
10 Phrases to Remember When Someone Bullies You

Although many people think the experience ends in adulthood, you will deal with bullies throughout your life. Being the victim isn’t enjoyable, and you can potentially end it by using the phrases discussed below.

If someone bullies you, you must remember that you’re not alone, and it isn’t your fault. Knowing what to say can help you find the courage to stand up to the person. The bully likely won’t stop unless you stand up for yourself.

Bullying is common, and unfortunately, it’ll always exist. Learning to deal with these people can help you get through the situation.

What is Bullying?

Bullying occurs when teasing becomes unkind and hurtful or is a constant occurrence. Teasing should be playful and friendly, with both people finding it funny.

Bullies intentionally hurt others in verbal, physical, or psychological ways. It might involve hitting, shoving, name-calling, mocking, or threats. Other times the bully will shun others and spread rumors. Cyberbullying is another type that involves social media or electronic messaging to hurt others.

Phrases to Use When Someone Bullies You


1 – How would you feel if someone treated you or your loved one the way you treat people right now?

Sometimes all it takes to stop a bully is to ask how they would like it if someone else did the same thing. Envisioning themselves or their loved ones experiencing mistreatment might get them to reconsider. It can help them think about how their behavior affects others.

2 – We need to discuss your behavior because bullies are not okay.

Saying that you need to talk clarifies that you will not tolerate the behavior. It also allows the bully to engage in a private discussion. However, if they don’t talk to you alone, you can feel better knowing you tried before calling them out in front of others.

Emphasizing that their behavior isn’t okay addresses it immediately but allows you to get to the specifics later. It might help immediately end the bullying, helping you to address the issue directly.

If you don’t say that the behavior isn’t okay, the bully may believe their behavior is acceptable. On the other hand, being clear that it’s not okay can put an end to it and make them think of their actions.

3 – You’re hurting others and don’t know what actions it can lead to.

Sometimes the person mistreating you doesn’t realize how their behavior affects others. Pointing it out can make a difference because he can help the person think about what could happen. Bullies don’t always think clearly when upset, but being blunt can help shift to rationality.

Loudly speaking to the bully can end the problem and prevent that person from bullying you again. If it’s hard to do it alone, consider finding a few others to support you.

4 – What do you want to accomplish when bullying others?

Asking a bully what they plan to achieve from bullying can help them consider their actions. It can help them recognize what they’re trying to do or feel. When they can identify the underlying factor, it allows them to address it and help themselves improve.

They should think about what they want to gain or lose and what’s happening in their life that makes them mistreat others. You can help them find the answers if they recognize it’s a problem.

5 – I understand you’re hurt, but mistreating others will not make you feel better.

When someone bullies, it’s often a sign that they’re hurting or struggling. They might be responding to trauma or stress. Sometimes it might also be a way to gain status, take control, and intimidate you.

In some situations, someone bullying you might not realize they’re hurting you. This phrase shows empathy and clarifies that you won’t put up with it. It can help them understand that they must change their behavior and find the tools to address the issues more positively.

6 – Why do you bully people?

This question forces the bully to consider why they’re behaving in a harmful way. It also helps them realize that although their behavior requires change, you still view them equally and feel empathy.

There’s typically an underlying reason for bullying, and asking this question can make a difference. Negative behavior is how someone communicates feelings, and they may not realize there’s a better option. Asking about it can also help the person recognize their triggers and handle the situation before it leads to the mistreatment of others.

7 – Can I help you find better outlets for your feelings?

This question is beneficial for offering help without shaming the other person. It’ll stop them from bullying you because they’ll see you’re not letting it negatively affect you. This phrase can also end their behavior because it helps them see that there’s a better way.

However, you must be ready to listen if you choose this phrase when someone bullies you. It can lead to a deep conversation with the other person wanting the help you offered. If they learn better ways to manage their hurt, they might stop bullying altogether.

You can help them find ways to shift their negativity into positive outlets. They learned the bullying behavior somewhere, and now they’ll have to unlearn it while taking on new methods. Offering help is beneficial if the person bullying you is someone you must encounter regularly. You’ll both benefit from their learning to replace problematic behavior with positive actions.


8 – Stop treating people this way because no one deserves it.

You don’t have to explain yourself or beg for them to treat you better. Assertively telling them to stop can improve how they treat you and others. It sometimes helps you speak up if you remind yourself that you’re not the only one dealing with the mistreatment.

No one deserves mistreatment despite how the other person feels. Clarifying that the behavior isn’t okay can make a difference. Keeping it simple can show them that you don’t want to be confrontational, but you won’t put up with it.

9 – I’m not in the mood for bullies today, are you finished?

You don’t always have to be pleasant when requesting them to stop. Be clear that you’re sick of the behavior and won’t let it continually affect you. Asking if they’re finished bullying you might leave them speechless, or it’ll make the bullying less enjoyable to them.

10 – Your actions are bothering me, and I’m offended.

A bully will keep pushing and hurting others until someone calls them out for their behavior. Use this phrase when someone is mistreating you around others because it’ll quickly shut them down.

It could also entice others to come to your defense or agree with your assessment. Someone bullying you won’t want to engage in a discussion to defend their actions when others are ready to speak up, too.

Other Things You Can do When Someone Bullies You

Using these phrases isn’t the only thing you can do when someone bullies you. You can try different methods for handling it and ending the mistreatment.

Don’t Let Them Take Your Power

When someone bullies you, they want to gain control over you and your feelings. Don’t let on if they make you sad, angry, or scared. They might walk away and leave you alone if they think they can’t affect you.

Walk Away from Them

After you use one of the phrases, walk away from the bully. Don’t respond again, even if you’re tempted to react. It might help if you imagine that you’re walking away from a stranger. Doing so can help you feel like you don’t owe anything to the person at that moment.

Stay Confident

Bullies often target the people they think are weaker than them. If you stay confident, they might lose interest and leave you alone. Make eye contact when you tell them to stop, and stand tall to convey confident body language.

Maintain a Positive Mindset

It can be hard to stay positive when someone bullies you. You might believe the mean things they say about you, so maintain a positive mindset. With positivity, you can remember your value and worth despite their mistreatment.

When Someone Cyber Bullies You

Cyberbullying is becoming more common and should be handled differently than in-person issues. It can happen via text, e-mail, or instant messaging. If someone cyberbullies you, don’t respond to them. You can save evidence of cyberbullying by printing things or saving them.


Final Thoughts on Phrases to Use When Someone Bullies You

You don’t deserve mistreatment, so don’t hesitate to speak up when someone bullies you. Throughout the process, you must prioritize your mental health and walk away when necessary.

You deserve to feel good and safe, and you shouldn’t have to dread moments of bullying. If someone doesn’t respect your request to end the bullying, it might be time to walk away from them. Put yourself first despite what someone else is going through so that you can heal from bullying and live a happy life.