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Author: Linda Joyce

About the Author

Linda Joyce

Linda Joyce is a woman of many talents: writer, lecturer, life-coach, and astrologer. Her vast experience has taken her into the global arena where she solves personal and corporate issues in New York, London, Shanghai, and around the world. “Identify the problem and a solution is not far behind.” Ms. Joyce connects the dots from your childhood to your choices and shows you which essential life-skills are missing from your repertoire. Make them a part of your expertise and you increase your confidence and your options. The author of The Star Within and the best-selling book, The Day You Were Born (an updated version will soon be launched on Kindle) -- a must-read for old fans and new. Keep your eyes open for two new books: The Man Thing, One Hundred Interviews with Men,” and Pan Am Sisters, co-authored with her sister Paula Wesselmann. Featured in major magazines such as The Financial Times, Tatler, and English Vogue, Ms. Joyce is a regular contributor to Power of Positivity and other online magazines such as Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, Bustle and Romper.


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