Category: Other

  • 5 Things Happy Families Do Differently

    5 Things Happy Families Do Differently

    “Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox Gone are the classic family days of The Cleavers and The Brady’s. But, just because your kids can’t watch and observe the ideal family, doesn’t mean they can’t work toward being one. Be the change you wish to see. That means be conscious…

  • 4 Ways to Find Your Purpose

    Find out what you’re passionate about.  What makes your soul smile? The things you are passionate about are leading you to your purpose. Passion is a powerful and intense emotion. So powerful, that when used properly it has the potentiality for the highest level of achievement and fulfillment. The purpose of our life is revealed…

  • Tapping: An Ancient Technique to Unlock Your Full Potential

    Tapping: An Ancient Technique to Unlock Your Full Potential

    If I told you that you could completely change your life in ten days, wouldn’t you jump at that chance? The ancient art of tapping is a game-changer for those who slog through daily life without truly living. Many of us go through life without ever realizing that there is so much more available to…

  • The Secret Power of a Positive Perspective

    The Secret Power of a Positive Perspective

    Do you need a change up to a more positive perspective? To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions. – Stephen R. Covey Most of us have a deep desire to understand and be understood. This world, at times without the correct perspective, can be a very confusing place. But, it doesn’t…

  • How to Achieve Clarity in Life (Physical, Mental, and Spiritual)

    How to Achieve Clarity in Life (Physical, Mental, and Spiritual)

    For me the greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity. – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Have you ever experienced foggy weather? Low visibility and the inability to see what you know exists leaves you feeling lost in the once-familiar, now misty world around you. Not until the sun shines to evaporate the surrounding ground clouds…

  • 10 Tips for Daily Inspiration

    10 Tips for Daily Inspiration

    Inspiration can come from the most unlikely of places. Many people go looking for inspiration, but many times, just allowing yourself to be in tune with things naturally will provide great inspiration.  It isn’t necessary to have an epiphany one day to become inspired either. It can happen in the smallest ways and from the…