
10 Foods That Help You Remember and Focus

The brain is the center of the body. It controls all your movements and ultimately your entire life. Notably, it is responsible for containing your memories, and it is behind your ability to concentrate and focus.

In everyday life, the ability to focus and concentrate is crucial. It allows maximum productivity, promotes better work results, and helps keep your mind off distractions throughout the day. Memory is also equally important; it enables you to remember facts, faces, names, and other things that improve your quality of life.

If you don’t have good memory or good concentration, it’s likely that you don’t have the best brain health, either. This puts you at risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders as you age – and that’s why you need to make sure you’re doing what you can to ensure a strong brain.

How can you do this? Believe it or not, a lot of it comes down to your diet. If you eat right, your brain will thank you.

Here Are 10 Foods That Help You Remember And Focus

1.    Turmeric

Turmeric contains curcumin, which is its main active ingredient and provides that bright, vibrant hue we associate with the root. Research has suggested that curcumin is capable of crossing the barrier between the blood and the brain, meaning its positive benefits can go into the brain and aid its cells.

Curcumin has countless qualities – including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ones – that suggest it can boost memory, concentration, and overall brain function, such as:

a)    Alzheimer’s

It has been found to improve Alzheimer’s patients’ memories overall, and it is believed that it might be able to clear out amyloid plaques, which are largely responsible for the disease’s onset.

b)    Cell growth

Curcumin helps to boost the neurotrophic factors in the brain, and these are essentially known as growth hormones. They promote faster cell growth while delaying potential brain decline from aging.

c)    Mood

Curcumin can boost feel-good hormone production, which helps increase positive thinking. The extra dopamine and serotonin produced thanks to curcumin have been found to successfully ease some symptoms of depression.

2.    Dark Chocolate

Flavonoids are a kind of antioxidant that are plant-based, and they are very richly abundant in cocoa powder and in dark chocolate. Flavonoids that you get from chocolate actually collect in the brain, which is why they’re so useful for cognitive functions.

Extensive research indicates that chocolate flavonoids are able to boost learning ability as well as memory. Even more, studies have proven that they can prevent mental decline that comes with age very effectively.

On top of that, chocolate also has mood-boosting properties that make it great for those who need a little pick-me-up. Just make sure that, for all these purposes, you go for dark chocolate because it has the highest cocoa content.

3.    Coconut Oil

Many people are a little nervous about coconut oil given the fact that it’s a type of fat – but it’s a healthy fat that is perfectly safe to use because it is plant-based. This means it contains something called lauric acid, which helps raise good cholesterol, or HDL.

More importantly, though, coconut oil is capable of boosting a lot of brain ability. In fact, it is known for being able to boost the cognitive abilities of those with Alzheimer’s. Studies have shown that coconut oil can help improve orientation-related parts of the brain as well as language skills.

It’s safe to say that if coconut oil works on those experiencing degenerative disorders, it likely has good effects on others seeking to boost their focus and memory in everyday life. Just be sure to make your intake moderate!

4.    Fatty Fish

Fatty fish is one of the best brain foods available, and for good reason. While 60% of the human brain is composed of fat, approximately 50% of that is an omega-3 variety of fat, which is richly abundant in these fish.

The brain uses omega-3 fats in order to help create nerve cells and brain cells; as such, this makes them crucial in creating good conditions for memory and learning to thrive. On top of that, these fats are also necessary for preventing cognitive decline and its associated diseases.

Too little omega-3 can actually cause mood disorders, so these fatty fish dishes are just as crucial for positive thinking as they are for everything else. Research also indicates that eating fatty fish helps promote increased gray matter in the brain, allowing for better decision-making skills, as well as boosting emotional regulation and memory.

5.    Eggs

Eggs are packed with crucial micronutrients, vitamins, and other components that help keep the brain strong and healthy, including:

a)    Choline

This micronutrient is vital in the production of acetylcholine, which is a type of neurotransmitter. This is responsible for boosting positive thinking, and also for helping to improve overall memory and cognitive ability.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t eat nearly enough choline to promote this function. Egg yolks are absolutely packed with them, so make sure you’re getting enough of that in your diet.

b)    Folate

This B-vitamin is crucial for overall brain health. Research indicates that those who do not consume enough folate and folic acid tend to also develop dementia when they’re older. In fact, patients experiencing cognitive decline can have it slowed or stalled by folic acid supplementation.

c)    Vitamin B12

Yet another B vitamin, this nutrient helps to keep sugar levels in the brain reasonable and balanced. It also works by helping to synthesize the chemicals in the brain, allowing for better processing and overall function. Some studies suggest that there’s a chance vitamin B12 can reduce mental decline.

6.    Rosemary

We often think of rosemary as just another herb to add a little spice and kick to food for added flavor. What we don’t realize is that rosemary has loads of properties that have allowed it to be used for medicinal purposes over the years.

One of this herb’s main active ingredients is carsonic acid, which is actually an antioxidant. As we know, antioxidants fight off free radicals, Meanwhile, carnosol, another component found in rosemary, does the same thing. Hand in hand, these two ingredients can greatly reduce the amount of oxidation that happens to fat cells.

Given the fact that the brain is made up of a lot of fat, this is endlessly beneficial to the memory. Rosemary’s components help protect the brain from oxidation which could lead to negative change and cause mental deterioration.

7.    Brain Boosting Blueberries

Blueberries are a staple of brain foods, and they’ve been known to have incredible protective qualities for the aging process of the brain, protecting it from harm and even reversing degeneration in some patients.

Oh, and by the way, this doesn’t just apply to blueberries! Other rich-toned and deep-hued berries have anthocyanins, which are antioxidants and anti-inflammatory plant compounds. They prevent inflammation and oxidative stress, thus reducing the risk of degenerative brain conditions.

Research has also shown that the antioxidants found in blueberries specifically can have hugely positive effects on cell communication within the brain, as those components tend to collect within the organ. It’s likely that blueberries can reduce short-term memory loss severity and improve overall memory.

8.    Nuts

According to numerous studies, nuts are capable of boosting heart health. You might not think this is related to brain health, but a healthy body typically equates to a healthy mind – and in this case, that is certainly true.

Research indicates that regular nut consumption can improve one’s outlook in terms of brain health, preventing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders. It can also greatly sharpen one’s memory if made a part of the diet for a few years.

Why does this happen? Experts believe it is due to a combination of the nutrients contained within nuts, which include good fats, vitamin E, and antioxidants. Together, they help build up the brain while preventing mental decline due to free radicals.

The bottom line? Make nuts a regular part of your diet today, and you’ll reap the benefits a few years in the future. Walnuts are your best option thanks to their omega-3 content, but virtually all kinds of nuts provide good results.

9.    Brain Boosting Broccoli

As a green vegetable, broccoli has a lot of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients among its components, allowing it to fight free radicals and prevent damage to the brain. More importantly, though, it has a ton of vitamin K; just one cup holds over 100% of the recommended amount for daily consumption!

Vitamin K is fat-soluble, meaning that it’s good for the brain. It is also used in the formation of a fat known as sphingolipids, and these are present in dense quantities all over your brain cells. This is likely why broccoli has such a positive effect on the memory, allowing older individuals to have sharper recall and focus.

10. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

This type of oil is used a lot in Mediterranean diets; people in countries that consume this type of food regularly tend to experience fewer brain-related disorders, as well as fewer issues with age-related health conditions overall.

Extra-virgin olive oil – and olive oil in general – is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also a great source of monounsaturated fats, or MUFAs, which are arguably the best kinds of fat to add to your diet. The anti-inflammatory nature of this oil actually puts it on par with medications for inflammation!

Polyphenols, present within olive oil, are antioxidants known for boosting memory and helping learning skills to stay sharp, especially as you age. They may also improve overall brain function and cognitive ability.

Final Thoughts On Some Brain Foods That Help You Remember And Focus


Brain health is crucial for not just focus and memory, but also for bodily health, longevity, and happiness. After all, it is the center of the body, and it controls its every move and process. If it isn’t working well, you won’t just be losing focus and memory – you’ll be losing your health!

So, start protecting your brain today by consuming these 10 foods that help you remember and focus. Add them to your diet and enjoy the long-term benefits they provide! By eating foods that boost your brain power, you’ll be protecting the organ against damage, allowing for stronger memory, great concentration, and a healthier brain overall.