beauty secrets

10 Beauty Secrets Cosmetics Companies Don’t Want You to Know

Everyone likes to think that the companies you buy from have your best interests at heart and that they’re not hiding any beauty secrets from you. You want to trust these companies and believe they will always tell you what you need to know. But they are more concerned about their profits than about making sure you get the best care.

And they would do whatever they deem necessary to boost the sales of their product. And the simplest way to do this is to market their product so that it looks like you can’t leave without it. Everyone knows that the ingredients matter more than the price when it comes to cosmetics. And, if you are on a budget, you can always find suitable substitutes. But companies don’t want you to stop buying their products.

They want to keep you as their loyal customer, making sure you never go away. And if you feel like their products are the only ones that could help you, you will stick by them no matter what. But truth be told, these companies are most scared by the idea that you’ll find out what beauty secrets they keep from you.

The Ten Beauty Secrets Cosmetics Companies Don’t Want You to Know.

Here are the things cosmetics brands don’t want you to know.

beauty secrets

1.      Many Products Contain Cancer-Causing Ingredients

One of the most common ingredients in skincare products is formaldehyde. This chemical can also be found in nail polishes, shampoo, lotions, shower gels, and hair straightening products. Around 20% of all cosmetic products contain it. It causes allergic reactions and irritation to the eyes in the short term.

The long-term effects are still unknown, but products with formaldehyde increase the number of carcinogens in the air. And it has even been shown that it can cause nasal cancer in rats. So, researchers believe that if it’s deadly to animals, it’s undoubtedly dangerous to humans.

But formaldehyde isn’t the only concerning ingredient they use. Coal tar is a known carcinogen, but manufacturers use it for hair dyes, shampoos, and skincare. Parabens and triclosan are ingredients that the FDA has even deemed dangerous, but they are still used.

And even talc can be dangerous if it’s contaminated with asbestos. Because these minerals often occur close together, contamination is probable.

2.      Aerosol Sprays Are Very Dangerous

From deodorant to hair spray and even foundations or blushes, many cosmetics come in aerosol form. And people have been using aerosols for so long that they don’t think twice about the risk associated with these sprays. These products have different chemicals that are bad for your skin and lungs.

For example, titanium dioxide, found in sunscreen and spray on makeup, is possibly carcinogenic to humans. Aerosol hairsprays and deodorants seem to be the most significant dangers. For example, hairdressers had reduced lung function because of all their inhaling chemicals. And hairspray poisoning can lead to blurred vision, burning sensation in the throat, and breathing difficulty.

In the worst-case scenario, you might even go in a coma because of hairspray. As for deodorants, quite a few reported deaths caused by excessive use of the deodorant spray.

3.      Drugstore Brands Can Be Just as Good (One Of The Most Closely Kept Beauty Secrets)

High-end and luxury brands thrive because of their higher quality. Or at least, they would surely want to make you believe they have a higher quality. And, for the most part, they’ve got their customers fooled. But just because something is more expensive, or sounds fancier, doesn’t mean it’s better in any way.

You should be aware that high-end brands usually cost more just because of their name. When buying Tom Ford or La Mer, you pay a fee simply for the name. But that fee is hidden in the price, buried under advertising that makes you think you’re buying the best product ever. And, most of the time, the quality difference shows only in the packaging.

A drugstore bronzer might come in cheap, plastic, transparent packaging. A high-end one might arrive in a weighty, good quality, sleek, metal compact. But that doesn’t mean the latter product is better. So, don’t let the manufacturers fool you with the name and the glitz. You can find everything you need, from makeup to hair products and skincare, at the drugstore.

4.      There Might Be Lead in Your Lipstick

You probably already know that lead has been banned from being used in paint or gasoline. But that hasn’t stopped lipstick manufacturers from putting lead in their products. It is common knowledge that lead is poisonous and can have horrible long-term effects, like neurological damage. Still, the FDA studied the market in 2012 and found that 400 popular lipsticks contained lead.

Since then, the industry has promised to try and eliminate lead, but some companies still use it. They limit its exposure to 10 ppm in lipsticks, a quantity deemed as “safe.” But if this quantity is still damaging to the body if ingested.

5.      Oversight by the FDA and Similar Agencies Means Nothing

The FDA is an American government agency overseeing many industries, including the cosmetic industry. There are many agencies like this depending on where in the world you are, and they all serve the same purpose. But there’s only one thing you need to know about these agencies: their approval doesn’t mean much. Many products aren’t even reviewed before they go to market.

And the FDA doesn’t have the power to approve them. They can regulate some ingredients. This means they can still contain banned ingredients or could have harmful side effects. European agencies aren’t as bad, having banned around 1300 chemicals. But the FDA has only banned about a dozen, so there are still many products that get approved even though they contain harmful chemicals.

beauty secrets

6.      Ice Cubes Are a Skincare Staple (Free Beauty Secrets!)

Ice is anti-inflammatory, so it helps reduce and heal acne. It is the key to glowy skin because it improves blood circulation. Many celebrities love how it reduces puffy eyes and eliminates dark circles. It can even diminish signs of aging by reducing and preventing the formation of wrinkles.

It also exfoliates the skin, thus increasing the absorption of your other skincare products. Just make sure not to apply directly to the skin. Wrap the cubes in a thin cotton cloth, and apply like that.

7.      You Can DIY a Lot of Products

Beauty companies have always released statements that warn consumers not to use certain ingredients on their faces and hair. But, the same companies always market their products as having coconut oil, olive oil, or other natural ingredients. This seems a little weird. That’s because they aren’t looking out for your best interests.

They are just trying to keep their clients. But you should know that you can DIY almost any product, especially skincare and hair care. For example, you don’t need a foundation and a concealer. You can get a concealer, spot conceal and mix it with a moisturizer for the rest of your face.

You can use cocoa powder as a bronzer. And you can always use avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, eggs, and aloe on your face, body, and hair.

8.      Sunscreen Is Your Best Friend (Companies Forget To Remind Consumers About This Beauty Secret)

Many people overlook the importance of sunscreen, especially on cloudy days. But just because there are clouds outside doesn’t mean that the UV rays aren’t harmful. Exposure to the sun is very damaging to the skin. It ages it, creating wrinkles and splotches, and it can even cause cancer. So, you need to make sure that you wear SPF on your face and other body parts exposed to the sun every day. Make sure to apply it on your neck, ears, and even on the back of your hands.

9.      Tools Can Be More Important Than The Products You Use

Even if you buy the best foundation on the market, it still is just a product in a bottle. Without a good brush and application technique, there’s no way the foundation will look good. Whether you use creams, liquids, pomades, or powders, you need to make sure you have quality tools and mesh with the products you are using.

If you always use cheap brushes with stiff, plastic bristles, your makeup will always look streaky. If your brushes are too flimsy, they will not pick up enough product. If they are too big, you won’t get a specific application. Besides that, you could use some good tweezers, a pencil sharpener, a beauty sponge, and an eyelash curler. And, you can find good brushes even at a reasonable price. You need to know what to look after.

10. Makeup Is An Art Form

Cosmetics companies have always been about women becoming as beautiful and flawless as possible. But the catch is, you should wear makeup only as long as it’s natural or untraceable. Or at least that’s what they tell you. But that’s the biggest lie the beauty industry has ever told you. Makeup shouldn’t be about looking flawless and natural to impress a partner.

Of course, you can do that if you want to, but the essence of makeup has always been artistic. Makeup is fun, and it can help you show the world who you are. And most importantly, makeup isn’t gendered. Men, women, and non-binary people can all wear makeup and enjoy the artistry that comes with it.

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Final Thoughts on The Beauty Secrets Cosmetics Companies Don’t Want You to Know.

The beauty industry is as vicious as any other industry out there. They are interested in making the most considerable profits possible. And that means keeping secrets from their customers when it suits their goals. They make you keep buying their products. These companies will keep you in the dark. They will not tell you what chemicals they use or why their prices are as high as possible.

That’s why you risk using products that have carcinogenic chemicals in them, or poisonous substances, like lead. Besides keeping you in the dark about the quality of their products, they don’t even tell you that you don’t need to buy everything they offer you. For example, drugstore products can be just as good as high-end ones. And you can DIY a lot of skin and hair care products, and even some makeup products.