Category: Aging

  • 6 Warning Signs Someone Has Alzheimer’s

    6 Warning Signs Someone Has Alzheimer’s

    Memory loss from aging and Alzheimer’s are two different things. Alzheimer’s Disease. The name itself echoes with concern and empathy in the hearts of many. It’s more than just a medical term; it’s a reality that affects millions of families across the globe. Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurological disorder. It erodes memory and cognitive skills slowly,…

  • 5 Early Warning Signs of Cognitive Impairment

    5 Early Warning Signs of Cognitive Impairment

    Our cognitive abilities are vital in navigating daily life in an increasingly complex world. However, as we age, we often experience subtle changes in our cognitive function. Some memory lapses and cognitive challenges may be considered normal in aging–we all know about Alzheimer’s and dementia. But there are instances where these changes can signal a…

  • Doctors Explain the Signs of Stroke in Women and Men

    Doctors Explain the Signs of Stroke in Women and Men

    Knowing these symptoms can save a life. Every forty seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke – an attack on the human brain.  This alarming statistic from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention underscores the silent yet pervasive threat strokes pose to our health. A stroke can strike like lightning – sudden, shocking, and…

  • 7 Reasons Why Older Adults Are Getting Divorced 

    7 Reasons Why Older Adults Are Getting Divorced 

    Here are some primary causes of “grey divorce.” Think of a marriage as a game of tug of war. You’re on one end, and your partner is on the other. Sometimes, you win, pulling with all your might. Other times, you rest on the back foot, trying to regain your balance. But what happens when…

  • Here’s Why More People Live to be 100 in Blue Zones

    Here’s Why More People Live to be 100 in Blue Zones

    Learn the secrets to a longer life. In an age where the quest for the fountain of youth often leads us down aisles of anti-aging creams and miracle supplements, there exist pockets of the world where the secret to longevity isn’t bottled up. It’s lived. These pockets, known as Blue Zones, harbor communities where living…

  • Doctors Explain How Stress Causes Premature Aging

    Doctors Explain How Stress Causes Premature Aging

    Here’s why stress makes you feel older than your actual age. Persistent stress acts like a thread under constant tension, eventually fraying and breaking. When applied to our bodies, this continuous strain leads to noticeable signs of premature aging. Recognizing the impact of stress on our health is crucial.  As we explore the relationship between…