
5 Ways to Build Good Karma (and Erase Karmic Debt)

To receive all the abundance you can from the Universe, you need to have good Karma. Once you wipe out your Karmic Debt, you will begin to experience the power of these blessings. And then, your entire life can change for the better.

You’ll grow spiritually as well as gain the confidence to makes strides forward in your personal relationships, career, and finances. It’s one of the most unforgettable experiences anyone can ever encounter.  The experience is transformative.

But for now, you might be wondering…

“What is Karma, precisely, and how the heck do I get in on that action?”

Today, we’ll share a brief overview of the Karmic principles and how you can improve your Karma to improve your life.

What is Karma?


Karma dates back to ancient texts of Buddhism and Hinduism. The concept states that your actions create energies–negative or positive. And, those energies will come home to roost, eventually. It’s a series of cause-and-effect patterns that you experience throughout this life. Moreover, it carries forward with you as you exit this body and start your next journey.

In short, you create bad karma or karmic debt if you do wrong or negative things. Here’s an everyday example. You are short-tempered with your spouse and children, day in and day out. That creates a negative atmosphere in the household. Over time, that energy returns to you and erodes your relationships and your happiness with your own family.

On the other hand, if you do kind things for people, you’ll receive positive energy in return. So, let’s use our previous example. Imagine you manage relationships in your life with kindness, supportive words, and patience. You’ll receive positive energy that strengthens your familial bonds and creates a happier home.

Karmic Debt

When your negative energy outweighs your positive energies, you begin to accrue Karmic Debt. You must correct these wrongs to reverse the bad karma you create.

Make no mistake. We are all perfectly imperfect human beings. Everyone messes up at one point or another and creates karmic debt. However, you can wipe that debt clean. But to do so, you must own up to the error of your ways and begin creating positive energy to outweigh the poor energy of those transgressions.

Here are five ways to build good karma (so you can wipe out the karmic debt)

1. Focus on the positive

When you remember doing good for the world creates beneficial blessings, it becomes simple to see the reason to focus on the positive.  At all times, in all ways, you’re either creating positive or negative energy.  This energy contributes to the collective vibration of the Earth and, ultimately the fate of humankind.  The more you focus on positive and loving thoughts, words, and actions, the better chance we all have to make it on this beautiful little marble space.

Choose to think, speak, and do positive actions as soon as you wake up. Then, keep your power of positivity strong throughout the day and into the next! It becomes contagious, and you’ll enjoy seeing the smiles you’re putting on the faces of everyone you encounter.

2. Help someone in need (goes far towards erasing Karmic Debt)

Honor someone in need by filling a request for compassion. Everyone wants it, and no one wants to be without it.  There have been times in our life, and also probably times in yours, where you wished someone would give you a call, a kind word, or even a hug when you needed it most.

A generous spirit fills gaps and fixes cracks where pieces of our hearts have been torn away.  Much like the Japanese art of Kintsugi, sharing this dash of positivity when someone needs it the most makes the spirit stronger and more appreciated than before.

If you feel you can help someone reach a goal, support their passion, or shine some light in their direction when they need it most, don’t hesitate to do so.

karma quote

3. Broaden your perspective

So much negative energy is created today only because of a narrow view. How can we know where to direct our loving energy if we walk through life with blinders on?

As the female artist group, En Vogue once stated, “Free your mind, and the rest will follow.”  Turning a blind eye to another person due to their color, race, religion, spiritual views, or innocent private habits only creates a void in their hearts and yours.

There is an equal chance for loving energy to fill the void. So give it a chance it deserves by broadening your perspective of the world around you. Through a broader perspective, you’re creating a ripple effect of positive, loving energy that can have exponential results.

Decide to learn about someone’s culture.  Show compassion and kindness for their lot in life.  Ask about their history, family, or what makes them most proud.  Through understanding each other more, we can create world peace, true freedom, and benefit from many other windfalls of an expanded perspective.

4. Get in touch with nature

Nature is a sanctuary of its very own, overflowing with good karmic energy.  When you get out into the great outdoors, you connect with the ever-loving positive energy that radiates from the earth.  Stop and take a moment to lay down and feel the ground’s warmth. Listen to the sound of the wind whispering through your surroundings.

You’ll feel your positive energy restored as the good karma you create fills your soul. Thus, you’ll recharge your power and be able to continue spreading joy in the Universe.

As you get in touch with nature, the buzzing of your mind stops and allows you to tap back into a positive thinking mindset without resistance.

5. Love yourself as well as others

Last but not least, taking care of yourself–and loving yourself–is a must for creating good karma. After all, you cannot look after others if you haven’t infused yourself with the energy you need to take care of others.

Only when you give yourself the love you deserve can you make love for the rest of the world.  Every ounce of loving energy you distribute comes from within, and you’ve got to ensure your wellspring is overflowing.

karmic debt

Final Thoughts: It’s Never Too Late to Build Karma and Erase Karmic Debt

Regardless of the mistakes that you might have made, it’s not too late to start to reverse the downward spiral of bad karma. The actions shared here are actionable, easy to implement, and won’t cost you a penny. As the famous athletic brand advises, you have to do it.

Perhaps the flower children of the 1960s weren’t too far off with their mantra of “Peace and Love.”  They knew about Karma, the loving energy we can each generate to help heal the world.  Take time today to erase your Karmic Debt and build better Karma.  You’ll receive karmic blessings for yourself, for others, and for the world.


57 responses to “5 Ways to Build Good Karma (and Erase Karmic Debt)”

  1. I appreciate the article and the way it is written, however, I do feel that the open revealed top form on the lady is too revealing and not in convergence with the same sort of attention the article wishes to cultivate in the readers that are observing the meaning conveyed and the quality appreciations and recommendations that are written.

  2. Meditation is the only solution to keep yourself positive and happy.

  3. Thank u so much to be they for us

  4. Most people think that to make love you have to be sexually involved. There is a very big difference. Unfortunately this has been in many a persons mind from the beginning of the creation. It is rightly said here that you can make love on your own, by helping others to feel better. Showing compassion to even animals and nature besides human beings. Making love is to give something to others, which in return will Karmatize the feeling of satisfaction and positive energy to who ever does it. And there is nothing to be shamed about if you are still single. Sometimes it is better to be alone , than to be with someone who will make you feel lonely.

  5. Love,energy, and positivity

  6. The earth does in fact have a vibration. It is IN FACT affected by human consciousness. Look it up if you'd like. Like, stick that in your pipe and smoke it man…

  7. That's entirely debatable.

  8. Terri-Lynn Moore Avatar
    Terri-Lynn Moore

    Blissfully happy people are usually also stupid. Scientific fact 😛

  9. I couldn't even explain how lonely I am and I reach out n no one reaches back I'm so low I've never been so liw

  10. Lisa Boudreau Avatar
    Lisa Boudreau

    We can all benefit from giving positive energy. What harm can come of it?

  11. Diane Whight Avatar
    Diane Whight

    So true Mejias

  12. Miriam Rea Avatar
    Miriam Rea

    Thank you for your wonderful positivity it feeds our Souls and makes our days and nights shine brighter I really appreciate your words of inspiration.

  13. Awsm thot… I strongly believe this tht love is mot abt sex its abt feelings n care

  14. thank you for the light

  15. I need a realistic and rich and satisfying sex life, I have no way to use other methods of self-hypnosis.

  16. This is idiocy in its finest form. "Just love man and just like lick the ground to send your loving energy into it. Don't forget to like keep an open mind man and just like don't be mean to people. The earth is vibrating with our love frequency." The last statement made me crack up most. Are you fucking serious right now? You actually think the earth is vibrating with our positive energy?

  17. It is a fountan force energy

  18. Natalie Ponce Avatar
    Natalie Ponce

    Grateful for your post! 🙂

  19. wonderful,magnificence..

  20. Mario O Vasquez Avatar
    Mario O Vasquez

    I love your readings. Thanks

  21. Good post I love it

  22. I'm inspired… Loving myself I will

  23. Jeanne M Kremnitzer Avatar
    Jeanne M Kremnitzer

    So happy to have fallen upon your page today. Sunday morning. What a way to start a new week.

  24. love your stuff and read it!, but scripture trumps your stuff in my world! GBU

  25. Roland Leitner Avatar
    Roland Leitner

    Nothing but peace love and light xxx

  26. Tina Petrovic Avatar
    Tina Petrovic

    I love you all! Thank you…

  27. In fact, I love myself more than anything

  28. Andy Cicogni Avatar
    Andy Cicogni

    sweeter than bear meat

  29. Hannah Peoples Avatar
    Hannah Peoples

    Your daily affirmations coincide with what I strive to do everyday. Alot of people dont take kindly to my possitivity, but they sure come flocking to me when they need a pick-me-up. Keep up the good work.

  30. Karen Wagner Ogden no life without sex

  31. Very true Love it great advice. :))

  32. Make love not war

  33. This is wonderful to know. Thanks!!!

  34. Once you love you without the chains that binds you and tie you down. You can share more of the positive you with people everywhere. To be open. Give love express yourself your blood pressure will go down. You will gain more friends and acceptance ,and most of all love back !

  35. @Mejias – You're never really 'single' or 'alone'. That's an illusion that keeps you separated.

  36. Karen Wagner Ogden You've got it! 🙂

  37. I wrote it. And it's not about the physical "feeling" of an orgasm, but about equating the non-physical energy that creates that feeling of deep satisfaction. Have a wonderful day!

  38. I'd consider learning more about love.

  39. Nabeel Shahid Avatar
    Nabeel Shahid

    I believe a person must master the art of non-sexual lovemaking before she or he has the capacity to make love deserving a physical, sexual contact.

    1. That is a very good insight that makes you think. Great comment!

  40. Believe and take action

  41. Vicky Wilde Avatar
    Vicky Wilde

    This is a good point, I am 39 and have loads of love to give but I am still single 🙁

  42. Love means attraction with sexual desire…so how's that?

  43. Sunanda Manoharan Avatar
    Sunanda Manoharan

    Beautifully put

  44. Karen Wagner Ogden Avatar
    Karen Wagner Ogden

    the title of this article leads you to believe that they are talking about romantic love, but it's actually about creating love in your environment and in your life.

  45. Whoever came up with this hasn't got laid in ages and probably forgot how it feels to make love and the orgasims. So to me it's a concept born out of denial. Lol.

  46. It only works for those who believe…..Mejias

  47. Elvis Goerl Avatar
    Elvis Goerl

    LOVE this line "If you feel you can help someone reach a goal, support their passion, or just shine some light in their direction when they need it most, don’t hesitate to do so." This whole post just shines!!!!! 🙂

  48. Mejias Blanca Avatar
    Mejias Blanca

    Uhmmm, so how come so many great people who have so much love to give are single alone and doing their best to love themselves and it doesn't work?

  49. Dulce Balingit Avatar
    Dulce Balingit

    Love reading ur post…