
15 Behaviors Someone Displays In A Relationship When They Want to End It

We have all witnessed how the weather transitions from bright, cheerful, sunny skies to gray, ominous clouds warning of an impending storm. So, too, can the atmosphere of a romantic relationship change when one partner wants to end it. Sometimes these changes are gradual, like gathering storm clouds on a distant horizon. Other times, they are sudden and unexpected, like a bolt of lightning on a clear and sunny day. 

As we navigate the weather patterns of our relationships, it’s crucial to recognize when someone is displaying behaviors indicating they may want to end it. Understanding these signs can help you confront the issue, communicate openly, and find a resolution. 

But if you cannot avoid the storm, recognizing the signs prepares you for the impact. It also helps you take proactive steps toward healing. 

“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” – Marilyn Monroe

15 Behaviors of a Partner Who Wants to End a Relationship

Here are the fifteen behaviors someone might display when contemplating ending a relationship.

relationships ending

1 – They Become Emotionally Distant

The person you once found easily emotionally connected may start to seem distant and closed off. They may not share their feelings or thoughts as openly as before. This emotional distance might hint at a change in their feelings toward the relationship.

2 – They Spend Less Time with You

Time spent together is one of the most prominent indicators of a healthy relationship. If your partner suddenly starts opting for more alone time or makes plans without you, it may indicate they’re reconsidering the relationship.

3 – The Romantic Part of the Relationship Grows Less Affectionate

Physical affection tends to dwindle when someone is considering a breakup. Has your partner stopped holding your hand, hugging you, or kissing you as often as they used to? Then it might be a sign they’re emotionally checking out.

4 – They Stop Planning for the Future

People who are thinking about ending a relationship often stop making plans. If your partner is reluctant to discuss upcoming vacations, moving in together, or other long-term plans, they might question the relationship’s future.

5 – They’re Constantly Irritated

Everyone has bad days. But if your partner seems perpetually irritated or frustrated, it could indicate they feel trapped or unhappy in the relationship.

6 – They Avoid Serious Conversations About Your Relationship

When a person wants to end a relationship, they may start to avoid conversations about commitment, love, or problems between you. This avoidance is a red flag. It could mean they’re pulling away emotionally.

7 – Communication Diminishes

Regular, meaningful communication is vital to a thriving relationship. If texts, calls, or face-to-face communication become less frequent or feel forced, it signifies a growing disconnect.

8 – They’re Secretive

Keeping secrets or becoming overly protective of their privacy could suggest a change in your partner’s feelings towards the relationship. While everyone deserves privacy, unusual secrecy can often indicate a problem.

9 – Their Friends Act Differently

Friends often know about a person’s feelings before their partner does. If mutual friends act awkward or distant, it could mean they know something you don’t.

10 – They Don’t Include You in Their Plans

So you notice your partner starts making plans. They look forward to social events, family gatherings, or weekend outings without considering you. That could indicate that they’re starting to visualize their life without you.

11 – They’re Less Interested in Your Life

A significant sign of someone losing interest in a relationship is when they become less involved in your day-to-day life. They might not ask about your day, show interest in your activities, or seem detached from issues that concern you.


12 – Their Habits Change Dramatically

It could be a sign that they’re trying to distance themselves if they start changing their habits out of the blue. These changes could include changes in their daily routines or hobbies. They might also change their eating habits, lose weight, or change their appearance.

13 – They Become More Independent of the Relationship

While independence is healthy, a sudden shift towards doing everything alone can sign that they are preparing for a life without you. They might insist on doing things they’d typically do with you alone.

14 – They Don’t Apologize or Try to Resolve Conflicts

In a healthy relationship, conflicts heal through communication and compromise. If your partner no longer apologizes when they’re wrong or shows no interest in resolving disagreements, they may be withdrawing from the relationship.

15 – They Often Mention Ending the Relationship or Divorce

If your partner frequently mentions breaking up or divorce, even jokingly, it could be a way of testing your reaction or easing into the idea. Regularly mentioning the end of the relationship can be a clear sign they’re considering it.

Staying in a Relationship You Know Will End Can Damage Your Soul

Knowing that your partner wants to end, it hurts. Badly. But staying to try to save it when they truly want to leave can destroy you. So know the nine consequences that can happen if you convince a checked-out partner to stay:

  1. Emotional turmoil: Staying could inevitably lead to significant emotional turmoil. The constant awareness of an impending breakup creates a sense of unease and uncertainty, making it difficult to find peace and happiness in the present.
  2. Suppressed growth: Stagnation is an inevitable consequence of staying in a relationship with a checked-out. You may find yourself hindered in your personal growth. As a result, you might not pursue your dreams and aspirations. This suppression of personal development could damage your evolution.
  3. Lack of authenticity: Continuing a relationship bound to end often requires one or both partners to wear masks and suppress their true feelings. This lack of authenticity erodes the core of your being. Moreover, it stops you from fully expressing yourself and finding support.
  4. Lost opportunities: By clinging to a partner who wants to end it, you miss opportunities for growth, love, and happiness. Remaining committed to a doomed partnership can prevent you from exploring new things. 
  5. Diminished self-worth: Prolonged exposure to a deteriorating relationship can have a detrimental effect on self-worth and self-esteem. When you knowingly remain in an unhealthy relationship, it sends a message to them that you’re unworthy of love, happiness, or a better future. This belief can take a toll on well-being.
  6. Wasted energy and time: Continuing to invest time and energy into a doomed relationship can leave individuals feeling drained and exhausted. It takes a considerable emotional and mental toll to sustain a failing partnership, leaving little room for self-care and pursuing activities that bring joy and fulfillment.
  7. Delayed healing and growth: By prolonging the inevitable end of a relationship, you delay the healing process. You also hinder your ability to move forward. Acknowledging and accepting the end of a relationship that no longer serves their well-being is crucial for healing and growth.
  8. Loss of trust and intimacy: Trust and intimacy often suffer in the end. Knowing your partner wants to leave can create distance and diminish your emotional connection. This loss of trust and intimacy can cause lasting emotional scars. It can also damage future relationships if you cannot form deep connections later.
  9. Emotional dependency: Staying in a relationship that will end can stem from emotional dependency, fear of being alone, or the belief that the other person completes you. However, relying on someone else for emotional fulfillment ultimately hampers your self-esteem.

If Your Partner Refuses to Work on Things, Splitting Up Becomes an Act of Self-Love

Yes, it hurts to end it. You cannot force your partner to participate, even if you want to fix things to the core of your being. 

So leaving a relationship that will end can be a powerful act of self-love. By prioritizing your well-being and recognizing your intrinsic worth, you can create space for personal growth, healing, and the possibility of finding a more fulfilling and authentic love. After your heart heals, of course!

end it

Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Warning Signals of a Stormy Relationship

Just as the impending storm warned by gray, angry clouds may bring a chilling wind and driving rain, seeing these behaviors in your relationship can be a forewarning of an emotional storm. But remember, storm clouds do not always result in a storm. Recognizing these signs is not an absolute prediction of a relationship’s end. Instead, it is an opportunity to open communication lines and address issues. Of course, you should also brace for impact.

Remember, every relationship has sunny and stormy days. Storms can sometimes clear the air, helping relationships grow stronger. So, face those gray clouds with courage and honesty, and you may find your relationship coming out the other side, back into the bright sunshine.