brain detox

Nutritionists Explain 6 Signs You Need a BRAIN DETOX (and How to Do It)

Do you need a brain detox? Is your brain filled with toxins that are causing you widespread issues? Don’t worry. Brain toxicity has become quite common. However, treating this condition can save your life.

The world you live in is full of toxic particles, but did you know that your nervous system can be directly affected by all this toxicity? Once your nervous system becomes compromised, many ailments can become present. Have you ever heard of early-onset dementia or Alzheimer’s?

Dementia is commonly a problem in older folks, but these days, even children are presenting with symptoms that mimic this mind-robbing condition. Could it be the brain’s toxicity that is causing such undeniable issues? When young children have memory loss, problems with reasoning skills, and brain fog, it warrants further investigation.

The World Health Organization or WHO states that neurodegenerative ailments are on the increase around the world. Did you know that more than 50 million on this planet have been diagnosed with dementia? Additionally, they see a steady growth of over 10 million additional cases each year.

Understanding Brain Toxicity

brain detoxTo hear that you need a brain detox might sound bizarre, but it could be just the thing that saves you. With economic development, your exposure to pollutants has increased more than 100 times more than that of your ancestors. It’s a serious matter because as industrialization continues to grow, your children are going to be at an even higher risk.

Many people automatically think the lungs are the primary targets for harmful air poisons, but the brain and nervous system are also direct aims. Many mineral compounds can have an immediate adverse neurological effect on humans; some of the most prevalent are:








Erethism or “Mad hatter’s disease” is a condition that plagued the 19th century. During these times, little was known about the effects of mercury on the body. People exposed to toxic levels began to show mental decline issues, hence the derogatory term “mad.”

According to an article on Medical News Today, high exposure to metal can cause full-blown psychosis. Some metals are more toxic than others, specifically lead and tin. The risk of brain toxicity is greatest among these.

Children are even more susceptible to these toxins as their brain is still developing. The adult’s brain will sustain focal damage, but not on the same level as a child. The sad part is that many cells within the body cannot repair the damage they sustain.

Lead poisoning is often a concern. This toxin has a direct effect on your GABA or the brain’s neurotransmitter known as gamma-ammino-isobutyric acid. When this transmitter is not functioning correctly, then your brain doesn’t shut down and relax.

If your only worry was heavy metals, then you might be able to handle it. However, other chemicals can get into your system and poison your brain. Even the government has identified that many hazardous materials can affect humans, they are as follows:

•Vinyl Chloride





•Polychlorinated Biphenyls


You’ve probably never heard of these things. However, consider vinyl chloride. Did you know that the United States is the largest producer of this colorless gas?

According to the National Cancer Institute, it’s what’s used to make plastic products. Another scary fact is that it’s produced from cigarette smoke. Since it’s odorless and tasteless, many people don’t know they’ve been around it or that it can cause cancer.

What about benzopyrene? This potent carcinogen is found in both coal tar and cigarette smoke, and it also causes cancer. It’s also found in burning wood and even your coffee. If you heat by coal or wood in your home, then your family is being exposed, according to Liqui Search.

Signs of Brain Toxicity

Now you know what causes brain toxicity. However, how do you know if you need a brain detox? Here are some of the most observed symptoms:

•Unclear thought processes

•Brain fog

•Negligible mental stamina

•Vague thoughts

•Sluggish mental speeds

•The inability to focus after a meal

It’s common to think that if you don’t live by a manufacturing company, you won’t have such a risk of brain toxicity. Consequently, exposure can occur in the simplest of ways. For instance, if you’ve had dental work done where they use silver fillings, you’ve been exposed.

If you’ve been around someone who smokes cigarettes or use smoke, then you’ve been exposed. Lastly, even putting plastic plates in the microwave can make toxic particles taint your food. It would help if you had a brain detox to improve your health.

Leaky Brain Syndrome?

If you were to say leaky gut to a friend, they would probably know what you are talking about. However, say something about a leaky brain, and they will look at you in a puzzling manner. See, your gut has barriers in place to keep toxins from your digestive system out of your body.

The brain has the same barriers. A mesh-like material made of astroglia cells helps to keep it safe. When this blood-brain barrier is compromised, inflammation can occur, which can cause the border to be further compromised.

Thus, a leaky brain becomes a problem, and toxins get into this vital organ. Poisons from the bloodstream enter the brain and cause things like dementia. One of the most potent antioxidants for the body is glutathione, and a leaky brain occurs when these vital antioxidant levels are deficient.

Not only does glutathione act as an armed guard, but it absorbs pollutants in your cells. However, when you are under constant stress and have a poor diet, this antioxidant becomes depleted. When you don’t have this antioxidant in your cells fighting for you, it triggers your brain’s inflammatory process.

You can restore these antioxidant levels to normal through diet, or you can take a supplement. Once the restoration process has begun, the body is again protecting itself from inflammation, free radical destruction, and toxicity.

sugar detox
Here is how you can detox from sugar.

Conducting a Full Brain Detox

Over time, your poor dieting choices and substance abuse have taken a toll on the brain. These actions cause your dopamine levels to be off, which is one of your vital neurotransmitters. Dopamine is responsible for your behaviors, and low levels can make you more prone to addiction.

Thankfully, you can kick your brain’s dopamine making abilities into high gear by consuming a low-glycemic diet. There are many benefits to this eating plan, such as purging the toxins from the body and unwanted fat and salt. Over time, people often notice that their appetite reduces. Thus, they stop binging.

Another benefit is they are not only getting the healthy body they want, but their mood improves. Even if you don’t choose to do this brain detox diet, there are some foods that you should avoid and some you should add to your meal plan.

Here Are the Foods to Avoid for a Brain Detox

Avoid the foods in these categories.

•Foods with low nutritional value

This category includes things made with white flour and sugar. These foods have a low nutritional value and pack on the pounds and toxins. They include cupcakes, cake, pies, chips, crackers, brownies, and all other junk food.

Anything with high sugar, fat, and calorie content should be avoided for your brain health. These would be any foods that would be forbidden on the keto or a low carb eating plan.

•White rice

White rice undergoes a bleaching process. Avoid it as it’s used to help fatten people up. Brown rice is a better choice.

Now, you know what you need to avoid, but what should you eat to help your brain detox and improve your overall health? Here is the healthy food list:

• Fruits naturally low in sugar

Apples, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, pears, peaches, and apricots are all acceptable. Try to avoid bananas, watermelon, and pineapple as they have higher sugar content.

• Protein-rich foods

Fill up on protein as it nourishes your cells. Consume things like cheese, meat, eggs, yogurt, tofu, wild-caught fish, and poultry. Avoid pork products.

• Vegetables

You can have all the vegetables you want. Make sure to avoid white potatoes and starchy corn.

• Whole grains

The best whole grains for you to consume are buckwheat, spelt, whole wheat, farro, and quinoa.

By following this diet plan, you can help boost your brain’s ability to heal itself. If you follow this plan correctly, you will notice a boost in your mood and overall health. The chances are that once you implement these changes, you will start to see a difference within seven days.

brain detoxFinal Thoughts on A Brain Detox

Are better mental clarity and a brain that’s free of toxins worth giving up junk food and some other processed or starchy items? If you’ve experienced brain fog, symptoms of dementia, and don’t feel like you’re on top of your game, then you may need a brain detox to fix things. You will feel so much better once you clear out the poisons, and everything is functioning correctly.