
A Homeless Single Mom Cooked for a Cancer Patient. What He Gave Back Is the Surprise of A Lifetime!

In 2005, the United Nations attempted a global survey to estimate the number of homeless people worldwide, and found that as many as 100 million people were homeless.

With these numbers rising every year, many people around the world want to take part in combating the homelessness crisis. One such person is Brice, a cancer patient who met a single mom named Francesca at a homeless shelter.

When Francesca found out Brice had cancer, she selflessly offered to cook for him to show her consolation, despite her situation. She even offered to help Brice surprise someone else in need, but he had a big surprise planned just for her.

When Brice met Francesca, a single mom to a four-year-old girl, he instantly wanted to help her out somehow.

“Lots of women in our shelter struggle every month,” said Francesca. “I’ve been sharing what I have with them whenever I can, but sometimes it’s hard and I run out.”

After Brice found out about her love for cooking and struggle to keep food on the table, he invited her to his house in order to surprise her with an unexpected gift.

“I was really touched when you reached out to me and offered to cook,” said Brice to Francesca. “But I was even more touched when you told me that you’re a single mom and you’re helping to share food with other women in the shelter. I just felt so touched when you came today to help surprise someone else in need that we all decided to give you a little surprise.”

The surprise? Two months of organic food delivery to the shelter from a local farm, made possible entirely on a donation basis through the website fundrazr.com. In addition, a company called TangoTab decided to donate 250 meals to Francesca to share with the rest of the shelter.

“We’re all so inspired by you, and we just love you,” said Brice.

After receiving the food, Francesca happily shared it with six other women in the shelter. Although the meals greatly helped Francesca and the other women in a time of need, Francesca’s term at the shelter ends in February.

To give her a permanent home, Brice wants to help build a solar-powered tiny house for Francesca and her daughter as a Christmas present. He also wants to start an international pay-it-forward housing movement so that others just like Francesca may have a place to call home, too.

“This could be a solution to the refugee crisis and climate change.” said Brice.

To help them raise the necessary $25,000 for the tiny house by December 25, make sure to share this video below and visit tinyhomebighearts.com for more information!

“This pay-it-forward housing campaign could be the greatest gift to help heal humanity. It’s the spirit of giving and unconditional love.” – Raamayan Ananda, Unify CEO