
5 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Romantically Attracted To You

Attraction is a funny thing. No matter how much you try to hide it, some signs of it will seep through in someone’s body language. The question is whether the person you’re romantically attracted to notices those signs or not.

But that also extends to you – do you notice when someone has feelings for you? Or are you oblivious to it? Admittedly, most of us don’t go out of our way to look for signs of attraction. On top of that, many of them are very subtle, giving you no reason to pay any attention to them.

Here Are 5 Hidden Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Romantically Attracted To You

1.    Facial Changes Can Show When Someone is Romantically Attracted

The face reveals a lot about a person, whether it’s what they’re thinking, how they’re feeling, or how they’re reacting to any given situation. It’s difficult to see any person who is constantly in control of every single movement of their face. Here are some signs to look out for!

·         Smiles

Smiles aren’t just a sign of happiness. They signify comfort, enjoyment, appreciation, infatuation, and a wide variety of other positive feelings. As such, a person who always seems to be smiling wide around you may just be into you!

Most people don’t smile constantly throughout the day – they do so when they experience something that makes them do so. And maybe that “something” is your extra-special company!

Sure, faking a smile is totally possible, but many people can easily detect a less-than-genuine grin. It’s unlikely that someone is holding up a totally passable and believable smile for long periods of conversation. So if that certain person just can’t seem to stop grinning whenever you’re around, they may be romantically attracted to you.

·         Tilts Of The Head

You may notice that, when you speak, the person who may be attracted to you tends to tilt their head to one side. Their head may be ever so slightly angled. This move has its roots in biology. How?

Well, according to behavioral investigator Vanessa Van Edwards, the subtle movement of neck exposure allows chemicals containing scents and odors – mainly pheromones – to enter the air. It’s a sometimes subconscious, sometimes intentional method of attracting a “mate”!

You can also interpret a head tilt as a sign of trust – the act of exposing a vulnerable location to the person sitting near you. It can also be a cute position that some people naturally adopt when they are listening intently. Whichever way is true, it bodes well for attraction!

·         Blushing

Ever notice that your face gets warm when you’re around someone you like? It happens when blood rushes to your face, which can happen due to embarrassment, nervousness, or being flustered. Some of these emotions can occur when you’re attracted to someone.

It’s not obvious in all people, of course, especially in those with darker complexions. But if you have a sharp eye, you may be able to spot blushing in cheeks, lips, ears, noses, or even necks.

2.    Signs Of Attention

If you don’t pay attention to someone a lot, chances are you don’t have strong feelings for them. That’s why the way someone responds to you, indicates their attention or reacts to show acknowledgment can greatly reveal how they feel about you. Here are some examples.

·         Eye Contact

This is likely the most well-known sign that someone is romantically attracted, among other things. The eyes are the window to the soul, and eye contact indicates interest, encourages honesty and can make you both feel more open to each other. Essentially, it helps to build a connection. (1)

This is especially true if someone looks into your eyes for a long period of time. This can quickly become sensual and alluring. Interestingly, the inverse can also be true – someone who seems too nervous to hold eye contact for a long time may have a big crush and not know how to act because of it.

Regular, long periods of eye contact can also lead to the building of a deeper relationship that is more affectionate. So this eye contact could actually cause both of you to like each other even more!

·         Leaning In

Someone who doesn’t want to be around you may seem to slowly back away or put some distance between both of you. But someone who wants to hear more will slowly, subconsciously lean in.

You may notice that this person stands noticeably close to you – as close as they can get. They don’t back away when you approach them first, and they tend to angle themselves so that they are fully facing you. This means they are fully invested in what you have to say – and maybe attracted!

Believe it or not, the direction of their feet can also indicate this. If their feet are pointed towards you, it’s because every inch of them wants to face you, be closer to you, or, at the very least, pay rapt attention you.

·         Nodding

When someone repeatedly nods their head as you speak, it may be because they want you to know just how interested and invested they are. It is, however, often an unintentional movement – typically a small form of acknowledgment to what you’re saying because they don’t want to interrupt and break your stream of voice with their own.

3.    Posture

Body language and posture make up a huge amount of communication, and many subtle movements can be an indication that someone is romantically attracted to you. After all, verbal communication has to work in tandem with nonverbal communication to get a point across correctly! Here are some areas that may reveal attraction. (2)

·         Crossing Legs

Especially common in men, the act of crossing one’s legs and angling them towards someone else is a big sign that someone is interested. It is a way for them to express their attraction in a way that is biologically programmed, so it’s not easy to control – but it is very easy to notice!

·         Palming

Palming is the act of holding your hands out, palms facing upwards or outwards usually towards the other person. Typically common in women, this act indicates a sense of vulnerability, honesty, and openness. It often also shows that someone wants to get to know you and is trusting you to get to know them.

·         Open Stances

An open posture – such as a wide stance, an open facial expression, or relaxed limbs – are all a sign of comfort and point to a welcoming nature. This person wants to let you into their life, or, at least, into this conversation and all that it entails.

On the flip side, if someone’s posture is stiff and tight, they may be feeling awkward and may dislike the situation that they are in. They may cross their arms, look away, or tense up. If this is happening, it’s fairly safe to say that this person is either not interested or extremely guarded.

·         Mirroring

Mirroring is the subconscious act of mimicking the posture or position of another person. For example, if you rest your chin on your elbow, someone who is attracted to you may do the same, effectively mirroring your appearance.

You can also take note of this from afar. If someone sitting several desks away seems to mirror everything you do, they might be secretly watching you.

4.    Touch

Someone who likes you may try and find a lot of excuses to touch you. This can build a bond and help create chemistry and tension between two people, especially if you reciprocate. They may do things such as:

  • Lightly punch your arm
  • Touch your hand
  • Put their arm around your shoulder
  • Touch your arm or leg
  • Offer to get something out of your hair

Touching someone is an intimate action, and it can help the person in question to gauge your own interest. The way you react to the touch will tell them whether they should continue to pursue you or give up the conquest.

5.    Speech Patterns That Indicate When Someone is Romantically Attracted

Everyone flirts in a different way, but in certain areas, it’s easy to spot someone who is romantically attracted – if you’re paying attention to how they speak. Certain very simple, seemingly casual and platonic interactions can actually be indicators of romantic interest. This is especially true if they are done alongside other signs. Here are a few examples.

·         Teasing

Playful teasing is a common habit in those who flirt. It’s done to get a reaction and build chemistry. It can often cause the two of you to share a laugh, and you may even get a couple of inside jokes out of the deal. It builds a good rapport between two people, making it easier for them to relate to each other.

·         Compliments

Compliments are a great thing to give and receive, and they increase positive thinking in both parties. If someone is repeatedly showering you with compliments, then chances are, they’re at least somewhat attracted to you. (3)

A few offhand comments of a positive nature don’t necessarily indicate that someone is romantically attracted to you. But repeated compliments that are heartfelt can be a sign of someone trying their very best to impress you or get you to like them.

·         Tripping Over Words

Someone who is anxious around you may fumble their words, say the wrong things, or stammer a lot. It can be quite endearing to watch, and it’s a sweet sign that someone is nervously trying to impress you, or is simply too flustered to think of what to say coherently.

·         Asking Questions

Asking questions is part of any normal, positive conversation. However, there is one fact across all interactions – people don’t ask a lot of questions unless they’re interested in the answers.

Small talk questions about the weather and how you are can be dismissed as politeness. But someone who is clearly invested in you and asks about many different aspects of you is really trying to get to know you better.

romantically attracted

Final Thoughts On Some Hidden Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Romantically Attracted To You

Do you think someone is romantically attracted to you? With an observant eye, some positive thinking, and a little luck, you’ll be able to spot these signs in the person who has caught your own attention. Don’t be surprised when you notice that you display a lot of these signs of attraction when you’re around your crush, too!