
These Comics Perfectly Capture Life With a Boyfriend

Catana, a talented cartoonist from Saratoga Springs, didn’t expect her comics to blow up in such a short period of time. She illustrates daily life with her bearded boyfriend John, who actually uploaded her comics online without her knowing! Catana never intended for her comics to even reach the Internet, but to her surprise, people ate them up.

She had to scramble to come up with a website and social media accounts as well as a name for the comics. After a short deliberation, Catana Comics was born, and thanks to her boyfriend, she now has an awesome website to showcase her work and the inspiration to keep creating cartoons. Her Instagram account now has 1.4 million followers and continues to grow every day. We hope you enjoy her comics about long-term relationships and can relate to some of her art!

These comics Catana created of life with her boyfriend couldn’t be more relatable:

1. “I’m tired.”

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2. “John takes his fries very seriously.”

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3. Some gifts are sacred, as these comics show, and should be kept forever. Wouldn’t you agree?

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4. “My memory is bad.”

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How many of you can relate to this one? Hey, life gets busy and people forget things. It’s totally understandable!

5. “House date tomorrow night?”

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Who says you have to get dressed up and go somewhere for a date, anyway?

6. “I need my towel time…”

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Sometimes, you just need a breather before getting up to get dressed.

7. Letting go means going to work, and no one wants to do that!

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8. “We neglect our responsibility ghost.”

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Doesn’t everyone, though?

9. “Nailed it.”

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Does anyone else high-five or hug each other after taking an awesome picture?

happy couples

10. Even your worst snaps can look beautiful to your significant other.

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We sincerely hope you enjoyed these adorable comics as much as we did! Relationships are a beautiful thing, and sometimes, we forget about all the little moments that make them special. These comics do a great job of taking those precious memories and turning them into art that we can all appreciate. If you liked Catana Comics, check out more of her work on Instagram and share this post with your friends and family!

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