day of week personality

What Does Your “Birth Day” Reveal About Your Personality?

The day of the week that you were born on can tell you a lot more about your personality style than you knew before. With seven days of the week, there are seven unique different personality types out there in the world. What does the day that you were born on say about you?

According to scholars, the origin for the common names for the days of the week and their association with planets is around the first century B.C.E. The days of the week are named for ancient Norse and Roman gods, who are associated with planets and certain personality traits as well.

According to the director of the observatory at Hartwick college in New York, starting with Sunday, the days of the week are named after planets as follows: ‘Sun’s day, Moon’s day, Mercury’s day, Mars’s day, Jupiter’s day, Venus’s day and Saturn’s day.’ Sunday, Monday and Saturday all seem easy to understand the naming scheme. The other days of the week are less obvious, but the observatory says that the Norse gods they are named after are ‘Tuesday or Tiw’s day, Wednesday or Woden’s day, Thursday or Thor’s day, Friday or Frie’s day.’

These Norse gods that the weekdays are named for also relate to Roman gods ‘Tiw is the Norse god which corresponds to the Roman god Mars, Woden is the Norse god of war corresponding to the Roman Mercury, and Frie is the Norse god of love, similar to the Roman god Venus.’

Not sure what day of the week you were born on? All you need is your birth date and this link to calculate what day of the week you were born on. Use this link to an easy day of the week calculator.

What Does The Day Of The Week You Were Born On Reveal About Your Personality?

Your Day of Birth is Monday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You are creative, but can tend to keep your ideas to yourself
  • You tend to be more empathetic
  • Family and a few close friends are your priorities
  • You are an excellent negotiator and make sure everyone gets what they want
  • You are likely to be successful in a leadership role in business

Your Day of Birth is Tuesday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You have a lot of energy and drive
  • People are drawn to you and like to help you
  • You’ll  have career success
  • You sometimes stress over things that you cannot control
  • You like the good things in life and saving money is a challenge for you
  • You’ll always have integrity and you do what you think is right
  • You speak honestly, which can sometimes turn off others who want things sugar coated
  • You are sensitive to criticism

Your Day of Birth is Wednesday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You are quick to learn new things and are good at your job
  • You struggle with staying organized
  • You’re low-maintenance and easy going. People like how relaxed you seem.
  • You love learning from other people and talking to them is a great pleasure for you.
  • You get along well with many different types of people.
  • You’ll always enjoy your work and the people you work with

Your Day of Birth is Thursday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You are optimistic
  • You get and give a great deal of respect
  • You’re independent in your work
  • You’ll display leadership skills and you work heard to get to the top
  • You dislike people who criticize you and you can become resentful of them
  • Variety interests you and you are easily bored
  • You attract attention due to your natural charisma

Related article: What Does Your Birth Generation Reveal About Your Personality?

Your Day of Birth is Friday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You appreciate beauty and harmony and seek to create it
  • You’re more creative than your other friends
  • You tend to be emotionally sensitive when it comes to relationships
  • You do not handle setbacks well and may obsess over a past disappointment
  • You’ve a well-developed sense of intuition
  • You are a spiritual person
  • You are wise about the world and have an old soul

Your Day of Birth is Saturday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You are trustworthy and have a lot of responsibilities
  • You tend to live in the past or the future, not in the present moment
  • You’re smart and you tend to be a perfectionist
  • You take pride in your appearance and enjoy taking the time to look good
  • You can be negative when asked for your opinion
  • You’ve a natural confidence that can come off as snobbishness to others

Your Day of Birth is Sunday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You’ve a positive outlook
  • You enjoy giving to others
  • You take a long time to warm up to people due to your suspicious mind
  • You’re emotionally sensitive and you dwell on people?s comments
  • You get frustrated easily and may leave projects unfinished
  • You appreciate alone time