weight loss

Brave Man Embarks on a Lifesaving Weight Loss Journey

One brave man decided to take his health back and go on a life-altering fitness journey. Today, we bring you the inspiring story of Neum Muliaumasealii.

He says he made the choice to lose weight after finally being fed up with his lifestyle. Neum wanted better for himself so he could have more energy to devote to his family.

ā€œI got to a point where I didnā€™t know who I was. When I looked in the mirror, I didnā€™t recognize myself,ā€ he said. ā€œI couldnā€™t move properly, I couldnā€™t walk without puffing. I couldnā€™t even breathe properly, and I knew that if I carried on that way, I wouldnā€™t be around much longer for my wife and my kids.ā€

After making a choice to follow a healthier lifestyle, this brave man dropped the weight pretty quickly. So far, heā€™s lost 150 pounds on his journey, and the weight just continues to fall off.


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A brave man begins a journey to better health

ā€œIn 2019, around the end, I weighed 644 pounds, and February of this year, I was also diagnosed with diabetes. The doctor said that if I didnā€™t make a change, thereā€™s going to be many more complications to come.ā€

So, with that grim possibility, Neum wanted to do whatever he could to improve his outlook. He didnā€™t want his family to suffer because of his health problems, so he went all in. While it took a lot of effort to change his habits at first, he gradually got used to his new lifestyle. He also struggled with many doubts and low self-esteem when beginning his journey.

ā€œAt the very beginning, it was hard because of all that negative self-talk, saying to myself: ā€˜You canā€™t do this bro. Youā€™ve tried before; what makes you think youā€™re going to succeed this time?ā€™

The healing power of positivity

However, even though the voices in his head tried to discourage him, he pushed on. Neum also said the people he surrounded himself with helped him stay on track and keep going.

ā€œI had a lot of positive people around me, a lot of positive vibes that were just always there, and I was determined this time to do it.ā€


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With his support system encouraging him, he felt like nothing could stand in his way. This brave man had such a strong desire to change his life that he put all his effort into hitting the gym. After about 10 days, he started to feel and see the difference in his health.

ā€œSome of my clothes were fitting a little better. It was easier for me to stand up from the couch. On day 30, I actually started to see a little bit of my neck, something that I donā€™t usually see. I started to notice that I could actually walk further than I walked before, and thatā€™s how I knew that there were changes happening.ā€

Don’t give up, even when the hill is steep

Neum knew that none of this would come easily, but that didnā€™t stop him from trying. He owed it to himself and his family to lose the weight, and he wanted to give it all he had.

ā€œI knew that Iā€™d get headaches, I knew that Iā€™d have withdrawals, I knew that everyone around me wasnā€™t on the same journey, so it was going to be hard to stick at it. But, because I knew that coming into it, I was able to move forward,ā€ he said.

He still deals with some of these issues even now in his journey, but itā€™s gotten much easier to manage. After losing so much weight so far, he doesnā€™t want to throw in the towel anytime soon. From his highest weight of 644 pounds, heā€™s dropped almost 120 pounds in just a year and a half! This brave man has noticed tremendous changes in his mental and physical health due to the weight loss.

ā€œI would say Iā€™m a more positive person to be around. Iā€™m more energetic, Iā€™m more out there, Iā€™m actually doing a lot of things that I would never really do.ā€


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Final Thoughts: Follow the lead of this brave man and re-shape your body and life

For anyone out there looking to start their health journey, Neum says you never know what you can do until you try. You never know what lies in store for you until you take that leap of faith. As long as you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything you desire.

ā€œSomething that helped me was to surround myself with positive people. Positive things, you know – things like Power of Positivity!ā€ (thanks for the shoutout, Neum!)

ā€œJust take the leap of faith, because one, two, three, five years down the track, youā€™ll thank yourself.ā€

We hope this brave man inspired you to transform your lifestyle and reach for the stars. No matter your starting point, you can reach the finish line as long as you keep the faith. Believe in yourself, work at it a little each day, and your life can look totally different a year from now. Hereā€™s to your health and happiness!