absolute rest. Everything is in a state of movement and in all movement rhythm is found. As rhythms of life pervade the universe, so it does the human body. The grace of universal rhythms is expressed in the phases of the moon, the ebb, and flow of…