Category: Other

  • How to Find Beauty in Everything (Even If It Doesn’t Look Beautiful)

    How to Find Beauty in Everything (Even If It Doesn’t Look Beautiful)

    Life is beautiful. But although it is, many people get so focused on their personal problems that somehow they forget to enjoy the beauty and positivity around them. Sometimes, we need to do what the adage tells us. Take the time to stop what we are doing smell the intoxicating fragrance of the roses surrounding…

  • 5 Ways to Turn Around a Bad Day

    5 Ways to Turn Around a Bad Day

    A bad day makes a date with sweatpants and ice cream sound like the most desirable way to mark another day off of the calendar. In reality, a bad day is actually deterring you from your highest path. Moreover, it will continue to do so as long as you allow it. Luckily, the bad day…

  • This One Minute Video Will Give You Instant Peace & Serenity [Positive Affirmation VIDEO]

    This One Minute Video Will Give You Instant Peace & Serenity [Positive Affirmation VIDEO]

    Every word we speak is affirming our perspective of ourselves, others or the world around us. Essentially, we are using affirmations every day, sometimes without consciously realizing it. At times, our affirmations are not the most accurate or positive affirmations. Consciously using affirmations can help us flip the switch and begin speaking in the direction…

  • Is Anxiety Actually Good for You?

    Is Anxiety Actually Good for You?

    Having been diagnosed with a very severe form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) at the age of 12, I had grown up thinking that anxiety was only present in my life to hurt me. But once fully recovering from OCD, anxiety, and clinical depression I started to study the mind, brain, and the real role of…

  • 5 Reasons to Drink Fresh Juice Daily

    5 Reasons to Drink Fresh Juice Daily

    We all know that what we eat and drink affects our health, but this is almost too simplistic in today’s society to be practical. In fact, simple can be better; and juice is as simple as it gets.Β  Juicing has been around for some time, but it’s only recently become more mainstream due to being…

  • 5 Things Successful People Do on Weekends

    5 Things Successful People Do on Weekends

    Have you ever wondered what Oprah does on the weekends? Even the most successful people in the world are, at the end of the day, only human. How they handle their downtime may give the rest of us a little insight into the way successful minds work. “Successful people are simply those with successful habits.”…